www.babukisha.org (copyright 2018 -2030)

www.babukisha.org (copyright 2018 -2030)
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Showing posts with label incredible india. Show all posts
Showing posts with label incredible india. Show all posts

Friday, August 6, 2021

Truth Talk: Babu Kishan life stories, Lineage Baul

Truth Talk:

Article #2

Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Musings:

Copyright 2000 - 2040
All rights reserved by Babu Kishan
Do not copy and take the names off, no poaching !

Without even knowing Baul History, many are talking, writing and making up stories. Then many of the younger people are following the wrong people, who are misleading, society through Social Media and gathering people through their acting and drama, there is 'no other lineage of Baul', this is made up and false.

Some of my older friends who are very intellectual are waking me up, they want me to write about the #Bauls again. I was disturbed by my Calcutta family, and they are not and never my 'well wisher', actively working against every step I made. They wanted all of me, they wanted me only to work for them, however, there was nothing in return, no love, only disturbance and greed, money money money. I gave them everything even when I had my own family in Mumbai, there was nothing but constant disturbance, my mom was my bank account and that was not enough for them. I had to work to support their luxury lifestyle.

Who will know about Bauls more than me, even my fathers book on Baul was all based on my research, my name was not even mentioned. I composed, released through big labels, all my Dad's albums, promoted with my own money through my own contacts, with not even a thank you. My family talked nasty behind my back and honestly I was really hurt, even my own father was not kind to me.

I  worked tirelessly and with great energy, my nic name was energetic fire, I was a fire and I created a concrete platform for Bauls throughout the World. It was my intention that the world know about Baul. I wrote letters, making my own contacts.

I arranged for both my parents to meet Bob Dylan, after 18 years (I brought my father along to Dylan's birthday at Madison Square Gardens in New York) this was his 2nd time my father met Bob Dylan. I accomplished this through my good friends Allen Ginsberg and Al Aronowitz the Godfather of Rock Journalism. 

My Dad had nothing to do with this, it was a gift from me through my associations and friends, including Bob Dylan, Albert B Groosman, Al Aronowitz and The Band. 

My Dad never kept in touch with any of them after 1967. These people were my friends, not my Dad’s, he did not associate with them other than the first meeting in 1967, he did not even know he and his brother Laxshman Das Baul were on the cover of John Westley Harding. My Dad (Purna Das Baul) could not speak English. I did all the translations for him. He knows a few words now.

Huge Stories and all real not the made up stories, the ones who are speaking about Baul were not even born when I had already preserved Baul. 

People in the west and most of India can not distinguish who is Baul and who is not. I have found if you look exotic everybody will think you are the real deal, no one understands the language, yet they get to decide what is real and what is not. Nothing is wrong and I highly recommend people who sing Baul songs. Do not misunderstand, I am talking about people who are using Baul and making up Lineages, who are acting, trying to be Baba or Ma. I am talking about the people who are making up stories and new narratives but cherry picking from my lineage.


Rabindranath Tagore had an interest in Baul philosophy, poetry and songs. So did Nazrul Islam, writers, film directors, music directors, photographers only because of my Grandfather Nabani Das Khyapa Baul. Tagore was initiated into Baul by my Grandfather who was his close associate. Tagore gave Nabani Das Khyapa Baul property at Vishva Bharti to keep Nabani close, Nabani taught Baul song and dance at Vishva Bharti Tagore’s University but you could not tie Nabani down, he belonged to the divine.

Deben Bhattacharya was a cultural collector who worked for public and Government organizations. He wrote a book called 'Mirror of the Sky' which originally had a huge photo of Nabani on it. Tagore gave Nabani the name 'Mirror of the Sky' the book is now owned by the western Bauls out of Arizona and they have taken Nabani's photo off even though the whole book is about Nabani and our lineage. He took interesting pictures and recorded some music, which released in Europe. 

That’s it !!

People from overseas (scholars) were searching for new subject so they can take academic level PHD, and few of them found Baul, I met many of them personally and tried to help them as much as possible, little did I know they twisted what I told them. This is why everybody is writing about Baul and mostly all wrong, (some misleading too), they collected here and there talking to the wrong people and made a thesis which they submitted for a PHD Doctorate which is not accurate. 

I used to qualify them at the Universities I would lecture at and oh boy they do not like to be questioned because they have no answers. Unfortunately, academic people do this, without knowing anything, no real knowledge, all from articles to books.They would say they are Sanskrit Scholars or Bengali Scholars, I used to question them and never did I meet one that could even answer my questions, they would say oh well we are only teaching basic. They were advanced professors, I tell you I was so disappointed.

