THE ONLY OFFICIAL 'BAUL ARCHIVE' BY INDIGENOUS ANCESTRAL BAUL Copyright, All Rights Reserved, Do not copy or poach these stories as told only by Babu Kishan or part of these stories, for your youtube, books or blogs, All Rights Reserved. 2010 -2040
Showing posts with label Baul of Bengal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baul of Bengal. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Vaishnava Bauls of Birbhum Bengal: Repost

Copyright 2000 -2040, everything on this blog.
All Rights reserved by Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das :
the eldest Grandson of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul and eldest son of Purna Das Baul.

Do not copy and take the names off, NO POACHING! 

Stop the intellectual Liquidation of this one and only lineage.

 Baul has already been recorded and preserved decades ago
 by Babu Kishan aka KrishnenduDas. 

Yet, new saviours have appeared over the past ten years, we have followed all, 
many are sincere, many are not and just trying to be Maa or Baba.
creating a cultural genocide and this by people who are not even born in Bengal.

 let alone Birbhum?? 

The recent Bauls, journalists, scholars do not even know what they are talking about? 

Purna Das Baul is now 90 yeas of age, his youngest son is not to be believed either he is a liar.
If you are a journalist talk to the neighbours first, they will tell you who he is. if you printed wrong stories as given to you, it will come out, including the lie that Bob Dylan has had a long time friendship with Purna Das Baul or that Dylan attended Purna Das Baul youngest sons wedding in Calcutta which is a lie and will be proved a lie in the media.


by Sandra Trishula Das 

December, 2015

Baul is not just singing, sitting around smoking ganja (weed). 
Hanging out gossiping, authentic Baul is being versed in all Indian Philosophy, being a genius, not the lower rungs of society, they are trained in family, they do not leave their family for 12 years, oh my God what people say and write is a joke. 

Baul is not just about Tantric sex and Buddhist sexual techniques? of sex!
Baul is Vaishnava and has its own way.

Baul is about doing sadhana and Kirtan for days on end. Baul is being a deep level Avadhut of Vaishnava Tantric at the highest level, an oral Sanskrit-ist at least or even a classical Sanskritist. 

Baul's are not a beggars, low cast, outcastes, this repeated over and over by scholars?

Baul is extinct, as with all indigenous peoples, all Baul singers follow this lineage. There are no other lineages. This is cultural appropriation, it will be shown when Babu Kishan's 4th book comes out.

There is no such thing as a Western Baul Lineage? Baul is only from Birbhum, it is not from South India? 

Bauls never traveled around the world as many would love you to think. 
The traveling outside of India was only started by Purna Das Baul and Babu Kishan, others followed and copied everything including the songs of this lineage, the dress, Ektara, Baya Nupoor, even meeting with people who are friends with this lineage and doing interviews in every magazine that Babu Kishan did interviews in decades before, making like they are the first ones to be singing oversea's, Tell the truth.

It is only this family that started the traveling around the world, they are the pioneers, no Bauls ever left India until they did, but their names have been taken off, new lineages made up. 

There are so many stories about Baul that are completely fake, false and mere speculations, interviewing fake Bauls, listening to people who do not know anything and copy and paste from Books that already are wrong?

 Baul is from Family and a Baul Guru is a Das Baul or Dasi but not a fake one. lineage is a long line of family and adopted peoples. This has become a free for all cultural genocide of an group of indigenous peoples. All watered down, deconstructed and mere gossip.

Baul is not a 'fake it til you make it path', a Baul singer is not a Baul and there is nothing wrong with being a Baul singer, but this overstating and using Baul is wrong when it is extinct. What you see today are performers, not true Baul, Baul is extinct.

A poet is not a Baul either, there are specific Sadhana's a Baul does. 

Many people are poets such a as Lalon Fakir, Bhava Pagla and Monohar Khepa but that does not make them a Baul. The followed Baul, they may be great beings and poets but have got lumped together as Baul? Just because this family associated with many greats does not make these associations Baul. Just because many people self proclaimed themselves Baul, do not make them Baul. Just because someone followed or copied all the songs, dress like a Baul, did great drama, promoted themselves as a Baul does not make them a Baul.

 Babu Kishan knew both Bhava Pagla and Monohar Kepa personally and composed music for both of them. They are not Baul but admire Baul.

