Rough draft, still has to be edited. It is long with a few articles hooked together, I am working on it, but wanted to put it out there.
Babu Kishan aka Krishendu Das Baul in 1986 Los Angeles California, USA George Harrison held a a book release party for Babu Kishan's 3th book on Baul, edited by Lila Roy who was Rabindranath Tagore's translator and editor. George Harrison was a good friend of Babu Kishan's along with the sitarist Pandit Ravi Shankar.
The Vaishnava Sahajiya Tantric Bauls of Birbhum W Bengal India are indigenous ancestral Vaishnava Tantric Bhakti yogi's in the path of the Avadhuta. Baul is only synergistic within Hinduism aka Sanatan Dharma, Indian Philosophy, Bhakti, Kirtan Veda and Tantra of Birbhum. This ancestral lineage are the only Krishna and Dattatreya Sahaja.
Copyright as told by 'Krishnendu Das Baul' aka 'Babu Kishan' who has preserved Baul for more than 60 years, he was instrumental in pioneering Baul globally, with many first and last in Baul history and her-story. Babu Kishan is the eldest grandchild of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul and Brajabala Dasi and the eldest son of Purna Das Baul and Manju Das.
Copyright, no poaching the stories lived by and only as told by Babu Kishan his (Indian Cinema) name, and his birth name as given by Nabani Das Khyapa Baul, 'Krishnendu Das Baul' (Gosia Chand). Krishnendu means Krishna's Moon (Chandra or Chand). Baul is indigenous and ancestral to the soul and soil of Birbhum only.
There is no such thing as a Baul Master, Baul Artist, Western Baul, Muslim Baul, Bauls of Bangladesh or Fakir Baul. Baul is not from Persian, Uzbekistan or Turkey to say so is indigenous identity theft, re-twisting, reworking and creating false narratives, fake Baul Guru's and fake pretendian lineages, this is indigenous Fraud? It is completely bizarre how outsiders have used and abused Baul, either for a copycat singing career because Purna Das Baul was a famous Baul, to travel the world, and fundraising for financial jackpots?
Setting the record straight and reclaiming the history and her-story of Baul is of the utmost importance, because this oldest (13 generations)is the oldest and only ancestral indigenous lineage of Das Baul which has a long history of firsts and last regarding Baul history. Their history and the truth must be told accurately so that their names are not taken off while fake pretendian Bauls claim their legacy and lived lives while deleting their names and making up fake lineages. Some pretendian Bauls are revisiting every step of already lived Baul history and remaking it in their name when they are not even indigenous to Baul, stealing their intellectual property, including their songs, dance, dress, style, where they have gone and where they go as sly copycats waiting for the jackpots to preserve Baul roll in, when Baul has already been preserve by Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das.
Only an indigenous Baul can self-determine who Baul is.
This is a tiny taste from Babu Kishan's 4th book on Baul (the other 3 are out of print), to be released this year 2025. This book has over 60 years of experience, research, preservation, first and lasts in lived history of this lineage, in the actual lived lifes of the one and only lineage of the Vaishnava Sahajiya Bauls of Birbhum W Bengal India.
This is from the one and only lineage of Baul (Chand Gosia). This is the historical story lived by the last Authentic indigenous Bauls who lived on earth with fragments of a marginalized people barely able to survive, having to compete with fake pretendian Bauls who come from middle class families? In many ways in reclaiming the indigenous ancestral memories of this lineage provides a great case study in how indigenous sects in India are mistreated and usurped by outsiders who water down and reduce their legacy.
This book is the accurate story of lineage without their names taken off and claimed by outsiders? This new book is the story told to me over a 20 year period of the actual lived stories of who the Bauls are? No more speculation is needed, no more using Baul, it stops here. This is about how this lineage brought Baul out of the villages of Birbhum, introducing and pioneering Baul to all of Bengal, to all of India and into a International Global fame. The names are written in stone, no more randomizing Baul or making Baul generic while pretendian fake Bauls claim this lineage by making up fake lineages and fake Baul Guru's. It is absolutely astounding it has gone on as long as it has?
So famous in fact that Baul aroused and became the focal point of many famed Indian singers, actors, film producers, artists, politicians, Presidents and international stars such as Bob Dylan and The Band, George Harrison, The Rolling Stones, Osho, Anandamayi Ma, Sita RamDas Omkarnath and many others.
The strange case of 'fake pretendian Bauls' has been very destruction of the indigenous Bauls, the appropriation and reductionism and watering down of the songs, style, whatever they did and followed them around the world making up fake lineages and fake Baul Guru's, they copied everything, taking their names off and pretending they lived their stories by remaking their stories and copying everything they did and where they went?
Then of course as you can guess Baul became the focal point of books, movies, singer and there is a historical story behind this one and only indigenous ancestral lineage. From Nabani Das Khyapa Baul and Brajabala Dasi to Purna Das Baul and Manju Das and finally to their eldest Grandson and eldest son the story of modern Baul and all that Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul brought to Baul.
Baul is complete, the living history has been complete for decades. There is no need for any random non-indigenous fake pretendian Bauls to steal the indigenous intellectual property of these Baul by coping their style, songs, dance re-working, pretending the fakes are the one who lived the stories, by make fake association as teaching at Universities, attended or were even interested in the Ramakrishna Mission, and are Music composers making lose association with India Cinema Bollywood, when Babu Kishan is the only first and last Baul to have an actual 40 year career in Indian Cinema in all levels of Management and as a Music Composer, Filmmaker? Really trying to fake and cover all your bases to compete with Nabani Das Khyapa Baul, Purna Das Baul and Babu Kishan so that you will be recognized in social media as a big self-title Baul Master which you are not and there is no such thing as and when you Guru is a fake Baul Guru and you have made up a lineage which does not exist but copied everything from this lineage. That is indigenous fraud.
This book is about reclaiming Babu Kishan aka Krishendu Das Baul's family history and her-story so sorely appropriated by fake pretendian Bauls who have taken their names off, this is indigenous identity theft, and fundraising to preserve this lineage under another name is Indigenous Fraud, when the ones looking for their fundraising jackpots are not Baul?
New Book - to be released in 2025
Historical Autobiography of Baul
The Rasa Lila Mystics
Reclaiming the Indigenous Ancestral Heritage of the
Vaishnava Sahajiya Tantric Bauls of Birbhum
The path of the Avadhuta, Krishna Sahaja and Dattatreya Sahaja
by Trishula S Das as told by Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das (Chand Gosia) Das Baul
Note: watch every Baul will become an Avadhuta Baul, there is a story behind this and nobody should self-title themselves as such, or as Khyapa Baba or Khyapa Baul the name the villagers of Birbhum gave Nabani Das Khyapa Baul?
Whatever Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul writes, talks about, for example, teaching at Universities, Baul Akhara, Baul kirtan, songs, where he and his lineage have gone and what they have created as part of their already lived lives. This is systemic intellectual indigenous property theft and has transpired since the 1970's including many other things are copied or appropriated by Prentinan Fake Bauls?
Baul Tantra is Tantra Mantra Gopi Yantra (Shakti Sadhana) the Path of the Baul Avadhuta Vishnu Shiva and Brahma including agamic texts and the historical Mahabharata and Ramayan.
The word "Darshana" literally means "vision," "insight," or "philosophical viewpoint." It refers to the various schools of thought, perspectives, or philosophical systems that aim to understand the nature of reality, the universe, and human existence.
There are six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy, also known as the "Shad Darshanas" (षड दर्शन), which are:
1. Nyaya (न्याय)
2. Vaisheshika (वैशेषिक)
3. Samkhya (सांख्य)
4. Yoga (योग)
5. Mimamsa (मीमांसा)
6. Vedanta (वेदान्त)
These Darshanas offer distinct perspectives on the nature of reality, the self, and the ultimate reality, and continue to influence Indian thought and culture to this day.
In Sanskrit, "Purva Paksha" (पूर्व पक्ष) literally means "prior examination" or "preliminary investigation." In the context of Indian philosophy, particularly in Hinduism and Buddhism, Purva Paksha refers to:
1. Critique of opposing views: A methodological approach where one critically examines and challenges the philosophical views of others, often to establish the validity of one's own position.
2. Initial inquiry or investigation: A preliminary examination or inquiry into a subject or philosophical system, aimed at understanding its fundamental principles, strengths, and weaknesses.