No one has a complete book released from a lineage Baul academically Western or Even Indian writers on Baul are 99% assuming, speculations and imaginary. Nobody even knew about Baul, it was Tagore who was inspired by my Grandfather, Nabani Das Khyapa Baul. When we traveled all over India and the World there were not Baul, so what you see today, the Baul singers you see today were all inspired by our family. 

My journey has been long and complicated, there are many reasons why I have stopped talking and teaching, and I will write about that later.

Most people who want to know about Baul can not or could not get to the real Bauls. 

Some people who came recorded 3/4 Songs of my Grandpa’s and released without knowing anyone, or asking our family for permission.

Some one recorded an album with so many different singers, including Grandpa’s (no name only Baul singer) using our family as random Baul is inappropriate. 

I have seen my Grandfathers picture his stories used in books, magazines, newspapers and alot on Academia.com as a random Baul. Their stories, wrong narratives saying Bauls did this and that with my Grandfather's picture, no name included??

No thank you, please if you are going to write about my family do not use other random Baul photo’s or use picture of my grandfather Nabani Das Khyapa Baul without using his name.

This is running at toxic proportions and do not hash tag my name to promote your fake Baul lineage. 

I found a Osho ashram in Nepal, they have a picture of my Grandpa who met OSHO long long ago before Osho was OSHO or Bhagavan Rajnesh and had traveled to Bengal. A picture of Nabani, no name random Baul?? I did write to them and they would not take the picture down but they did write his name.

Osho wrote 3 books on Baul all wrong and I met Osho and had long conversations with him as I was releasing his CD while I worked for CBS in Mumbai, I asked him to change the books but he passed before this was done. Now what can anybody do??

American Hippy King or Beat Poet Allen Ginsberg read one of the book and was not impressed.  

Real Bauls are Poet, Storyteller, Dancers, Singers and Sadhak, my Grandfather was huge big name as ‘Tantric Baul Sadhak‘ at Tarapith initiated by many including Bama Khyepa, he brought me there and initiated me when I was a baby, I used to be on the Tarapith Mandir board of directors, so who would know more.  

Since the internet many new agers have showed up at Tarapith taking pictures making like they are the ones who did sadhana there?? I talk about Tarapith now I am seeing my brothers post pictures of Tarapith, they had nothing to do with Tarapith. I talk about Tarapith now all the new Baul comers are talking about Tarapith offering to do tours. 

Let me tell you the Tarapith of my time is gone, it is completely different today.

Nabani was the last ‘Mystical Baul’ in History, don’t even try with all the drama and acting and my lineage is the lineage of Ektara, Baya and Nupoor ankle Bells, this is Nabani Das Khyapa Baul style, stop all this fakery, using our lineage and making up a fake lineage, shame.

Allen Ginsberg planned to visit Tagore University and a tour whatever possible to go around India, he found some youngest, newcomers writers, poets including Shakti Chatterjee and Sunil Ganguli both were very new that time, but introduced by an young guy Ashok Sarkar a guy from American Embassy’s interpretardant.

After Delhi, Agra, Varanasi and other places, Ginsberg planned to meet his Mystical Man Nabani at Shantiniketan, couple days took to meet my Grandfather, Sunil and Shakti both took him to Adivasi village, they enjoyed in everyway, they both drank a lots so Ashok took a bus to Suri to meet the most unique personality Nabani Das Khyapa Baul.

 Allen Ginsberg (who I was a personal friend with for decades) read and heard the outstanding singing voice) at Ashok’s house. 

That was so exciting for Ginsberg, he told in an article, he couldn’t keep eyes on Nabani’s eyes, so powerful moment, they spent couple days together, with Music and his wild dance, simple life style. Nabani would never demand any money from any one, he did not fundraise, or take any advantage or used anyone, he only helped others.

Ginsberg asked Nabani, I had a dream that I became your disciple can I initiate?

Nabani smiled which his another asset and pulled him and kept his hands on Ginsberg’s forhead, As Ginsberg told that he lost himself in samadhi during those moments. Ginsberg  touched me Babu as I was 24/7 Nabani’s lap from birth until I was 8 in 1969 when the only person I knew as my father Nabani Das Khyapa Baul passed into another world. I was with him when he passed, it was like lightening and I was in a deep samadhi at age 8, no one could retrieve me. I will explain later.

 I am so lucky, even Allen told me all his experiences which not only history but unique moments with real BaulLineage and a Finest ‘#BaulGuru’ !!

#ShantidevGhosh told Allen that Nabani was his friend and last authentic mystical Baul, also Gurudev’s (Rabindra Nath Tagores)  BaulGuru. That is why when Santi Dev Ghosh met other people who called themselves Baul, he would not allow them on the stage or even in Paush Mela. But I pleaded and begged him to allow them all in. Now thinking back I did wrong because so many were just takers and jealous, many started to appropriate our Baul lineage right then and there. 

