THE ONLY OFFICIAL 'BAUL ARCHIVE' BY INDIGENOUS ANCESTRAL BAUL Copyright, All Rights Reserved, Do not copy or poach these stories as told only by Babu Kishan or part of these stories, for your youtube, books or blogs, All Rights Reserved. 2010 -2040

Monday, August 20, 2018

Baul is already Archived !


Indigenous Baul fraud and Indigenous Baul identity theft.

Baul is already archived! 
Babu Kishan archived Baul & has preserved his One and Only Lineage, starting in the 1960's decades ago, Baul does not need preservation, it needs truth talkers.

 Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das the eldest grandchild and raised by Nabani Das Khyapa Baul preserved Baul for 6 decades. 

If anybody is fundraising to preserve Baul, do not give them any money, they are fake Bauls aka Baul singers or now called Baul artists. 

Baul has been preserved and these so called fake Bauls have already spread many false narratives, they reduce and water down using Baul for their own fame or career making up fake lineages with fake Baul Guru's who Babu Kishan actually knew and knows they are not Baul. Many people call themselves Baul that are not Baul.

Just because someone says they are Baul does not mean it is true, in this post truth era.

All copyrighted, all rights reserved, no poaching, or appropriating anything from this blog without permission from Babu Kishan.

Archiving Baul:

Baul has already archived. Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das archived Lineage Vaishnava Sahaja Tantric Baul and has preserved this One and Only Lineage decades ago from the 1960’s til today, he is still recording and documenting all of this lineage. 

All Bauls follow this lineage, however, they have taken the name of this lineage off and created new fake lineages. There is no reason to archive Baul or collect donations to archive Baul especially when no one today has a clue what they are talking about, collecting donations has become a business., it has been archived for decades by Babu Kishan. There is a distinction following Baul and useing Baul, following Baul always gives credit and does not use stories as if you were the one.

A user of Baul puts the names of the poets on such as Ramprasad Sen, but when it comes to Baul songs or another tradition they will not use the poets names and call them their songs? They will generically use stories of Bob Dylan as if they are the ones who associated with Bob Dylan? I listened to Bob Dylan everybody listens to Bob Dylan, however, when discussing Baul there are specific historical relations? The time is to present correct history Bob Dylan has nothing to do with random Bauls posing as Baul.

Actor Baul?

The Baya a Baul wears around ones waist is a Baya it is not a Dupki and this style is only Nabani Das Khyapa Baul style? Tara Ma is followed by many but in relation to Baul if you do not mention Nabani you are using Baul acting like a sadhaka, this is cheating especially when you never talked about Tantra or Tara Ma ever in the past? Nabani Das Khyapa Baul is the only Baul to be initiated by Bhama Khepa? Yes, these topic draw people in but you are a cheater and you know who you are because you cherry pick everything Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das does? Baul is not a competition? Baul is extinct not what your marketing master said, there are 20,000 Baul? LOL

Desperate to be a Maa? How does 3 days with a Guru the original story become 3 years and how does Baul is from Turkey now become a different story? You know there is a specific history around Bob Dylan and you have appropriated that to?

Babu Kishan has spent his lifetime of over 60 years archiving  his one and only Lineage of Baul, he is the eldest of his generation of Baul and he is the last to hold Nabani Das Khyapa Baul as his satguru. No one in his family ever talked about Nabani or Bajabala Dasi including his own father who was more concerned with his singing career. They might be talking now because they have nothing left to talk about. It was Babu Kishan who held a death anniversary in honor of Nabani every year in Calcutta bringing his whole family together. When Babu went to Bombay they completely stopped. 

He has already preserved Lineage Baul, long ago and the archive is safe and will not be easily given out because it seems Cultural Mis-Appropriation is alive and well even in India. Please do not make people stupid by saying you are archiving Baul. Baul is already preserved, Babu Kishan preserved it decades ago!!