In traditional Indian philosophical debates, Purva Paksha involves:
- A thorough study of the opposing views
- Identification of potential flaws or weaknesses
- Formulation of counterarguments
- Presentation of one's own philosophical position
By engaging in Purva Paksha, philosophers and scholars aim to:
- Clarify their own understanding of the subject
- Strengthen their arguments by anticipating counterarguments
- Develop a more nuanced and informed perspective
Purva Paksha is an essential aspect of Indian philosophical inquiry, encouraging critical thinking, intellectual humility, and a deeper understanding of complex ideas."
Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul is qualified and has used these techniques for decades all across India with his travels as a Music Composer for many temples and Guru's across India. This is and has been Babu Kishan's life of culture, languages and different sects all over India, he has always been curious as to what is going on. He did some of this work with a Supreme Court of Calcutta and Bombay judge who was also, a life long mentor of his.
Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul (Gosia Chand) is from the soul and soil of Birbhum an indigenous Baul who is one of the only known and last disciples of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul, he is the eldest of his generation, as the only and first Baul educated in Baul and in the University academic system who has preserved Baul over 60 years.
The only Baul educated in the academic system withe a BA and MA from Calcutta University.
He is the first and last Baul to attend full time live in 12 years in the Ramakrishna Mission as a monk. Over his career of 40 years in Indian Cinema he was the expert in the folk who categorized all of music of India for all the largest Music Companies of India.
An inborn and educated Music Composer with the grace of Saraswati's aspect Nila Sarawati (Tara Ma) he has been gifted, and then educated in Classical, Folk, Spiritual (Bhajans, Kirtans, Baul) in music and poetic lyrics and has a huge body of successful music, his music is heard in temples all over India. Babu Kishan is educated in both Indian Classical, Folk, Kirtan, Bhajans, Mantra shastra in many languages including as an expert to the highest level in Oral Sanskrit and Classical Sanskrit he is one of the only people that Ravindra Jain allowed to compose music for him in Sanskrit.
He can speak all of the Vaishnava Baul languages, Oral Sanskrit with manuscripts, Vernacular Birbhum Bengali, Baul Sandhya Bhasha he knows the allegory, metaphors, riddles and paradox of Baul, and lastly but not least Braja Bhasha the language of the land of Krishna. He has been trained in grammar and outside of grammar in Sanskrit and Indian Classical Music.
The reason I am telling you this, is because Babu Kishan has been mute about his own life, while others have used his story taken Babu Kishan's name off and tried to rework his own lived stories as if they lived his life, retracing every accomplishment, every step acting as if they are him? Most people in Bengal today do not even know Babu Kishan is Krishendu Das, he was different from his brothers, they did not associate with the same people. His Calcutta family never talks about him, they don't even know or care about him, all they care about is what he can do for them, and how much money he can give and give to them. It is very complicated and not easy to digest story, a story of an indigenous world colliding with a modern world, and the driving forces and 2 sides of the coin of jealousy, indigenous fraud and indigenous identity theft blanketed in a complicated many stories with stories.
This is the indigenous Das Baul and Dasi one and only lineage regarding Baul of the Vaishnava Sahajiya Tantric Bauls of Birbhum and make no mistake there is only one lineage. All pretendian Bauls who have made up fake lineages or their self-titled Baul Guru's based on 1 or 3 generations are called Pretendian Bauls or the 'fake it til you make it; Bauls. I know it may be hard to believe how a whole industry of fake Bauls came to be, but they did it happened, you could say they followed this lineage, however, it is more sinister than just following, in some cases it has been a carefully crafted indigenous identity theft of stealing their songs, style, stories, where they went and what they accomplished right down to dressing exactly like Purna Das Baul. Copying Nabani Das Baul songs, dance and style. Writing books, recording albums, claiming they are Baul when they are not. Claiming awards, recording contracts and even claiming they are Music Composers with nothing to prove they are.
Some have become social media influencers outright lying while riding on the 'coattails of this lineage" and all of Babu Kishan's life's work pretending they are associated with every aspect of Babu Kishan's life works, teaching at Universities because he is qualified with a Masters degree and has done that since the 1970's, associated with the Ramakrishna Mission, and taking pictures in every area and association that Babu Kishan has made all over the world and all over India as if they are the one who knew Anandamayi Ma, went to the Ramakrishna Mission, had a career in Bollywood when they did not, they did not do the work, now they are going to fundraise to preserve Baul when Baul has already been preserved over a 60 year period by Babu Kishan.
I am not making this up I have proof and have documented every drop over the past almost 20 years. The Gaslighting is over, the indigenous Baul identity theft is over, along with indigenous fraud to gain funds, donations, awards, prestige, grants you name it they have tried every which way, even making up fake Baul Guru and fake Baul lineages.
Indigenous identity theft, indigenous fraud regarding the proliferation of pretendian (fake) Bauls, non-indigenous, non-ancestral Bauls, who have been gaslighting Indian people and the international community using Baul claiming awards and fishing for fundraising jackpots has got to come to an end.
We are not talking about the simple Baul singers in Birbhum, they should be encouraged to sing the songs of this lineage. We are talking about commercial social media, social influencers, fake pretendian Bauls who are not from any indigenous or ancestral Bauls, many are from middle class families, they have carefully crafted their costumes with gimmicks of dreadlocks to attract unsuspecting fool, who think oh wow how exotic, not exotic at all and Baul Women NEVER EVER had dreadlocks. Her-story is complete regarding Baul there are no more Women Bauls, this is a game of self-promotion based on this one and only lineage whose names are taken off and replaced by fake lineages and fake Baul Guru's.
I will repeat this many times because it must be understood,
this is Baul fraud and
Baul indigenous identity theft, publicity device, stunt, eye-catching novelty, scheme,
trick, ploy, loss leader and shtick.
This is a fetishization of an ancient
indigenous, ancestral Baul of the land soil and soil
of Birbhum W Bengal India.
The pretndian Bauls act is more sinister, we are talking about very specific, strategic, deliberate, organized Baul actors who are more interested in a claiming Baul via fake Baul Guru's and fake lineages for fundraising and other purposes including international travel while using everything from this lineage. They are deliberate in their indigenous fraud which is carefully crafted, and copied in step by step way of copying every step this lineage has ever taken as part of an already completed Baul history or her-story. They make wild claims and claim titles this lineage has lived. Workshops have been advertised listing all the chapters in Purna Das Baul book Baul Philosophy?
They feel entitled to copy songs right off Babu Kishan youtube channel even his own poetry of which his father Purna Das Baul made famous? However, they take the name off and insinuate that the dance style, the songs have no poets and come from their fake Guru's ashram, are they stupid, did they think no one would know or call them out? Babu Kishan has been busy with life, he is retiring and this will be his career now flushing out all the pretendian Bauls, self-titled experts on Baul, and academic scholars who have used Baul wrongly as a career and are now trying to self-determine who is Baul.
Over 80% of Purna Das Bauls most famous music and songs were composed, recorded and marketing by Babu Kishan on all the Big Music labels through Babu Kishan's work with the record companies over the years, he never received a thank you or a rupee from his father. Babu Kishan more than anyone knows who the poets are, what song is a Baul song and what is not, he knows who was a Baul and who was not, because he knew all of them, where they were from and their stories.
So next time a fake pretendian Baul from a middle class family decides to steal (mis-appropriate) a Baul song, or Baul Kirtan directly from this lineage and re-record it for social media fame, remember it is a crime to steal others intellectual property. It is indigenous fraud.
And stop telling Babu Kishan's stories that only are told by him. Reading our blogs and websites reworking this lineage history as if you are the one, you are not. Baul history is complete and you are committing indigenous fraud while 'fake it' and 'riding on the coattails of this lineage'
There is no such thing as Muslim Baul, Fakir Baul that is the biggest indigenous fraud ever perpetuated for the sake of fundraising millions of dollars in the name of Baul.
An excerpt from the forth coming book.
Copyright all rights reserved, we had to do this early because of all the indigenous Fraud and Indigenous Identity theft! Do NOT be a slippery snake and copy, reprint, re-say as if you knew the stories about Nabani Das Khyapa Baul on youtube when we know you have taken stories that have been written here and only said and known by Babu Kishan, do not copy Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul life and retrace it, rework it, pretending that you actually went to University, went to the Ramakrishna Mission or worked in Indian Cinema?
Pretendian Bauls:
Fraud and identity theft are erasing indigenous Baul, by replacing indigenous Baul?