ShantiDev Ghosh was the right hand of Rabindranath Tagore and Vishva Bharti, who would know more than he.

I have always lived in a Baul trance with Nabani and Brajabala at the centre of heart, even while I was composing music and film making in Mumbai, everything I have done to now has been with a deep connection to my roots of Baul. 

No matter how many terrorist attacks, wars, tsunami’s or how many countries Baul is my soul, it is my birth right, I can never go very far from my ancestry. To those who are making up stories I will qualify all, it may take time but what has gone on and what is going on is bizarre.

Jai Nitai

Friday, November 8, 2019

The deconstruction of Baul Culture - the impact on Lineage Baul

I have noticed over the past 13 years of writing about the "Vaishnava Bauls of Birbhum" since the age of facebook and social media that what I have written has been copied. The names taken off and other names added. The idea's, terms, circumstances, concepts, stories used in new Baul singers stories, books, youtube video's, and post with no credit given but new lineages made up, a cultural appropriation not necessarily people in other countries but a cultural hijacking within Indian Culture.


Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul was the first Baul to create  a website called BabuKishan.com and he had millions of views, he started the website in the early 199o's and it was the first time people could learn about Baul on the world wide web. People copied and pasted everything he wrote all over the world, it was the first inner portal on Baul and he was fundraising for his lineage to help in his already decades of preservation on Baul his lineage.

He is the first to put Baul songs on MTV, he is the first for anything and everything regarding Baul, yet many have made up stories. Baul has been completely culturally appropriated by outsiders and by Muslims, there never ever was a such thing as a Muslim Baul, if Muslim is based on Sanatan Dharma, Yoga and Tantra we could say yes, but they are not and the watering down and reductionism is real. Baul is extinct, what is happening today is not Baul it is fake, it is drama and Baul singing. There are a few who have some keys who are more authentic but they are not seen, they are hidden, or can not make up stories and tell lies, therefore, no one knows who they are. 

 We have laughed over the years how people copied and pasted his story, whether it was right or wrong and he could see who was doing it. He could see every intellectual property theft. 

Many started to make documentaries. Many people he thought were his friends and who he even gave the idea to about making documentaries on Baul went ahead without him. 

Regarding scholarship he helped many in obtaining funding, even giving his signature and they promised to include him in the projects only to disappear and reappear with some fake Baul a token to make their project look legit. He helped many (you know who you are) fundraising from Universities, they took his lessons in Baul and Bengali and then went on to write about and create the Bauls of Bangladesh or just pushed him aside. 

You see Babu Kishan is a very sincere serious guy and he believed you. This has lead to a huge distrust in any academic and they still come a calling, tell me, asking questions. I helped a scholar a year ago against Babu's warnings, yes I learned my lesson, he told me but I did not listen. Was that a mistake, yes I told everything I knew and then turned around and they used pictures of other Bauls who are not even Bauls and I will qualify this in the new book? They cut and chew and in the end the story is changed to suit their professor for a PHD, you see this is the cause to get funding or a job as a professor as the leading authority of a subject. Then others copy and paste what they write over and over, check out academia.com, it is like a competition of articles, to make themselves legit even if it is true what they write or not, just because it has been written before does not make it correct. It is mind boggling all fighting to be the one, for better funding.

Many scholars have written about the Bauls of Bengal and Babu Kishan has known them personally and qualified them because what they have written is wrong and now new scholar only copy and paste from book to book, it is like acid that burns a hole in a whole culture now deconstructing the culture. 

Baul has been written about, it was easier to get funds from a University if there was a new subject or object of study. That is how many scholars have viewed Baul as an object of fundraising, so they create a Baul of Bangladesh with no clue of how this came about and that Baul is not nor never was from that area of Bengal when it was Bengal and that Lalon Fakir was a great poet, with Baul like ideas but he did not do any Baul sadhana and without Baul sadhana there is not Baul. Lets call Baba Pagla a Baul, lets call Lalon Fakir a Baul, lets pay some money to this poor family over here and they will be the centre of my research on Baul, whether they are Baul or not, no one will know? 

Babu Kishan has had this problem even in his own family, sorry to say, it is about money not Baul for the sake of Baul. He is a real serious guy about his lineage and by the way no one ever used 'lineage of Baul' until I created this blog lineagebaul.blogspot.com for Babu Kishan. Babu Kishan spent decades preserving Baul and recored most of the Baul songs of his lineage, he is not just pointing fingers at others, he will be pointing fingers directly at his very own family who has played a big part in this deconstruction of Baul, there is no love lost there, but he still has deep respect for his lineage, Nabani Das Khyapa Baul & Brajabala Dasi, this truth will all come out soon and it will not be pleasant. Babu Kishan has always been a free agent and protected his family but he can not anymore. Baul is extinct.