Ramakrishna said, he wanted to be a Baul in his next life, if Ramakrishna said, he wanted to be Baul, believe Baul has to be more than just low caste itinerant beggars? (if you are not a Baul why write things that lead to a cultural genocide? Find your own ancestors and write about them, but as Babu says, leave my ancestors and their story alone.

 Babu Kishan says, those that say they are Baul are NOT in fact Baul. they follow or sing the songs. His lineage has previously recorded, that does not make one a Baul because new Baul singers, heard their songs on the radio and now sing them? 

Baul is not a self titled path

Baul is not an umbrella name, for random wandering poor people?  

The people talking and writing about Baul, the people making up lineages and stories are NOT Baul, they are using Baul. 

Writers talk to all the wrong people all the time in regards to Baul, they offer a few rupee's and listen to the lies. 

Baul is extinct There are No Bauls left, there are just tourist Bauls, people who need to make a living duping other people?

This is completely wrong, so much speculation and misunderstanding water down and reductionism of what Baul is? 

A Baul always knows who the poets are, especially when the songs many are singing have already been recorded?

“That is why, brother, I became a madcap Baul. No master I obey, nor injunctions, canons or custom. Now no men-made distinctions have any hold on me, and I revel only in the gladness of my own welling love. In love there's no separation, but commingling always. So I rejoice in song and dance with each and all."

Rabindra Nath Tagore, The Hibbert Lecture, Oxford, 1930

Rabindranath Tagore became a Baul when the legendary Sri Nabani (Gosia) Das Khyappa Baul gave Tagore the name Ravi (Robi) Baul and in return Tagore gave Nabani (Noboni) the name Khyapa Baul and named him 'Mirror of the Sky'. To this very day villagers in Birbhum remember a legendary Tantric Vaishnav Baul Saint Avadhut named Nabani Das Khyapa Baul.

Nabani Das Khyappa Baul and Brajabala Das

Nabani Das Khyappa Baul and his wife & Monar Manush (soul mate) Brajabala Dasi.

Khyapa means sat chit ananda, highly mystical, fully awake, aware, divine ecstatic love, wild, free bird, blissful, divine consciousness, magical, mysterious, out of body connected to the divine at a very high level, khyapa is not something that can be faked. It is not a name for everybody it was a name designated for a Avadhut, however, today everybody is calling themselves khyapa as many are calling themselves ‘Baul’ and ‘Baul Guru and they are not’.

Rabindranath Tagore the great Bengali Noble prize winner for literature and the writer of the Indian, Bangladeshi, and Sri Lankan national anthems, loved Nabani and Nabani is the only Baul who inspired and associated with Tagore.

Nabani Das Khyappa Baul

Nabani Das Khyappa Baul 1954 by British Photographer Richard Lannoy. In 2005, UNESCO Declared the Baul Tradition a "Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity". 

However, oral Sanskrit is the original language of the Bauls, many are now using this oral and intangible designation and they have no clue. There is a whole story behind this designation and it is not an honourable story.

The Mirror of the sky, reflects my soul. 

O Baul of the road, O Baul of the heart, What keeps you tied, to the corner of the room. 

By Nabani Das KHYAPA Baul.

This important piece of poetry that Nabani wrote has been used and is appropriated by others, including historian/Author William Dalrymple in his 9th chapter of his book Nine lives, page 236 where he gives no credit to Nabani Das Khyapa Baul and he puts in a 2nd paragraph that is not connected to this poem, reductionism is not history?

This poem of Nabani's is well recorded, it has been taken from the recordings of this lineage and destroyed by adding the 2nd paragraph that has nothing, no connection to this song and he should not use it without giving proper credit?

To the untrained eye and ear wandering and singing a song does not make one a Baul. Rabindranath honoured Nabani because he was an ecstatic mystic full of wisdom, he admired his poetry, his tune and his depth in sadhana as a Tantric Yogi and Baul Avadhut. Rabindranath respected Nabani's ancient lineage and its richness, authentic cultural significance and tradition of wisdom, along with the energetic live wire shaktified pure ecstatic love that Nabani embodied.

Tagore appointed Nabani Das Baul as a Professor of Baul music and dance at the Tagore Vishva Bharti University that Tagore created in Shantineketan. Nabani is the first and last Baul to teach at Vishva Bharti University. One of Nabani's students was Indira Gandhi, her father Jawaharlal Nehru had the greatest respect for Nabani. 