The Pretendians is a documentary made in Canada that gives a clear picture of the seriousness of the subject of pretendian you are something that you are not. “When people steal from our culture they end up distorting our culture, they turn it into something we do not even recognize, erasing us by replacing us.” This has happened to Baul, they have been erased by fake Bauls who have distorted Baul which is an indigenous tradition, lineage based on ancestry.
The wokism of the world has allowed people to self-identify as cats, and dogs? People self identify as yogis, music composers which is the PHD of music, and every indigenous group in the world. The problem with self-identification with indigenous Baul or perhaps any indigenous group has taken away the self-determination and opportunities of these marginalized groups. When the indigenous people are not the representatives of their ancient ancestry and they are replaced by outsiders who merely copy their dress, style, songs and narratives, the survival of these groups is extinguished because the essence is not present.
Moving beyond self-identification
"While the revelation of Bourassa’s identity fraud brought tremendous hurt and feelings of betrayal to the Métis and broader Indigenous community, we did not anticipate our complaint would transform identity politics.”
In Canada, universities, governments and other agencies are now implementing ancestry-verification policies. Individuals are required to show proof of membership, connection or citizenship to an Indigenous community when applying for opportunities reserved for Indigenous Peoples.’
Those opportunities reserved for indigenous people include grants, funding, awards, prestige and opportunities specifically set aside to help marginalized communities who are indigenous.
“There are two kinds of fraudsters, according to Teillet: fabricators who invent Indigenous identities whole cloth and embellishers who exaggerate some perceived connection.
Some embellishers bolster their claims using the results of DNA tests showing small percentages of Indigenous heritage. Others exploit unverified family stories about a distant Indigenous relative. Whatever kind of identity fraud they’re engaging in, they generally lie to get ahead professionally.
Maybe they want an Indigenous award or grant or acceptance into networks that are closed to them.
Such fraudsters exploit affirmative action initiatives or diversity, equity and inclusion protections,” says Teillet.
As an Indigenous applicant, the person could be accepted into law or medical school when they’d otherwise be rejected. And sometimes, the motivation is even simpler: “They want something that makes them unique and different, and this gives them a chance to say they’re special,” Teillet says.
“Their adoption of Indigenous identities allows them access to jobs, money, and opportunities that are set aside for Indigenous people. Pretendians raise issues with respect to employment/labour law, charter, and privacy issues. It also calls into question recent Supreme Court of Canada case law. These identity issues – whether it is an individual right to identify as Indigenous, whether the Indigenous nation has any say, whether there are any necessary requirements to claim an Indigenous identity – are very much in the spotlight as writers, filmmakers, lawyers, and academics are exposed in the press for having little or no right to the Indigenous identities they have been claiming. Some have made these dubious claims for decades and have built fame, prestige, and careers on them.”
“What a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive — that’s what happens. They get tangled up in their own stories,” said Teillet, who is the great-grandniece of famed Metis leader Louis Riel. Teillet’s report examined the harm caused by Indigenous identity fraud, outlined red flags for spotting potential deceit and suggested measures to prevent it. It came in the wake of a series of controversies over claims of Indigenous identity by prominent members of Canadian academic, literary and entertainment circles in recent years.” Canadian Lawyer Jean Teillet LLP
Seriously and it may sound petty but there is pretendian Baul and their social media minions who have been telling Babu Kishan's personal lived stories about Nabani and name dropping Bob Dylans name as if they actually know, they don't, telling stories from this blog that have only he has ever been told here. This is identity theft and intellectual property theft, copying his life, where he goes, what he has lived bit by bit, copying Purna Das Baul and Nabani Das Baul and making up fake Baul Guru's and Fake Baul lineages (all can be proved and is documented). Just because it looks exotic does not mean it is, the more exotic a person looks the more fake they usually are, it is costume, if you are interested in Baul you have to be smarter than social media charm.
Unfortunately this is a real thing regarding the new phenomenon
of social media faked famed pretendian Baul actors,
sometimes called Baul artists or Baul Masters?
Appreciation and Appropriation
are 2 completely different things.
Babu Kishan as an indigenous Baul, was born into Nabani Das Khyapa Bauls lap @ Suri, Birbhum, W Bengal India over 60 years ago. He lived Baul as an indigenous Baul from birth and under the care of his grandparents, his Gurus the last authentic Baul Guru's to live on earth. From birth in the villages of Birbhum they trained him, he learned and practiced Baul, it was not easy.
He had to do the work hard 24/7 at the Ramakrishna Mission for 12 years and believe it or not that is Baul history because he is the first Baul to be a Monk in the Ramakrishna Mission. At Calcutta University and in Indian Cinema his history is that of the first Baul to work or attend University or actually have a career in Indian Cinema in Calcutta and Bombay for 40 years. He had to created the international road copied by all fake Bauls. He is the master mind in recording Baul music and composing most of the modern and ancient tunes one hears on the radio, to copy his work is indigenous intellectual and identity theft. Let's be clear who is talking about Baul is fake today.
They will be called out, just as they felt it is their right to steal and copy this lineage while lying and making up fake lineages and fake Baul Guru's it is Babu Kishan's write to tell the truth and stop this looting of his lineage and the work he has done over 6 decades.
Babu Kishan created Baul fusion 2 decades before others are claiming while he preserved Baul over 60 years by recording, researching, learning, practicing without the financial help or help of anybody, he is a self propelled, self made person. He changed his name from Krishnendu Das Baul as to not ride on his past coattails in Calcutta and completely remade himself under the name Babu Kishan.
What this lineage has already completed its Baul history is completed. There is no need to create new Baul history or her-story, it is done. If you are not educated in authentic Baul you should not be teaching Baul spreading false narratives, it is impossible to teach Baul when one is not from Baul, this has been proven over and over and documented as well.
Baul does not need any self-created self-titled fake Baul to rework re-act and re-trace where this lineage has gone and what they already have accomplished. Baul is extinct and all of the above is indigenous fraud. This lineages accomplishments belong to them, re-tracing, and competing with an already lived and completed Baul history or her-story is indigenous identity theft.
Stop looting of this lineages songs, style, this whole lineage for your selfish reason to travel history the world, collect donations, to be a Baba or Ma making your story up based on this lineage and the insidious part is making up fake Baul Guru's and fake lineages while canceling the names of the songs, dance, style you have appropriated great story by a bold faced lie. Do not give any fund in the name of preserving Baul, because Baul is already preserved by Babu Kishan over 60 years in every way possible? If you use songs, style or stories from this lineage it is a copyright infringement and after decades of fakery, it will not be ignored anymore.
Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das had to work, he raised a family, while doing all this, while fundraising for others.
My suggestion to this new bread of social media fake pretendian Bauls who are riding on 'the coattails of this lineage' in every way, faking using this lineages songs, style, for fame, international travel, jackpot fundraising is Get a job in real life, faking Baul is not a job. If Baul were so easy they authentic real Bauls would have survived, however, the fake Bauls came out of the woodwork and took Baul out of the hands of the indigenous Baul watering it down and reducing it so badly that as all indigenous people, they had to get jobs to survive. Nobody can live off of Baul anymore except fake Bauls who are mere actors, not even close to being authentic Bauls.
Work like everybody else who is indigenous today, instead of stop using Baul taking and diluting Indigenous Baul down further acting as if you are a Baul? You are not indigenous to Baul, it is not your ancestry, that is 100% for sure and provable. The indigenous Bauls have had to compete for decades against 'pretendian fake Bauls' or as one person called, "the fake it til you make it" Bauls?
Could they ever have realized the repercussions of how they marginalized the authentic indigenous Bauls, who for centuries have dedicated their lives to preserve Baul so that they have a drop?
Babu Kishan had to study and work on a career as a Music Composer, filmmaker, as a Hindu, had to get a job, develop a career, he had to work while pioneering Baul worldwide, and keeping up on his Baul sadhana. He is not privileged he paid his own way through school, his father and mother never gave him a rupee, he gave them thousands of lacs of rupee's he composed music for them constantly, wrote, promoted and did everything, so it is a more than a little disconcerting when he see's his life re-enacted before him right down to meeting his contacts and going exactly to everywhere he has gone?
Perhaps the pretendians, instead of faking Baul and dressing in a costume of attraction with long dreadlocks or Jata as a way to attract people who think oh cool, how exotic? I have to laugh and good on them now a whole new bunch of Women Bauls have grown dreadlocks Jata and are in competition, watering down that gimmicky shtick or comic routine.