And.. another by the way, Babu Kishan is the one who set the template, the ground, the platform for Bauls to travel around the world. He is the one who encouraged others to follow him around the world, his mother Manju Das is the first Baul women to travel outside of India, in the 1960's, yet I see others making this claim? You can not talk about Baul Women and firsts without talking about Manju Das love her or hate her, she was the only legendary Baul Women to ever travel outside of India. Baul has been extinct for about 30 years if not longer, all the rest is made up stories and lineages.

Babu Kishan brought many who follow Baul along on his own trips as musicians, now many are claiming they too have a lineage not this lineage but their own made up lineage? Their students are claiming they are lineage too?? When Babu knows exactly they were not Bauls, and their Guru never claimed lineage and the family did not even like this person because they only took and never gave back? How useful to make up a lineage of Baul, when it more likely they were kirtan-ist from Bangaldesh. Riding on the coat tails of this family and lineage. 

Then you get the westerns who do not have a clue and can not make it through to Babu Kishan because he does not let people through, so instead of pushing through, they just fold their tent because it is too hard and follow and promote fake. I had a Kung Fu Grand Master and it took 3 years before he would call you by your name. 

Baul is like that, you are not automatically in, anybody who is a Baul who automatically makes friends with you is not a Baul, there is a procedure of initiation by seeing how easy you are bought and sold.

 Babu Kishan can tell who you are in a second, what you want, and what is your intention regarding Baul. Yes, he has been fooled by people in the past, especially scholars only because of a hope, a hope to preserve his tradition. 

Do not expect Babu Kishan to give you a drop of Baul unless he can see you are sincere and are ready to go the length, he may even mislead you to qualify you. He is wiser and older now, the lessons of almost 60 years are etched on his soul. Lessons of growing up with Nabani Das Baul and Brajabala Dasi the last Bauls of his lineage who lived as Bauls untouched outside desires, of his journey through preserving Baul and all the Guru's and top in India Music Art and Film. Terrorist attacks, surviving the 2004 tsunami, many have no clue who Babu Kishan is and what he has lived, he is not a regular person or a simple Baul he is extraordinary and a genius in Indian music.

He has fundraised for thousands of peoples and causes for decades, so he helps many but when it comes to Baul he spent a lifetime, why should he give you his inner soul. You have show some sincerity from your inner soul.

No Bauls traveled the world or outside of Birbhum until this family (lineage) of Bauls did. All follow them, how they dress, how they dance, and the songs they sing and some even take the names off the people who recorded the songs (Babu Kishan) and the people who wrote the (poetry of the song) and put their own on, they copy the styles right down to watching a youtube of Babu Kishan sing the song a hundred times and give no credit.

I have seen people release a book on Baul, I have read the book, then only a few years later to see the book completely updated even using terms that Babu Kishan created 'the rasa lila mystics'. It just goes on and on, elaborately creating new lineages, the desperation is endless. One would say to me get a life, well this is my life, I am a researcher, reading everything that people have written about Baul and qualifying it.

All will be qualified, everybody including Babu Kishan's own family. This book is taking way longer than expected, now onto its 13th year and quite frankly, I more that anybody want to be done with this subject. What I have learned more than anything is that it is Kali Yuga, and in this time period, 'what is real is seen as unreal and what is unreal is seen as real!

 That goes for truth, truth is lost to this world, I am not sure many people do not know what it is to tell the truth and be honest?" 

Babu Kishan had written 3 books in the past and was the first Baul to ever write a Book on Baul, his father wrote one with a Vaishnava Scholar using all of Babu Kishan's notes and other book that were left in the Calcutta home without his permission or credit, I read it there are truths, it is a difficult read and through my research i found an post by a Baul Women who claims she is from a lineage, copied and pasted the techniques listed in the book directly, saying that is what she is teaching, un freaking unbelievable, life is stranger than fiction?? All will qualified. 

He was the first to put Baul on Youtube, a mass of Bauls many of whom were not even Baul followed, singing folk songs, pieces of Baul songs, saying they were this and that.

I guess I could say, people follow this lineage of Baul, people absolutely follow Babu Kishan but in this circumstance regarding Baul, they follow, copy and make up stories?

Jai Guru, Jupiter the lord of telling the truth and good judgement just moved into Sagittarius rules by Jupiter (the Guru) lets hope some sense regarding a little sect of Vaishnava Tantric Bauls is told and told truthfully by someone who actually knows the truth.




















































