The Indian Independence movement was in full swing. Nehru appointed Nabani a state singer, where Nabani along with Nehru and his contingent travelled all over India, playing for people, sharing the magic of Baul and Nehru's political messages. 

Copyright, do not name drop and use as if you are the one who knows. I have heard in a youtube video a person from a fake lineage name dropping these stories as if he knows? 

The Director of another Baul, read it from this article. These are Babu Kishans stories to tell not yours to name drop or to allude to as if you know?

 Nabani was Krishnendu's aka Babu Kishan's only father for 9 years, his Grandfather and his Guru, it is so disrespectful to use this story without permission and only told ever in this article? You do not know the story, tell your life story not someone else's to sell memberships in your fake Baul lineage.

Same with Bob Dylan or Allen Ginsberg, not your story to tell. Stop the name dropping to increase your self importance and collect people, telling them to join you? Baul never goes for memberships?

Like his grandfather, KD Babu kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul also traveled with his parents around India as state singers for Indira Gandhi, with whom Babu's mother was best friends with her until her tragic death. They also were state singers for Rajiv Gandhi until Rajiv's death.

Nabani Das Khyappa Baul and Brajabala Das

Guru Shishya Parampara Sampradaya Lineage KD Babukishan and his Guru Grandfather Baul Saint Nabani Das Khyappa Baul. Bauls are Tantrics, Indian musicians who know the Tantra of Sound, Mystical Bards, Guru's, Pandits, Acharya's who are simply called Baul.

Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, was wise enough to know what the scholar Sri Chaitanya had figured out 500 years before, that Bauls were able to draw people together through their energetic shakti and ecstatic charismatic chanting, singing and dancing. Dry scholarship and talking doesn't necessarily awaken people to a new movement. Sri Nitanyanda of Ekchakra Birbhum was a Vaishnava Baul and the ancestor of this lineage, he was elder to Sri Chaitanya. It was Nitanyanada who taught his Baul tradtion of kirtan, singing and dancing to Sri Chaitanya.

Sri Chaityana started his Hari Krishna movement based on the ecstatic 'Hari Krishna Hari Ram' singing and dancing of the Vaishnava Baul of Birbhum. The Bauls would start with the Hari Krishna chant early in the mornings as a wakeup call announcing their presence to the villagers of Bengal, inviting them to listen and learn about spiritual life.

Baul is a rare, esctatic, super charged and sweet heart-opening devotional singing and Baul Kirtan is full of ecstatic energy that turns even the hardest of hearts to honey, bringing the rasa of ananda (bliss) alive. They play a one stringed trance inducing instrument called an ‘ektara’ also called the ‘Gopi Chand’ or ‘Gopi Yantra’ which is the Bauls symbol of peace and unity for all. 

A Baul plays a variety of instruments including a rare one or two stringed instrument called a ‘Gubgubi’ which Nabnai himself named the Ananada Lahari meaning ‘waves of bliss’. Ektara, Baya (waist drum), Nupoor (ankle bells) is only Nabani Das Kyapa Baul style, he invented this style, others use it and claim new fake made up lineages. The so called Baul Guru was a follower of Baul he copied everything Nabani did, he copied everything Purna Das Baul did and he copied Babu Kishan self created Baul patch work dress? And now their gang name dropping stories from this article on youtube? Next they will go for Indian Cinema and Indian Music which Babu Kishan is the actual only Baul to have a history in Indian Cinema and Indian Music?

He is the first and only Baul to teach in the 1980's and 1990's at Universities around the world, they copy this too! They teach wrong teachings, including their are 4 or 5 types of Baul, lol, something that Babu planted back in the 1980's to see if they were just copying him, and would parrot anything, they do parrot and copy out of books, including his own family? His brother even uses everything, makes up stories, he even had the audacity to involve his father in a fake story about Bob Dylan being at his wedding in the late 80's NDTV reported it, it is fake, it is a lie, Bob Dylan to this day has never been in India and was in Argentina at the time of Dibyendu's wedding? 

So many using Baul, degrading Baul, reducing Baul, and out right lying.

Baul is extinct.

The only thing is Babu Kishan has a Masters degree from Calcutta University and is qualified to teach at University's  and has had a 40 year history in Indian Cinema that is separate from his Baul History and preservation, recording of his lineage starting in the 1960's.

Baul is a Guru Shishya Parampara Sampradaya, they are sadhu's and belong to sadhu sangha which are called Akaras. There used to be 22 such sanghas, now there are only 2, they are almost extinct.