These pretendian Baul could actually get a job, rather than just copying the actual work Babu Kishan has done while working in a career and many jobs while preserving his ancestral lineage over the decades. You can not make this up anymore and names will be mentioned.
Baul was meant for the villagers of Birbhum, for the indigenous people of the land, it is their birthright. All the work Babu Kishan did preserving Baul, recording Baul, teaching in Cultural programs was not meant to be stolen by pretendian fake Bauls, who have gaslighted the world faking Baul.
Babu Kishan preserved Baul for over 60 years to lift Baul up, he pioneered Baul outside of India to educate the world about Baul since the 1970's.
Time had changed and Baul had to survive outside the villages, Nabani Das Khyapa Baul was the first Baul ever to sing on stages all over India as part of the freedom movement, he sang for Nehru as an opening act to bring people to Nehru's speeches. He was the last authentic Baul Guru along with his wife Brajabala Dasi.
There are no other lineages or Baul Guru's, Babu Kishan calls his fb Baul Guru in honour of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul, we laugh because people think he is talking about himself. He is perhaps the first and last of the modern Baul Guru's who has preserved Baul over 60 years, he is not looking for students, he has never felt that there is no body today that could do the level of sadhana he has done, people are just not prepared today, they talk a great talk, but when it comes down to it, the way he had to train is just too hard for todays world.
Purna Das Baul is the first and last famous highly awards with (Baul Samrat by a President of India, and many Indian president awards, a Padma Shri and many more awards as the first and last Baul singer and Indian Vocalist to introduce Baul to the all of Bengal, all of India and worldwide. That history is complete, perhaps go and get a job, Babu Kishan did as an indigeous Baul, he had to survive, all indigenous Bauls had to survive.
Purna Das Baul (Baul Samarat and Padma Shri) has had his lived life copied, songs, dress, dance style, where he went and what he has accomplished right down to the bone of everything in his life? This is indigenous identity theft, copied by non-indigenous actor pretedian Bauls.
These indigenous frauds and this indigenous identity theft have never been called out which has allowed new modern boldness in the indigenous intellectual and identity theft by Pretendian Bauls to attain recording contracts, social media fame, international travel the world and gain prestige, collect donation, awards, and for fundraising jackpots?
Not one of these pretendian Bauls are even from Baul, they have created fake Baul Gurus and fake Baul lineages?
They are copycats , a few have created fake disciples who are more viral in their indigenous fraud.
The academic sholars have overstated their importance and tried to self-determine who Baul is, when the United Nations Rights on indigenous self-determination is clearly done only by the indigenous people. Academics have alot at stake, my God, grants, fame, books and careers based on indigenous Baul.
Through copy and paste, creating false narratives such as Baul does not care who the poets are, Baul does not come from families, Baul is from Turkey, Uzbekistan, or Persian and the biggest scam ever Baul is Musllim or Fakir Baul?
Babu Kishan has qualified many academics and it always comes down to their funding, their way, their reputation they are the authority, it always about them and their careers?t Blind and toxic full of constant speculations.
Question; who has a right to Indigenous Wisdom, the indigenous people, fake pretendian Baul orthodox fundamental Vaishnava preachers and reformers or Academic Scholars?
Who has a right to indigenous wisdom of the Bauls, who is the authority. I am almost certain one of the reason academics has listed Baul as degraded and illiterate, is because of all the speculations and liberties they have taken in the self-determination with the possibility they may have to change their books and instead of correcting their false narratives they cover it up and shut up the one indigenous academic who actually knows and is the lineage holder of authentic Baul by indigenous rights and ancestral rights. Baul is listed as illiterates repeated over and over which we know now is completely wrong, when Baul speaks and writes in 4 ways Sanskrit, vernacular Birbhum dialect, Sandhya Bhasha and Braja Bhasha?
The colonial Academia system of making self-determinations is corrupt leftist woke and regarding Indology must change, and needs to go through the Indian Philosophical systems of rigorous debate, not a copy and paste citation only from one book to another of already wrong things written about Baul?
Baul is indigenous to only the land today called Birbhum the land of Rarh (red soil) as non-English speakers.
Babu Kishan is the first English speaker and the eldest of his generation he is the only disciple of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul from his family left.
Academics is a colonial system in that was designed so that academics could rule over indigenous people and tell them who they were. They were entitled to prestige and acted as superior calling Bauls illiterate, degraded, low caste, lower rungs of society. This is the worst most insidious disrespectful characterization of any indigenous people. First you have to know who is a Baul and who is not, many of the outsiders have included any random wandering person as a Baul 100% Baul is not any random wandering person, or person who has no where to go so they get called a Baul. A huge education must take place on who and what is a Baul before any random pretendian people further destroy and water down Baul, Pretendian Bauls are included in the category.These kind of academic have no right of self-determine who Baul is, they do not speak the languages, they have never met an authentic Baul how could they non exist today and probably for the past at least 3 or 4 decades. Who has beeb interviewed is vague, meaning they interviewing random wandering people who are pretend fake Bauls who will tell you anything for a few rupee's. Those are not Bauls, who qualified them as Bauls, do you know the language, anybody in Birbhum will tell you anything, nobody has a clue, not the fake Bauls and not even the academics from there.
Yet, many of these academic scholars go on field trips thinking that makes them an expert, they loot the indigenous Bauls of their songs and like do gooders archive them in the British library, not knowing those are not all Baul songs from this lineage Babu Kishan has the majority, why because he archived them so you couldn't get them. Baul does not need any colonial colonization of their material anymore. It does not need any self-titled experts on Baul or fake pretendian Bauls anymore pissing on every corner marking your territory of every aspect of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul, Purna Das Baul and Babu Kishan lived work that, trying to fake your way into history or should I say her-story which was complete before they were born.
This is the epitome of indigenous identity theft, yes it sounds harsh and it is, this is about a Cultural Genocide and continued indigenous Fraud, especially by making up fake Baul Guru's and fake Baul lineages. This is a serious matter and serious lie gaslighting foreigners and Indians alike.
The indigenous villagers of Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) of Birbhum were connected to this one and only lineage of Baul (Das Baul and Dasi (Chandra Gosia). Without the villagers there would be no Baul, and without the SEVA of the Bauls there would be no villagers. The Bauls were healers, teachers (not preachers) and when the Bauls entered the villages of Birbhum they sang the Hare Krishna Mahamantra to announce their arrival, as a wake up call, wake up, wake up we are here to teach, heal and serve.
Bauls touched the villagers feet not the other way around? They fed people, taught people they came and went unattached just like the wind.
Baul indigenous identity theft, indigenous fraud.
This is a huge topic and one that should have been presented decades ago. However, Baul, the Vaishnava Sahajiya Tantric Bauls of Birbhum has been marginalized as an ancestral indigenous people.
Something to think about the next time you give donations or assist with fundraising jackpots to preserve Baul by pretendian Bauls, the intent of this book is so that you are not caught off guard by fakes, however, they are tricky and have already read and copied every aspect replicating Baul songs styles, where they went and even what they have achieved as one off in the past 60 years, including trying to attach themselves to Babu Kishan's 40 years career in Indian Cinema, he did work, it is insidious that any fake pretendian Baul pretends they are in Indian Cinema because they created a wrong depiction of Baul in the village of Bengal as a youtube video, is that a joke or what? More like indigenous identity theft, it is common and as has gone on for decades. What makes it different now is that they are trying to fundraise for financial jackpots to preserve Baul when Babu Kishan has already preserved Baul over 6 decades? There are so many cheaters, liars and pretendian fakes out there and it our job to make sure no one is caught in the fakery net.
Baul lineage is never based on 2 or 3 generations based on a poet?
Baul has been preserved already by Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul over 60 years.
Babu Kishan's mission and his birthright is to stop indigenous fraud and intellectual property theft of their indigenous songs, style, history, copying and reworking everything this lineage has already lived, creating false narratives as to who these small sect of sweet indigenous people were.?
Baul history is complete, it is insidious how some pretendian Bauls are re-tracking everything this lineage has already lived and taking their names off making Baul random and claiming or making like they are the ones? It is obvious to those that know, but to the people who do not know anything about Baul especially foreigners they achieve a short term social media fame a gain of donations, based on copying everything from this one and only lineage of Das Baul and Dasi. This is indigenous fraud because they act innocent, however, are very organized in their lies with a ambition to attain fundraising jackpots, recording contracts, they use techniques or lies of fake Baul Guru's and fake Baul lineages and unless you were indigenous to Baul, you would not know, you do not speak the languages of Baul or know who the poets are so it is easy for these pretendian fake Bauls to lie.