In the early 1985 in W Germany, Babu Kishan did an interview on German 'Deutsche Welle radio' because he had won 'The Best World Music album in Germany (1985), this was the first time anybody from India had ever won an Award for Indian Music outside of India. 

All music composed arranged and promoted by Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das at that time.

Babu Kishan, Manju Dasi, Purna Das Baul are the only pioneers and lineage to bring Baul to the world. Others followed them and then decades later made up stories that they were the ones. The

The work in the 1970 - to now, has been a life work and noone should ride on the coattails of this lineage, lying, stealing their poetry and making up stories. Everybody follows this lineage but what is going on today is the worst of Baul, Baul is extinct.

Koln, Germany 🇩🇪 

BabuKishan was interviewed BBC/ DeutscheWelle and many more International #Radios Stations and News Media around the world from the 1970’s introductioning the authentic Bauls on a world platform. He lectured as a paid Lecturer at Universities around the world as a qualified Lineage Baul and a qualified intellectual with a Masters Degree from Calcutta University.

They opened the door for 'new Baul singers' and Babu Kishan encouraged, recorded their music and brought many of the new Bauls outside of Bengal to travel with them. It was Babu Kishan who encouraged the 'new Bauls' to be singers. 

To say it is difficult today is ridiculous you have the internet, back in the day when no one knew Baul and when the internet did not exist all contact was done through letter writing.  

Manju Dasi his mother was part of this teamwork with Babu, she is the first and only Baul woman to bring Baul to the world (full stop) this ‘herstory' was complete 20 years ago because Baul is extinct. Manju was the first Baul woman to travel the world starting in the 1960’s and when she passed in 2010 that story ended. No other Baul woman has ever traveled the world, a woman perhaps from India has traveled the world on the coattails of Manju Dasi and on the coattails of this lineage, dancing Nabani Das Khyapa Baul style but making up another Lineage. The truth will be told.

To say you are introducing Baul to the world today is a joke, it is a Cultural Appropriation and to make up lineages that never existed. Riding on the coattails of others.

Babu Kishan has not presented his archived material because there are way too many people who copy and paste and have ridden on his coattails. He needs translators, and some other helpers but this will take time, he created a foundation but it is not active, he is not ready and with all the new documentaries, new PHD writers on Baul, he is letting them continue before he presents all, he already feels I have revealed too much on our blog 

 I only reveal small bits that are incomplete. I read and watch everything on Baul and document all, and will reveal the copy and paste that is going on. It is relentless and like a virus, they are all chaotic confused speculations. When I reveal all you will see the wrong teachings, they will be obvious. I am not sure anyone truly cares about an indigenous group of people but we have done our part.

Babu Kishan has already written 3 books on Baul, the last one published in 1986 by George Harrison and Ravi Shankar now out of print. Babu Kishan and his family are the only pioneers who brought Baul out of the Village to India & the World. Baul was never a big lineage, those that came later made up stories watering down, reducing Baul from what it was meant to be. The way of singing has been changed, the way of storytelling has been changed, they try to follow but unless you have the 'Baul Essence' it is impossible to be a Baul, it is so much deeper than spinning and copying songs Nabani Das Baul wrote or songs Babu Kishan wrote.

There is no need to Archive Baul, it is already archived, all of the songs, manuscripts have already been documented. Anybody, fundraising to preserve Baul or create a Baul Archive is a cheater, please beware. The Bangladeshis have been the leaders of Appropriating Baul. There were no Bauls in Bangladesh in the 1970's. The stories of this will be in Babu Kishan's new book coming out soon. 

Baul has already been preserved and archived.

Baul History and Herstory was completed in 1969, today what is going on is not Baul, please do not be fooled into donating to anybody who says they are archiving Baul, they are not even from Baul. Baul has been culturally appropriated by the Bangladeshi and by other people who are making up stories.

All of this will be proved, BabuKishan's new book coming soon! 
Historical Baul

#BhabaPagla #Singapore