There is a lot of misinformation about the Bauls today, misrepresentations abound among a new generation of Baul singers, scholars, writers, documentary film makers, information found on wikipedia, Gurus from other sects including Osho who wrote many books on the Bauls and was deeply inspired by Nabani Das Khyappa Baul. 

All of them have completely missed the point of who these sweet devotional people are. They repeat the same thing over and over and it is not accurate. Many fakes are changing this beautiful tradition, they dress the part, singing out of tune trying to copy what can not be copied. 

Baul is only achieved through sadhana. The fake Bauls say they are sadhakas to attract students, some say they are sexual tantrics as sex always sells. This has gone on for a long time. Unaware foreigners attracted by sexual tantra of the west, and Indians attracted by the dream of sexual freedom, flock to Shantineketan. Yet the real Bauls are now almost extinct, and those that still remain, live marginalized in poverty.

Bauls have been described as mad, fakir, dervish, aula, Muslim, afflicted by the wind, illiterate, beggars and folk singers, yet they are none of the above. 

Bauls were the biggest peacekeepers accepting all people. Understanding the history of Bengal is very important to understanding Baul. When Bengal was in strife under Islamic invasion they accepted Sufi into their fold, learning and adding some Sufi techniques in their practice. However, they did not become them

When Buddhists flowed into Bengal and were challenged by Brahamins, Bauls were the only people who gave them refuge and accepted them. Baul is a sect onto its own based on Sanatan Dharma with a sprinkle of Sufi and Buddhist practices.

Baul is not an umbrella name for any groups of random peoples that roamed around Birbhum or Bengal. 

Stop using Baul.

Stories abound about Bauls being from Persia, Uzbeckistan or Bangladesh, but many of these speculations are coming out of Bangladesh which is a Muslim country. They have somehow appropriated Baul culture and use this as a way to raise huge amount of money, apparently in order to preserve Baul Tradition as their ‘National heritage’. 

Baul tradition was born thousands of years ago and is indigenous to and originates from Birbhum Bengal. There were no Bauls in Bangledesh, even when Bangaldesh was Bengal they were not from the place now called Bangladesh. Baul has always been based on Sanatan Dharma, the eternal dharma of India as found in the Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Puranic and Vedic wisdom. 

There were no Bauls in Bangladesh prior to the 1970's because Babu's mother Manju was a well know family in that area before it became Bangladesh.

1986 Photo by Babukishan of Kenduli at the Joy Dev Mela

Baul is a tradition of Krishna and Kali kirtan.

Kenduli Birbhum Bengal is the home of the Joy DEV Baul Mela. JOY Dev wrote the Gita Govinda about the love between Radha and Krishna. 1986 Photo by Babukishan of Kenduli at the Joy Dev Mela. The Pous Mela in Shantineketan was created by Rabindranath Tagore in honour of Nabani Das Baul to bring together intellectuals, poets, and creative artists from around the world.

This story comes from the oral tradition of the oldest living Baul lineage as told by Babukishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul, a ‘Lineage Baul Guru’ and the only Baul Guru Scholar from inside the tradition of the Vaishnava Bauls of Birbhum Bengal. Babukishan has lectured all over the world for decades at the University level and has done Baul preformances on some of the biggest stages in the world since the 1970's.

Baul is not only an ocean of devotion but is also, an ocean of Indian Philosophy, Yoga, Tantra, Vedic, Puranic, and Upanishad wisdom. The title 'Baul' implies one is a Guru, Pandit, Acharya, an authority, they were the Shastra before books, they are oral storytellers, spiritual Bards, Bhakti Yogi's, Masters of Nada Yoga, and Vayu Dharma. However, being an oral tradition did not mean they didn't read Bengali and Sanskrit manuscripts and Shastra.

KD Babukishan was born in 1962 in Suri Bhirbhum W Bengal into the lap of Nabani Das Khappa Baul and his wife Brajabala Dasi. KD Babukishan is the birth son of Purna Das Baul and Manju Dasi, however and for whatever reason he was left right after his birth to be raised by Sri Nabani, his Sad Guru and grandfather. Nabani and Brajabala raised their little grandson who was born premature with crooked limbs, it was thought he would die the next day. They named him Krishnendu (Krishna in Bengali). The name Babukishan was given to him by Mahesh Bhatt a Hindi film Director and Suraj Sanim one of the biggest Hindi film writers.