This lineage has pioneered Baul, recorded Baul songs and have achieved great heights regarding Baul. and gained many awards that rightly so only belong to the indigenous Bauls.
This lineage has accomplished and achieved great fame worldwide, this lineage has already 'been there, done that.' as part of their lived Baul history. remaking already lived history and presenting yourself as if you actually did the work.
Babu Kishan taught at Universities around the world as a representative of Calcutta University, as a cultural representative, he went to University and did the work with a BA and a MA, he was a paid lecturer? This is Baul history, he is the first and only Baul ever to have done this. Yet, this has been copied for a by donation person who is not educated, what would be the point other than trying to re-make Babu Kishan's history and then they taught false narratives. I document everything.
He attended the Ramakrishna Mission for 12 years as part of Baul history and the only Baul to have ever attended University and attended the Ramakrishna Mission. This is Baul history, he is the first Baul and last to attend Ramakrishna Mission or to be associated with the Ramakrishna Mission as his family used to fundraise for decades for them. There is no need for a fake pretendian Baul to copy everything Babu Kishan has completed as part of a first in Baul, Baul is extinct. What is the deal, and trying to pretend they are part of Indian Cinema aka Bollywood for making a youtube video, this is toxic.
Babu Kishan knew Anandamayi Ma and she loved this lineage from Nabani to Purna Das Baul to Babu Kishan that is why Babu Kishan talks about her, his family was always special guest singers and friends at her ashrams around India,.Ma loved their singing.
Babu Kishan composed Music for all the temples in India, that is why he traveled to all the temples in India as a representative of Baul and as a Music Composer, that is Baul history, no Bauls did that.
Back in the day he did not take pictures of his travels it wasn't a thing, today meme of suggested association with Indian Cinema and places does not mean the person had anything to do with Baul, Baul Artist, Baul Master is not Baul, spreading false narratives about who is Baul when you are not even qualified to determine who is Baul or if their Baul Guru was a Baul is not Baul.
There is a real history regarding Bollywood 'Indian Cinema' and Baul and it starts with Babu Kishan to this date he is the only Baul who actually had any association and worked in Indian Cinema for over 40 years. He hasn't even opened an IBdM account, yet some fake pretendian Bauls are pretending, making false associations because they made a youtube videos, this is carefully thought out and crafted?
I know this sounds insane, but what has been going on, must be called out for the sake of the reclamation of authentic indigenous history of Baul.
One clue, if you see dreadlocks, only Nabani Das Khyapa Baul regarding Baul had jata or dreadlocks, because he lived in nature, where you would go for months and years with the conveniences of modern life.
No Baul women ever wore dreadlocks, this has been carefully constructed to gain attention, Babu can tell in one second who is real and who is fake because he has spent 60 of qualifying Guru's all over India. Dreadlocks today are a game of attracting people. It is part of a costume. This is a trick that works well with foreigners who think oh cool, but now many westerners have taken up dreadlocks too. They are a hairstyles, they are used today in the spiritual Guru business of India to attract, that is it, it does not mean spirituality and certainly does not mean Baul?
If you see the colorful patch work dress, it was designed by Babu Kishan in the 1970's and all fake Bauls thought it was ok to copy everything this lineage has accomplished or done including what other list as Baul Guru's who are 100% not, he copied the songs, dance and Das Baul and even Babu Kishan's dress, he traveled going to places this lineage had contact with and now his fake pretendian Baul disciple does the same thing, lying all the way, now trying to collect fundraising jackpots to preserve Baul when Baul is already preserved, this is not a joke? This is considered indigenous identity theft and indigenous fraud.
All pretendian Bauls copied the 'colourful patch work dress ' guduri that Babu Kishan designed in the 1970's for his famous one and only Baul singer Purna Das Baul (a one off) that all pretendian Fake Baul copied, singing his songs, dressing as him and self-titling themselves as DAS BAUL to attract people and gain recording contracts or trying to attract foreigners and to travel the world?
Baul artists, Baul masters are not Baul, they are not indigenous to Baul and using Baul, they are Baul actors fishing for donations, awards, and fundraising jackpots.
All of the fake and false narratives must be qualified and cleared up, because some of these fakes are fundraising for jackpots, trying to act as authority on Baul when every single youtube video they have done is full of half truths and outright false narratives.
Some creating false narratives and fake thesis have absconded with millions of dollars in financial jackpots collected from the United Nations when they have lied and nobody said anything, perhaps because nobody knows anything in fact about Baul, 100% BAUL IS NOT MUSLIM, ISLAMIC, FAKIR ECT?
This has gone on for far too long. The only people that can self-determine an indigenous group or people are the indigenous people themselves, they lived it, they have at least 13 generations documented. Never should fake pretendian Bauls even be entertained they have already committed indigenous fraud, enough is enough. No academic scholars should be entertained as even knowledgeable or have the self-determining power to tell who is Baul, they all have been wrong.
The United Nations Rights of Indigenous People states that an indigenous person has the right to SELF-DETERMINATION. Time has changed.
Stop the generic randomizing of Baul making Baul generic, creating fake Baul lineages and fake Baul Guru's.
Bauls have names, this is Babu Kishan's aka Krishnendu Das (Baul's) words. Do not use or repeat on youtube channels as if you actually know, telling the stories taken from out blogs, talking about Nabani and teaching at Tagore's University, this is only told by Babu Kishan. You acted like it was your wisdom while trying to sell to your audience, come and join us, there are 20.000 Bauls left in Bengal, so that you can fundraise in the name of Baul, your video is deceptive and you have committed intellectual property theft and indigenous fraud. This lineage only is Vaishnava Sahajiya and Das Baul and Dasi, this indigenous fraud using everything from this lineage, their stories while taking the names of the people who lived these Baul lives. You fake Baul Guru and fake lineage will be called out and so will you. Enjoy it while you can!
Saying there are 20,000 Bauls left in Bengal is a lie and indigenous fraud.
Baul has been used by non-indigenous Baul for fake fundraising jackpots, this is indigenous fraud and identity theft.
Baul has been preserved over 60 years by Babu Kishan, there is no need to preserve Baul especially by a fake pretendian actor, or so-called self-titles master Baul, this can all be proven without a shadow of doubt, the wrong people have been representing Baul.
There is no such thing as a Baul Master, there is only Baul Guru and many who have used this title over the past decades are not Baul Guru's, but copycats, riders on the coattails of this one and only lineage or Baul Guru Shishya Parampara Sampradaya, Guru to student in oral Sanskrit with manuscripts. Bauls absolutely know who the poets are.
Here are a few experts from Babu Kishan's new book to be released soon! (copyright) 2025
Reclaiming Baul heritage and already lived Baul history.
The way forward for the Bauls as far as the legacy and Cultural Heritage, this only pioneering lineage has brought Baul to all of Bengal and worldwide. The need now is for accurate preservation for future generations. The lies, indigenous fraud and identity theft full of false narratives cease and desist.
Each moving parts regarding self-titled pretendian Bauls, and academic scholars needs to be qualified accurately both in the western academic sense of exegesis and in the Indian philosophical systems of Purva Paksha and within Mimamsa Philosophy and the person qualifying must be an expert and an indigenous ancestral Baul, and be qualified academically in both Indian Music, Classical and oral Sanskrit, in Bengali vernacular Birbhum dialect of Bengali including the Bauls own secret coded language of Sandhya Bhasha laced with Baul metaphors, allegory, riddle and paradox and in Braja Bhasha the language of the Krishna.
One must be qualified by questions as to their nature of understanding what and who is Baul and not just by reading this book, there are many secrets that are not told in this book and that Babu Kishan holds close to his chest. Babu Kishan has been trained and is an expert in all of Indian music including Baul, folk, Kirtan, bhajan, Indian Cinema, he knows who the poets are and who is lying. He has preserved Baul and written books on Baul over a 60 years period at the very least.
One must first of all be indigenous to the land of Birbhum, born there, lived there and understand all the different sects of the region. Bauls are not from middle class families from other parts of India? The days of random people claiming they are Baul based on one generation or 2 generations based on a single Vaishnava or poet is over.
