THE ONLY OFFICIAL 'BAUL ARCHIVE' BY INDIGENOUS ANCESTRAL BAUL Copyright, All Rights Reserved, Do not copy or poach these stories as told only by Babu Kishan or part of these stories, for your youtube, books or blogs, All Rights Reserved. 2010 -2040

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

The Sahaja of this lineage is Dattatreya and Krishna Sahaja, The indigenous ancestral Das Baul and Das Gosia Bauls of Birbhum W Bengal Indian

Indigenous Fraud, Indigenous Baul identity theft!

Copyright all rights reserved.

Absolutely do not copy or poach, this has only been said here by Babu Kishan first. I know it sound insane but there has been an astronomical amount of indigenous identity theft and copying for commercial purposes and social media fake fame by pretendian fake Bauls who are not fundraising to preserve Baul when Baul is already preserved by Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul. Self-title fake Bauls with fake Baul Guru's and Fake lineages.

The Rasa of Baul, Krishna Sahaja as told only by Babu Kishan only a never heard of before aspect of Baul Sahja, after 20 years I understand why he keeps Baul secret. Baul Sahaja is Krishna and Dattatreya Sahaja, not Buddhist Sahaja.

If you now hear Pretendian Bauls repeating this, they have committed indigenous fraud.

Everything Babu Kishan has done in his life, all of his music and his own lyrics have been taken and re-recorded, he created Baul fusion 2 decades before others are claiming in a big way. All of history has been retraced, reacted out, including his teaching at Universities, Ramakrishna Mission, Anandamayi Ma, and even stranger they are trying to make association with Indian cinema Bollywood where he had a 40 years career from A to Z and is a legit Music Composer with a huge body of work. Indigenous fraud and intellectual property theft is insidious. I have been documenting from the internet everything said about Baul since 2007.

Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul has preserved Baul for over 60 years, he is the only indigenous and academic authority on HIS one and only Lineage.

There is a magic, a beauty in Baul, I can not explain it, it is the magic of the lineage of Jai Nitai. I have become a mad women now, I understand what is wrong with me. I am trying to be normal but when my beloved KD Babu (Krishnendu) sings I forget everything, I enter another world and can not function in this world of the mind.

I have listened to teachers over 40 years, I have been to every western kirtan although beautiful it is not where the Baul lives, It is not the same as the mad men and women of the mystical heart, How do I explain, perhaps you can understand the soil is different in India, The energy is different when you travel to sacred sites, The air is full of shakti, well it is the same with Baul, they are from the soil of Bengal. I have wandered India and this Baul has captured me Baul has made me a mad women.

I could not understand the reaction Babu gets in India when he sings. I thought these people are mad, the women touch me and thank me. I thought what is going on? Are these Mad women too?I have mantra-ed, studied and read the scriptures in a western sense, Baul has taken me beyond into the madness of the heart.

I can use words like ananda, bliss, ecstatic, exhalted, blah blah blah, but that does not even cover it. Words will never explain what a Baul is, The Bauls are the men and women of the heart, the masters of the heart of bhakti yoga, that is what they do, you can listen to them on "Youtube" or on a CD, this can not compare to the magic love spell when you hear when near. They are an ocean of Bhakti, not your regular singers or dancers,Their's is the dance of love, magical mystical mystery of Love. They are the lineage of Jai Nitai and thousand of years before.

Baul is a current of love that sweeps you off your feet and out your mind, it fills the air from thousands of years of the history of Love. Baul singing if I could bottle it I would be the genie of love. It is rare and that is why in some ways I perfer to keep it to myself. I can write about Baul but that is just mere words full of the mind.
I am a mad women, oh my God what will I do??

I hear Babu start the drone of the ektara or Gopi Chand,
oh no there he goes again, how will my mind survive another day of this, after all I have a western mind, I have work to do, I have a sanity to maintain, then it happens my mind is gone for another day as he starts to sing, I am a lost hopeless a servant of the heart, another day of not knowing time of space. Oh God I am a madwomen of the heart. There is no logic to this place.

Tears steaming down my face not knowing what to do, I have nothing to hold onto, there is no ground under this, I am grateful beyond the depth of my being. What did I do to deserve this, now I know after a lifetime of karma good and bad there is also Grace.
This is the biggest Grace to be a madwomen of the Heart, at least it is just a glimpse but it is something, it is pure Gold never to be worn..the gold glow of the heart.. a heart of Gold,

Even Ramakrishna wanted to be born a Baul in his next life..To be born a Baul is the greatest gift that God can give to any Bhakti wanna be....I am sorry I prefer to keep him to myself..
I have become a mad women of the heart...

When I read what some scholars have written about Baul, I think they just don't get it. It is not about anything you write, man or women it is about the heart!

I prefer to keep him to myself.

by Trishula Das

Monday, January 2, 2023

A Tribute to one of Babu Kishan's Sanskrit teachers, Dr Roma Chaudhary!

Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul learned oral Sanskrit from his grandparents Nabani Das Khyapa Baul and Brajabala Dasi the last living Bauls on this earth.

He learned Classical Sanskrit reading and writing, manuscripts at the Ramakrishna Mission outside of Calcutta, he spent 12 years total at the Ramakrishna Mission living in the hostel as a Monk.

With a BA in Indian Philosophy and a Masters degree in Indian Music and studied Classical Sanskrit at University of Calcutta. Sanskrit has been a passion all of his life. He has told me stories of when the other Vaishnava would visit his Nabani Das Khyapa Baul and Brajabala Dasi that they would spend hours going over Sanskrit words, telling stories. Not only was his lineage Sanskrit but his Grandmother Brajabala was from the great Vaishnava Sanskrit poet Narottama Das lineage. In particular he remembers his grandmothers relative Hari Das whom he said was huge.

Nabani also, associated with many highly educated souls like Dr. Kaligoti who was the PHD in Bengal regarding Ayurveda, they would spend all their time together talking about indigenous Ayurveda, herbs and alchemy. 
Dr. Kali Goti is the Ayurvedic Doctor who saved Babu life because he was born premature with crooked limbs. Dr Kali Goti being one of Nabani's close friends was always there to help. It is sad that many of these people are long forgotten, they were Masters.

He went on to study deeper meanings of Sanskrit and the stories behind the words with many advanced Indian scholars including Dr. Roma Chaudhary.

Dr Roma Chaudhary 

The First indian Women to obtain a PHD from Oxford University in England.

Babu Kishan always invited Dr. Roma Chaudhary and studied with her for years at her huge home that had wall to wall books.. He would visit her often at her home, his descriptions of that home were incredible. More personal stories to come in his book,  

Dr. Roma Chaudhary was very dear to Babu, he was like the son she never had. She did not have any children and spent her life after her husband passed away living in a huge house by herself. They both had a deep passion for Sanskrit.

Babu wants her remembered because today, there is very little about this incredible woman, while many Sanskritist men are remembered such as Gopi Nath Kaviraj who Babu Kishan knew well.

She was a Sanskritist and Principal and head of Philosophy at Lady Brabourne College for 30 years, she was Vice-Chancellor of Rabindra Bharati University in Calcutta and the Founder Secretary of Prachyavani and Institute of Oriental Learning.

DR. Chaudhary is the first Indian woman to obtain a PHD from Oxford University.

These photos are not very clear because they are old photos' both pictures are taken by Babu Kishan in Calcutta.

Baul is an Oral Sanskrit Lineage, they sang in vernacular Birbhum Bengali singing for the villagers. Just as Tulsi Das wrote the Hanuman Chalisa in the language of the villagers to keep it easy and understandable.

Most writers and scholars or modern Baul singers do not understand that the designation from Unesco in 2005:

"A Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity." 

Baul is Sanskrit and vernacular Birbhum Bengali both songs and Baul Kirtan. Baul is not Urdu or Bangladeshi vernacular Bengali, and only one with a trained ear can tell the difference.

Baul is not from Persia, Urdu or Bangladeshi or Assama or nor is Baul their folk songs, Baul is not Bangladeshi water folk songs or any of these vernacular sounding languages?

 Baul is not Muslim which Sai, Shah, Fakir Dervish are. Baul accepted all. Bangladesh cheated the Bangladeshi official wrote a long dissertation saying Baul is a Persian name, come from Persia and most of the Bauls are in Bangladesh. This Bangladeshi official lied and collected 9 million or more funding for himself, to preserve Baul and disappeared, now everybody is going for the same jackpot, using Baul including others who know nothing about Baul and are trying to make more fake wrong documentaries about Baul.

False narrative, this Bangladeshi United Nations official pulled a fast one, using Baul for his own personal jackpot, and disappeared. Baul is not a bunch of men sitting around smoking ganja, come on there is more to Baul than that, today ganja (pot) is legal and every Grandma is using it for pain relief, it is not cool anymore. Baul is not Tantric sex either, many used this to attract people? 

Bauls are not deviant, they were the highest in everything, now extinct they attract everybody who has no where to call and they are self titled Baul without authentic Baul Guru's that is why Baul is extinct, they only sing songs, copy the songs, dress and everywhere this lineage goes but they have not put in the work to become a Baul through Sadhana.

This lineage is the only Lineage of Baul, they are the pioneers of bringing Baul to India and the world, once they popularized Baul all the cheaters and looters including scholars and fake Bauls came out of the wood work to create their career singing Bangladeshi Folk songs and Bengali folk songs. Baul is not folk music it is spiritual music.

Brajabala Dasi, front row left with Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das standing behind his Grandma (Guru) Dr Rom Chaudary from row right with Purna Das Baul standing behind her.
Dr Roma Chaudry is cut off, on the right her assistant is standing beside her, she shows in the original picutre but when I post it here she disappeared and that is the nature of many mystics. Purna Das Baul sitting between the 2 men on the sofa..

Dr Roma Chaudary and Ravi Shankar