Nabani was an adept Sadhaka at Tarapith he took his sick tiny premature grandson with crooked limbs to Tara Maa right after he was born praying and begging for his life; Ayurvedic medicine, prayers and mantra were used to heal baby Krishnendu and his limbs were straightened through daily Ayurvedic massage given by Nabani and Brajabala Dasi. It should be noted that Nabani was a healer and he had healed thousands of people eveywhere he went, taking their karma and transmuting it.

Nabani knew the Tantra of alchemy and traditional herbs, he was a close friend of the famed Ayurvedic doctor and healer Dr. Kali Goti who also helped with healing Babu. Nabani was an adept at manifesting siddhi's, he knew all the Guru's, Saints, Siddhas, Yogis, Naths, Swamis, Sadhus, Sadhakas of the time and had them all give dharshan and blessings to his little baby Krishnendu. Babu went everywhere with Nabani and was a regular at Tarapith learning tantric and Baul sadhana, hanging out with the Gurus and Tantrics one could say he owes his life to Tara Maa and Kali Maa. 

The village Rakha Kali Maa temple where he played, was right beside the Ratha Yatra Cart with Radha and Krishna. 

The village favoured many gods. Babu saw and experienced a world that does not exist today, those times are gone. I specualate that perhaps this was Babu's karma and a continuation of his past life.

Nabani's samadhi was in 1969, when KD Babukishan was only 8 years old. He thought Nabani was his father, until he learned his real father was Nabani's eldest son Purna Das Baul who had since had two other sons that were raised outside Baul tradition, in contemporary Calcutta. 

Most people on a path would agree that our family is not who we are. Guru is our real family if we are lucky to have one, Babu was lucky to have Nabani who left him his spark. Losing Nabani was to be the greatest loss of little KD Babukishan's life and the greatest loss to the whole Baul community. Nabani was not an ordinary Baul he was an extraordinary genius. Babukishan was by his side when he went into samadhi. 

On his grandfather’s passing, KD Babukishan recalls: “suddenly he reached out and gave me his hand at the same time a huge thunder cracked as his whole body turned a blue whitish and an electric current shocked me and ran through my body at the same time automatically the tulsi plant fell over and the Bhagavad Gita hit Boro Baba on his head, he was gone. He held my hand so tight I felt an electric current run through my body my third eye opened, I saw the universe my Boro Baba had given me what is called a Bramhma dharshan. I felt a huge force of power and light in my body, I couldn't break free of Boro Baba's grip.”

Joy Dev temple in Kendula

This is a section of the wall at the Joy Dev temple in Kendula.

The Joy Dev Baul Mela is held here the Vaishnava Bauls attend ever year to do puja to the great poet (kavi) Joy Dev. 

The bridge going across the Ajoy river is named Nabani Setu after Nabani Das Baul. The mela is completely different today, the Bauls have been marginalized and pushed out by the new kirtan singers. 

The Bauls honour Joy Deva and the love he had for his soul mate Padmavati because Bauls believe in Soul Mates as Radha and Krishna live and dance in their hearts, this is the real Rasa Lila dance. The temple wall is made from soil that has been burnt hundred of years ago. The Joy Dev Baul festival takes place every year on Markar Sanskranti when the Sun moves into Capricorn.

The Baul kirtan for Nabani went on for weeks, they chanted HARI KRISHNA HARI RAM for 8 days in a continuous flow, and then 6 more weeks taking breaks for some food and rest. Thousands of people came to pay their respects. Nabani was a famous father figure, Baul Guru of Birbhum, a state artist and the whole state of Birbhum was closed. He was burried in traditional Baul way, sitting in a padmasana.

Some time after his grandfather’s death, his Grandmother sent him to live in Calcutta with Purna Das Baul and Manju Dasi, his birth parents, as she felt he’d be better off there and that he needed to be educated. KD Babukishan's went from the highest energy and biggest love bliss to a material life in Calcutta and a family where he didn't fit in. He recalls how his mother Manju used to bribe him with cookies to call her Maa.

Those days were hard for a little boy, suddenly surrounded by strangers, in the strange city, and before long, they packed him off to Ramakrishna Mission, where he remained for the following twelve years. Living there was tough, but the Swami’s there respected the Bauls, and often told him the story how Ramakrishna loved the Bauls, and said many times how he wanted to be born a Baul in his next life.