The Cultural performance Bauls do play a role in the heritage of Bengal and especially Birbhum W Bengal. The people who are using Baul lying and creating false narratives need to be qualified and weeded out. There is no place for false narratives or liars regarding Baul. There is no place for the ‘fake it til you make it’ or the Ma or Baba business has no place in Baul today. The so-called, self-titled Bauls however, do need a deep education, if they do not know, stop lying and making it up.
The following is presented in the book. I still have editing to do, but this is a preview of what is to come.
History of Pretendian Baul since the 1970s.
This lineage is based on powerful ancestral Sanskrit poets sadhaka’s (male) and sadhika’s (females). A Guru Shishya (student) parampara sampradaya lineage based on indigenous (of the land) soul and soil of Birbhum W Bengal India. As an indigenous people of Hinduism or Sanatan Dharma Vaishnava Sahajiya Baul Gosia Chand Das Baul and Dasi has been passed on through an ancestral lineage a succession or uninterrupted line, string, thread of Baul (Vayu Tula) wisdom and knowledge from one Guru who are family related, lineage means ancestral line, of great, great, great, 13 documented generations of grandparent in the oral tradition and because it is an indigenous oral tradition it is difficult to trace back to the beginning of the story.
However, Bauls are indigenous in every way, they are not tribals but indigenous to Hinduism the eternal path of natural Sahaja spirituality of India. The stories and techniques (tantra’s) trace back to the historical itihas of Mahabharata and Ramayana which is dated using modern multiple techniques thousands of years before western academics have a concept of. Western academics have only a concept western civilization and western time.
Bauls use sampradaya in a sahaja way, natural and spontaneous, not in an orthodox way. Baul is family ancestry based through a family line (parampara) through a spiritual Kula sect (sampradaya) in Akhara’s, not ashrams. They are Tantric Bhakti Spiritual Baul Siddhas adepts.
This lineage when they started their pioneering cultural programs outside of India brought many musicians who were not Baul along with them. In their early travels pioneering Cultural programs to Europe and USA these musicians were not Baul. However, the strangest thing happened when they arrived back to Calcutta, the musicians decided to self-title themselves as Das Baul and attract western tourists, and anybody who would listened, this became their chance as self-titled Bauls to take a share or even compete with the fame that of Purna Das Bauls on their western travels.
However, Purna Das Baul was the first famed Indian Vocalist to sing all across the world as this lineage friend Ravi Shankar was the first sitarist to travel the world, Purna Das Baul was the first Indian singer starting in the 1940's as the first Indian vocalist to represent India worldwide. Manju Das (Purna Das Baul's) wife was the first Indian woman vocalist.
All pretendian Baul followed Purna Das Baul and Babu Kishan proceeding with copying their songs, style, where they went, and even today reworking their stories to fit Babu Kishan's already accomplished lived life, with pretendian they are teaching at University and the Ramakrishna Mission, yet Babu Kishan is the only one who has taught at Universities around the world because first he is an indigenous Baul and is qualifed with a BA and MA from Calcutta University and secondly he attended the Ramakrishna Mission for 12 years, this is his history, he lectured and taught at the British library for decaded and now we see this has been copied by a fake pretendian Baul with a fake pretendian Baul Guru and fake Lineage. This must be called out because it is indigenous fraud.
The pretendian Bauls copied Purna Das Baul and then Babu Kishan’s pioneering spirit of modern Baul, everything was copied and watered down, this was their chance, they just had to copy everything this lineage did and people believed them. This book is about throwing the watered down versions and lies as to who Baul is and the indigenous Baul reclaiming their history and stories and right of self-determination.
It became popular and a good begging business in Birbhum and even Calcutta to pose as Bauls sing a few songs and make friends with foreigners, these are the ‘fake it til you make it’ pretendian Bauls.
Today many people ask Babu Kishan, is that person a Baul they told me this and that? Babu Kishan always says, no they are not Bauls but posing as Baul. He knows their stories and knows who they are. Many of the pretendian Bauls self-titled themselves as Das Baul and told many westerners and Indians that they were Baul. They proceeded to make up stories using many of this lineage's contacts and where they had been followed acting as if they were Baul?
Many pretendian Bauls followed this lineage to the west, they came first as musicians, but decided Baul was a good business? They started to tell people they were Bauls and attracting people to Baul. Unfortunately, no one outside has ever qualified them or should I say knows how to know who is Baul and who is not, there has been so many lies over decades and false narratives printed and spoken. However 40 years later a whole new group of 'pretendian Bauls' is now trying their hat at being a Baul singer, or now a Baba or Ma. To be a ancestral indigenous Baul is not easy or simple, being a Baul is way more than any PHD? The pretendian Bauls knew no one could qualify them, and went along their way ‘riding on the coattails’ of this one and only indigenous Baul?
Seriously you can not make this up, and why would we?
Baul history and her-story were complete at the very least a few decades ago.
Upon arrival home in the 1970’s the (musicians) who accompanied this lineage of Baul and were invited on these pioneering trips were musicians (not Bauls). However, many started to call or self-title themselves as Baul, dressing as Purna Das Baul, and singing all of the music that Babu Kishan composed for his father Purna Das Baul in the 1970's. Babu Kishan composed over 80% of Purna Das Bauls most famous Baul songs.
These Baul songs produced, composed and recorded by Babu Kishan were all famous and heard constantly on the radio. Purna Das Baul was a super duper famous Baul singer and Babu Kishan worked with a dogged determination to gain the love of his father.
Back in the day when there were no computers, his contacts were made through the mail at least he could write in English, no other Bauls wrote or spoke English which made it difficult for indigenous Baul to climb out of the village of Birbhum, it made it easy picking for the more tricky desperate pretendian Bauls to take advantage of the fame this lineage had.
Ashok Fakir came with Purna Das Baul and Lakshman Das Baul on their first trip to America and disappeared and never went back to India he self-titled himself a Baul and went on and had a family in California before crossing the border into Canada, he was not a Baul as he was an English translator at the American Embassy in Calcutta and on this first trip acted as manager and translator for the Bauls first trip to America in 1967.
Babu Kishan was in touch with Ashok Fakirs family in California in 2009 his x wife said she had all sorts of photos of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul and Babu Kishan was excited thinking he could reclaim some of his family photos, when in telephone conversations she said, Ashok Fakir was Baul and Babu Kishan told her no he was not, she never talked to him again. This is the way of the world.
Everything was done snail mail as telephone was too expensive, although when Babu Kishan moved to Bombay and worked for CBS India he had more contact directly with many people especially Bob Dylan who he tried to bring to India, however, Bob Dylan has never been to India, his brothers NDTV interview was a complete manipulation and lie? Babu Kishan is the person who released all of Bob Dylan’s music in India and Asia, he used to talk to Bob Dylan all the time from Bombay and in America. I have no idea why anybody is saying or claiming Baul and Bob Dylan without mentioning Babu Kishan. After all, they were not one-time friends. Babu Kishan toured with Dylan and The Band all over the USA in 1985.
His Dad initially met Bob Dylan in 1967 and had no long friendship with him, Lakshman Das Baul only met him in 1967 and never saw him again? Such as people who are considered as knowledge about Baul are generalists and will repeat the same generic garbage because they are writing sensation book always leaning to sexual secrets but are just random books or generalizations such as Baul even associate with Bob Dylan and Allen Ginsberg, no random Baul did not, there are specific people with specific stories, random generic Baul and using their lived stories taking their names off is insidious.
One such book and a copy and pasted author as an authority on Baul is the Path of the Mystic Lover, it is a no name book created to attract attention, I mean who wouldn’t be interested in a Mystic Lover, Bhaskar Bhattacharyya I went through this book, it leans towards sexuality which is a drop of the Bauls life. Don’t waste your money there are only drops of truth but no real connection to what Baul means or what Baul is really all about, it is generic hearsay, I have seen many quotes in academic papers, which Babu Kishan calls copy and paste.
Babu Kishan employed his own inborn musical genius, talent, emotion, creativity and hard work into composing Baul music, tunes and lyrics for Purna Das Baul’s and these songs become his fathers most famous songs. All of these songs were copied by pretendian Bauls as if they were their own and had a right to take and use anything they wanted just because they self-titled themselves as Baul? The insidious part is they were appropriated by fake pretendian Bauls, and re-recorded as if the songs, tunes and lyrics belonged to them, this can be proven and must be qualified because this has gone on for too long?.
Nabani Das Bauls poetry and even Babu Kishan’s own poetry and the songs of this lineage and their ancestors, have been re-recorded, even today with no integrity but self entitlement by pretendian Bauls who have taken Nabani Das Khyapa Baul, Purna Das Baul and Babu Kishan’s name off and this lineages names off claiming the songs as their own from their own made up fake Baul Guru’s.
Now these pretendian Baul are self-titled as Baul Masters, there is no such thing as a Baul Master, there never has been, there is only Baul Guru and Nabani Das Khyapa Baul is the only example of Baul Guru, he is the last authentic Baul Guru.
The pretendian Baul took credit by omitting this lineage's names, and replacing then by singing this lineages songs all recorded and sang on Bengali radio, copying this lineaeages style of dance and their dress including the colorful patch work dress designed by Babu Kishan?
The pretendian Bauls presented themselves as Baul, to make recording contracts, to travel the world while, 'RIDING ON THE COATTAILS' OF THIS ONE AND ONLY LINEAGE OF BAUL' promoting ‘fake Sri Sri Sri Baul Guru’s’ Baul does not over state anything?
Making their stories up has led to utter chaos and confusion of who Baul is, including Baul does not come from families, Baul is from Persian, Uzbekistan, or Turkey pathetically. They recorded their songs including many that were Nabani Das Khyapa Baul songs and Babu Kishan's own poetry, copied directly off their youtube channels and previously recorded records of which over 80% of his fathers Purna Das Baul songs were recorded and paid for by Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das, won't this be called intellectual property theft?
Babu Kishan created Baul Fusion in the 1970's many recordings with the top musicians and singers in the world and top musicians in Indian Cinema, however, 2 decades after he created Baul fusion, pretend Bauls are claiming they created Baul fusion? Seriously, this is deception and intellectual property theft, he helped many of these pretendian Bauls yet, it is so easy for them to claim all the work that Babu Kishan already completed? He helped extensively many of these now lauded fake Baul Gurus, he knows their whole story that their pretendian Baul students are lying about. Babu Kishan knows them all, he knows all the fakery and the tricks. He reluctantly is speaking out only because it has gone too far.
Today each new pretendian Baul has a new so-called Baul Guru. Much discernment and education is necessary. Baul Guru’s are very specific and none of the names they mention are actual Baul Guru’s. People who were not from Baul.
Their audacity is truly astounding. I guess it is similar to what is going on in the west: all the yoga teachers are mere fitness teachers? This truly is Kali Yuga, the time period we live in now, that is considered the post truth era, what is real is seen as fake, and what is fake is seen as real.
The pretendian or fake Baul followed everything this lineage had already completed, but because they were and are desperate to survive, or be an authority on Baul, perhaps a Baba or Maa, they took this lineage's name off, following them around the world for decades. Babu Kishan has observed this for over 60 years as he created the template for modern Baul, through composing music and recording the songs, designing the colorful patchwork dress, and teaching at Universities. However, he did not expect so many random people to appropriate Baul, and feel entitled to their intellectual property too?
Many of the pretendian Bauls have come and gone and are all documented liars and fakes, sorry to say this. I have kept transcripts of their narratives over an 18 year period documenting all their inconsistencies. Babu Kishan helped many of these pretendian Bauls freely, because that is what a Baul does, this is what Nabani and Brajabala taught Babu to help all, feed all, love all. He just did not expect they would delete the indigenous Baul and replace them with lies and fake Baul Gurus.
What is happening to the indigenous Bauls is also happening to the sacred land of Birbhum W Bengal.
The land is always connected to indigenous people, Baul is part of the land in Birbhum, when the roots of the land are cut, so are the roots of the Vaishnava Bauls of Birbhum.
When the roots are cut the tree of Baul and the roots of the land change and eventually die, with the marginalization of Baul and the usurping of their history, stories and lived lives these replacement 'fake pretendian Baul have cheated' indigenous Baul of their livelihoods of the indigenous right of self-determination.
Indigenous fraud is perpetuated by a replacement theory, basically faking Baul to attain recording contracts, fame, donations, fundraising jackpots, awards, international travel and assistance designed to support indigenous Baul, but usurped by outsiders, not born of the land.
These pretendians have created huge false narratives, saying come and join us, when Baul does not collect people. They have relentlessly lied saying their are 20,000 Bauls left in Bengal that need to be saved, give us your donations and financial support? Do NOT, this will all be made clear and revealed.
These false narratives, speculation and claims have reached an international audience and have done grave damage to Baul. The Pretendian Baul and academic scholars have pulled this fakery off for decades, they have GASLIGHTED the entire world. It is ridiculous, I believe in radical transparency, and thus, radical transparency.
(Bauls) Vayu Tula, known as the Vaishnava (Gosia Chand) Sahajiya Tantric Bauls of Birbhum W Bengal India. The only Bauls who introduced Baul to all of Bengal, all of India and pioneered Baul Worldwide. The copycat, fake pretendian Baul, gaslighting Baul time is up.
There have been too many false narratives, generalization, speculations and outright lies. Too many pretendian know it alls, self-titled pretendians so called experts and Baul Masters who make it up and fake it as they go?
Bauls have specific names, the poets have specific names and these names have been washed away, some pretendians will tell you Baul does not care who the poets are? This is the first sign that the pretendian fake Baul, is a fake Baul and using Baul.
They lie to be included in Baul, they make up fake lineages and fake Baul Gurus. The biggest thing they do is make Baul generic and random, by saying Baul received a Padma Shri, you can not claim that too, that Baul has a name Purna Das Baul and he is an indigenous Baul., act out everything from this lineage and take their names off. This is a serious indigenous fraud. It will all be qualified after the book is released and when Babu Kishan starts his talking, nothing will be left unqualified and revealed.
Over the past 100's years Bengal has suffered many horror shows through their turbulent history of colonization by Islamists, British, the traumatic partition of Bengal into East Pakistan, famines, war, communism and poverty. War that created Bangladesh for Muslims, however, they are now flowing over the borders into Birbhum which was a Hindu land full of brilliant Hindu culture and a history going back to the Mahabharata War. Over hundreds of years land of Birbhum has changed once again. The Bauls since the beginning of time were the indigenous Hindu's of the land, the people who kept Dharma alive in Birbhum West Bengal India.
Slowly dharma and the indigenous Bauls have been washed away. I have heard stories of how Muslims bury their dead on land owner’s land and if not caught in time the Muslims claim the land.
Muslims build on land owned by others with no permission. The land is now filled with ghosts, instead of purified by the Bauls who upheld Hindu dharma.
Some are trying to change this, but there needs to be a big shift, time will tell. Bengal and Birbhum the Shakti Bhakti Baul place of the world will soon be a Muslim place.
Over the past 20 years a different generation of pretendian Baul who call themselves 'Baul artists' and 'Baul Masters' ?? are coming from middle class families, adding to more reductionism and watering down of indigenous Baul down to oblivion.
These pretendian Bauls are taking credit for everything already accomplished and lived by the indigenous Bauls? Gaslighting all that listen to their videos worming their way into already lived Baul history, trying to remake lived Baul history? They are busy fundraising, obtaining awards that belong by indigenous Bauls and traveling around the world posing as Baul?
Baul are indigenous people who are grossly misunderstood and marginalized. The indigenous nature of the Bauls provides the indigenous Bauls with indigenous rights of self-determination and these rights should only remain in their hands.
This one and only lineage did not spend at least 13 generations recorded and many generations before to have fake pretendian Baul actors come along and take their intellectual property, style, dress , Das Baul and Dasi and songs when they are not one even one generation making up fake Baul Gurus, who copied this whole lineage including their songs, dress and Nabani style, and exactly where they went, meeting with their contacts while stealing the intellectual property of this lineage?
Babu Kishan’s dedication is a prayer and a promise he made in the 1960’s to his Grandparents (Gurus) Nabani and Brajabala and he has been faithful to the promise to preserve accurately who and what Baul is because after some time the Baul ancestors will come back to earth. Nabani was always against fake people, fake Bauls and people who used what did not belong to them. He was authentic and rare and his wish given to Krishnendu aka Babu Kishan was to tell it as it is, be always truthful, never lie even if you lose everything. This book is about correcting so many untruths about this one and only lineage of Baul.