The family sometimes let him stay with them and even travel with them, touring with his father. When he was nine, they went to London and Europe on his first of many overseas trips. 

They went to perform at the fundraiser for Bangladesh in 1971, 1972, and 1978. There was a big group of Indian musicians who played at Hyde Park at the concert sponsored by the Beatles and The Rolling Stones. 

That is where Babu Kishan first met and became lifelong friends with George Harrison and the Rolling Stones. Later in 1986, George Harrison along with Ravi Shankar helped him publish Babu Kishan's 3rd book on Bauls, now out of print. 

During that trip they traveled to Mick Jaggers place in Nice, France and where his father recorded with them for the album Jai Bangla. Mick Jagger was their limousine driver, and drove them from the airport to his place, and in 2004 he returned the favour when The Rolling Stones performed in Mumbai.

Just as Babu was in the process of becoming a sanaysin, his father pulled him out of Ramakrishna Mission to work as his tour manager.

Baul is composed of 2 Sanskrit words, Vayu and Tula = Bayu as B is V in Bengali and Tula to balance it can also be Libra. Libra = Tula, as in any Sanskrit word there are multiple meanings but with falvours leading back to an original meaning. Vayu is the air or pranayam and Tula is to balance, thus Vayutula (Bayutula) Batula, Baula = Baul. Baul has a tradition of shortening down and making simple that which is presented a complicated through a Baul technique called Rasa Tattva.

The easiest way to pronounce Baul is (Ba–oow-l). Bauls are known as 'wind catchers' , the Masters of Pranayama which they call Vayu Dharma. Baul comes from the words Vayu (air) and T'ula (to raise the vital air). Ba stands for Va in Bengali vernacular language. Baul does not mean afflicted by the wind, it does not mean mad as is always repeated. Bauls are wind catchers as in Pranayam!

Bauls practice various yogic tantric techniques and their singing and mantric chanting. The aim of the Baul is God Realization & Self Realization in the human body, humanity is first and foremost to the Bauls – to be a good human, to realize God within this body temple.

Bauls are considered to be Krishna Sahaja which means natural and spontaneous. It implies natural on the spiritual level and on the mystical level of the miraculous. It means that easy natural state of living without planning, design, contriving, seeking, wanting, or striving for attention. It is not Buddhist Sahaja as many uneducated Bauls make up, the Sahaja of the Bauls related to Krishna.

Bauls practice techniques similar to Daoist Qigong they are Masters of energy work and mysticism.


Purna Das Baul is the first famous Indian Vocalist to come to America. First arriving in 1967 on a tour from San Francisco to New York staying in Woodstock NY at Bob Dylan's home as guests of Sally and Albert B Grossman (Bob Dylans manager). The recorded music from that time is called 'Bauls at Big Pink'. Purna Das Baul and his brother the late Laxshman Das Baul who was a much loved Baul a Bob Marley of the Bauls appeared on the cover of Bob Dylan's Legendary album John Westly Harding, Bob Dylan was a super fan of Lakshman Das Baul. Sally Grossman has remained a loyal a very dear friend of the Bauls and Laxshman Das Baul since 1967. At 81 years of age Lashman Das Baul passed away in April 2015 ending a legendary period of Baul history.

Lakshman Das Baul, Bob Dylan, Purna Das Baul
Bengali Bauls at the Pink Pink

Left - Lakshman Das Baul, Bob Dylan, Purna Das Baul, I don't know the fellow in the back.

The Bauls at Big Pink produced by Al Aronowitz the father of Rock Journalism and another beloved friend of Babu's who passed in 2004, Garth Hudson and Robbie Robertson of the Band 1967 / The photo of Nabani Das Khyappa Baul was taken by Rabindranath Tagore. The Bauls on this album are Purna Das Baul and Lakshman Das Baul

Baul Samarat (King of the Bauls) Purna Das Baul at 82 years old has recieved the highest awards as a vocalist in India including many President Awards, Padma Shri and a rare award from the JAGANATHA TEMPLE called 'Nada Brahma Award' which only 3 have received including the much celebrated Ravindra Jain and Lata Mangeshakar. This family of Vaishnava Bauls are celebrated at the Jaganatha Temple in Orissa they know they are ancestors of Nityananda, Jai Nitai.