The pretendians will say, ‘Baul was associated with this lineages personal stories and the names of people this lineage only associated with’ or worse stealing songs from Babu Kishan’ youtube channel or in the past copying everything directly from (1990s to 2006) first ever Baul website or Babu Kishan’s blog. Using what they read on our blogs and website then name dropping the stories that only Babu Kishan has told and can only be known through Babu Kishan?
Taking the names off of the people who lived the stories using those names as if they are experts, making the names and stories random as if they knew? No you did not, you cheated and read our websites and acted on youtube as if you knew, name dropping. This is insidious and who does this is not Baul and never will be, they are using Baul to travel the world and collect people's awards trying to compete with the names and stories from this lineage for personal fame and fundraising?
It has been known that some Bauls even tracked down a Rolling Stones to show they have tea with a Rolling Stone when it is only this lineage and mostly Babu Kishan who had anything to do with the Rolling Stones?
Purna Das Baul in 1971 with his family in London flew to Nice France and then recorded at Mick Jagger's home. Babu Kishan first met Mic Jaggar when he was about 9 or 10, but decades later through his other musician friendships met them many times, jammed with them and was instrumental in bringing them to Bombay in 2004. These are specific stories, not a story that any Pretendian Baul has anything to do with?
FYI, for your information, right up front; it was Nabani Das Khyapa Baul who first Baul ever to sing on stages while doing his part in the freedom fighting of an independent India under Nehru he was his opening act to draw people to his speeches around India to draw people to Nehru's speeches as the state of Bengals ‘pied piper’ Baul singer. No Bauls ever sang on stages until Nabani then Purna Das Baul. Nabani could draw millions of people.
If you are bragging about the singing on the biggest stages you sang on, fyi it is only this lineage who created singing on stages, it is part of their history, the pretendian Bauls merely copied. This lineage sang on the biggest stages as main attractions.
If you are traveling the world, or even bragging about teaching at Universities you are copying Babu Kishan. He is the first and last Baul to teach at Universities starting in the late 1970’s and only because he went to a University? He is the first and only qualified Baul to teach Baul, Indian Music, Sanskrit and Indian Philosophy at the University level as a lineage indigenous ancestral Baul.
As an Indian Philosopher, Musicologist and Music Composer by profession, this is intellectual property theft, copying everything that Babu Kishan already lived and completed in Baul history and her-story including the women of his lineage such as Brajabala Dasi, Radharani Dasi and his mother Manju who was the only Women Baul to travel the world, she was an accomplished Indian Singer by profession and the first Indian female vocalist to travel the world as a Baul singer.
Baul is complete, indigenous Baul does not need any fakes or made up pretendian Baul actors creating false narratives.
Before Babu Kishan it was Nabani Das Khyapa Baul who taught for Rabindranath Tagore at his University in Shantiniketan, yet western Bauls write Nabani was illiterate, this is what happens when you take 2nd hand information and brag about it in books. Nabani was an oral Sanskrit scholar with many sanskrit manuscripts he associated with some of the most intelligent Sanskritists of his time, he was poet who knew, oral Sanskrit with manuscripts, vernacular Birbhum Bengali, Sandhya Bhasha and Baraja Bhasha that is not illiterate. He could converse in many Indian languages as he traveled the continent. The academic scholars are sometimes classically western University trained that does not make one an expert, these people can mostly only speak English and they have the gaul to call Nabani illiterate?
They have no right to speak about Baul or self-determine who indigenous Baul is?, Yet pretendian Bauls and western academic scholars are fundraising in the name of Baul? Armed with a fake lineage of people who are not even from Birbhum?
The first thing you have to know is who is an authentic indigenous Baul and who is using Baul? This book hopes to help those who are interested be able to qualify who is Baul and who is not from an academic viewpoint of an indigenous Baul who actually did the work, instead of someone posing as Baul giving out false narratives that have reduced and watered down the authentic indigenous ancestral Baul.
I laugh, but not really as the pretendian Bauls have already copied Baul by reading our websites and blogs, poaching stories from our blog that nobody has except Babu Kishan knows and repeating these stories on their youtube channels, as if they know, this is insidious and another type of fraud that has gone on for too long. We live in a ‘post-truth era’.
This is the biggest danger to all indigenous worldwide.
I can not understand why some pretendian Bauls copy everything Babu Kishan has accomplished or written over 6 decades, taking each and everything he has done, even trying to have association with their friends, trying to cover everything and everywhere he has gone, and accomplished, even opening an Indian Cinema account on IMDB, when Babu Kishan is the only Baul to have a 40 year successful career in Indian Cinema at all the highest levels in music, film and management?
The only reason I can assume is they are trying to re-make or compete with already accomplished Baul history. Awards regarding Baul should only go to the indigenous Bauls not to outsiders posing as Baul. There is just something no right with what has gone on certainly over the past ten years, however, going over the history of Baul over the past few decades when the fakery began, and it just became more obviously viral.
Baul has nothing to do with Indian Cinema that was Babu Kishan’s career, especially when someone is pretending to be a Baul? I have watched for 18 years how some try to mark their territory, like a dog peeing marking their territory to cover every corner of Babu Kishan’s life, while copying his father and grandfather both a one time historical Baul. Copying Purna Das Baul and Nabani Das Khyapa Baul life, songs, style and their history. Their history is one time thing. However, when this turns into intellectual property theft, and lies, it becomes insidious and this must all be called out and qualified.
If you are using the indigenous title, Das Baul or Dasi in regards to Baul aka The Vaishnava Sahajiya Bauls of Birbhum the original and only lineage of Baul either you or your fake Guru lied to you. 100% they are not Baul based on a one generation poet, you have to have at least 4 or more generations of Baul at the very least. Satya or truth talking is the first tenant of Baul.
This lineage has brought Baul out of the villages of Birbhum, to all of Bengal, to all of India and then worldwide starting over 100 years ago in recent history. This book will explain, indigenous proof of how Baul was usurped right underneath them, and today hardly anyone knows who Nabani Das Khyapa Baul, Purna Das Baul or who Krishnendu Das Baul aka Babu Kishan is because their names have been deleted or merely used on youtube to overstate how much you name drop, when we know it was copied off our blogs and websites?
This lineage has never followed others, others have followed them, it used to be Ok, however, we know that indigenous people only have the right to self-determine who they are, it is no longer ok and the first tenant of Baul is Satya truth, tell the truth, be honest.
Indian Indigenous Fraud and Indigenous Identity Theft within India
India has a rich diversity of indigenous communities, including various Hindu sects. While there isn't a single, centralized authority specifically for reporting indigenous Hindu sect impersonation, there are some organizations and resources that can help:
# Organizations
1. National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC): Although primarily focused on Scheduled Castes, the NCSC can address issues related to indigenous Hindu sects.
2. National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST): This commission works to protect the rights of Scheduled Tribes, including indigenous Hindu sects.
3. Ministry of Tribal Affairs: This government ministry focuses on the welfare of tribal communities, including indigenous Hindu sects.
# Reporting Mechanisms
1. Cyber Crime Reporting Portal: You can report online impersonation and fraud related to indigenous Hindu sects through this portal.
2. National Cyber Security Helpline: This helpline provides assistance with cyber security-related issues, including online impersonation.
# Hindu Organizations
1. Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha: This organization represents Hindu interests and can provide guidance on addressing impersonation of indigenous Hindu sects.
2. Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP): The VHP works to promote Hindu values and can offer support in addressing issues related to indigenous Hindu sects.
# Legal Recourse
1. Indian Penal Code (IPC): Section 419 of the IPC deals with cheating by impersonation, which can be applied in cases of online impersonation.
2. Information Technology Act, 2000: This act addresses cyber crimes, including online impersonation and fraud.
If you're concerned about online impersonation or fraud related to indigenous Hindu sects, consider reaching out to these organizations or reporting mechanisms for guidance and support.
Other: Blog posts and Articles:
Ektara Foundation was registered in Mumbai India in 2007
We have been busy with life, we have not raised any money for this foundation, although over more that for 60 years Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul has preserved Baul in every way. At this point we have just finished our book and publish it this year. Once that is done we will be more present to do the things Babu Kishan has lived a whole life to present and do regarding Baul. I suppose in some ways we have had to watch an utter disaster regarding Baul and fake Bauls to happen to truly understand the necessity to preserve Baul accurately and now reclaim his indigenous ancestral and the 6 decades he has done preserving and educating the world on indigenous Baul.
created in 2007 our vision has changed:
Today 2025 we are getting closer;
Ektara Foundation