Allen Ginsberg's had always honoured Nabani Das Baul as his Guru who he first met him in the early 1960's while traveling in Bengal. Ginsberg became a very dear friend of KD Babukishan whom Babu visited every year in America from the 1980's until Ginsberg passed, they are both poets and have a love for Nabani Das Baul. Ginsberg is the one who insisted to Sally and Albert B Grossman (Bob Dylan's manager) to bring Nabani to America, however, in 1967 Nabani's health was failing and he sent his two son's Lakshman and Purna Das Baul.

Kshiti Mohan Sen was a well-known scholar of ancient and medieval India and close associate of Rabindranath Tagore served as the Vice Chancellor of Visva-Bharati University in Santineketan for years. Kshiti Mohan Shastri described Nabani Das Baul "the last real true Baul" he wrote a book on Baul and regarded Nabani as the greatest ocean of intelligence he was as a huge admirer of Nabani. Kriti Mohan Sastri is the materal GRANDfather of Armarta Sen a Professor, Economist and Philosopher living in New York. 

He wrote 'Banglar Baul about Nabani Das Khyapa Baul 'in 1947.

KD Babukishan walks between worlds in a true tantric form with one foot in the spiritual world and one foot firmly on earth, in the world but not of the world. He is a highly awarded Bollywood Indian Cinema Music Composer, Indian Music Producer, a Master of Indian Music, Classical, Folk, Bhajan, and Kirtan composing scores for 150 films, Film Designer, Film Maker, he has recorded and worked with the who is who of Indian music and Western music.

KD Babukisha was raised a Baul and spent 12 years as a Ramakrishna monk in Calcutta, BA in Indian Philosophy, MA of Indian Music from Calcutta University, Poet, the first Baul to be educated in the oral tradition and outside. A Sanskrit Scholar from the Oral Tradition, Sanskrit Education at the Masters level and because of his love of Sanskrit he spent countless years learning from Dr. Roma Chowdhri who was like a mother to Babu she was a legendary world renowned Bengali Sanskrit scholar who dedicated her whole life to Sanskrit.

Baukishan now lives in Vancouver Canada with me Trishula his Monar Manush wife and partner of almost ten years, traveling back and forth to India. Babu's life changed dramatically when he was in the 2004 Tsunami in Indonesia where he witnessed, tens of thousands of souls leaving Bhumi Maa all at once, one of Maa's biggest smashen grounds. 

He has lived through the 1971 war between Bengal and Bangladesh, he has lived through many many terrorist attacks in Mumbai and lived many lifetimes in this one lifetime.

 Babu's main cause has always been to preserve his Baul tradition and it has been proven a difficult task it seems that over many decades his dream, all of his time and energy have been thwarted by his Calcutta family and many other road blocks, but he never gives up.

 There are so many now trying to use Baul, they make up fake lineages, sing the songs of this lineage and take the names off, even going so far as to say Baul does not care who the poets are, because they are the users, they are fakes who use everything, including Nabani style Ektara Baya Nupoor and his songs putting other poets names on. There is a bling Baul follower who has youtube video's singing Babu Kishan's own poetry no credit given. 

Baul was extinct decades ago, the ones who are spouting how great they are duping people into thinking they are Baul are cheaters, watering down and reducing Baul. Baul is extinct, Babu Kishan preserved it decades ago.

Babu Kishan preserved his one and only Lineage of Baul decades ago. He is the first Baul to create Baul fusion way back in the late 1970's now a few others, some only Baul followers are claiming they created Baul fusion in the late 1990's 2 decades after Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das created Baul fusion with all Indian Cinema greats, Bob Dylan and The Band, George Harrison, and many many other including Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys.

"The way my braid is, that’s how it will stay.

I’ll get into the water, I’ll splash water around, but I won’t get my hair wet.

I’ll swim about this way, and that way.

I’ll dive into the water, and won’t listen to what people say.

I’ll enjoy myself but not suffer because of it.

Gosain Rasaraj says: “Listen, my friend , that beauty leaves me speechless".

I won’t be chaste; I won’t be unchaste.

I won’t leave my Lord".

(This poem means not to let anything bother you, to not get your hair wet is a metaphor for do not let life bother you, some will like you, others will not, who cares, just walk alone with the Divine my friend, be happy, no matter what comes or what does not.' These poems are never to be taken in a literal sense, they are deeper meanings of a higher Baul philosophy.

Famous Baul song (poetry) by Rasaraj Gosai (Nabani Das Baul's elder brother)











































































