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Friday, April 1, 2011

Part 1- Baul 101 published in 'Agora National News Canada', Copyright do not copy and tell Babu Kishan's stories. Agora no long exists!

The Rasa Lila Mystics, Moner Manush, The Mirror of the Sky! 

A Small History Lesson on the Bauls of Bengal.

New Baul performers do not know the History of The Bauls of Bengal. Most if not all of the new Bauls representing Baul today are not versed in Sanskrit, Vedas, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Yoga, Indian Philosophy or Vedanta, yet this is the basis of being Baul. 

The new Baul singers have not been taught the incredible historical legacy that is The Bauls of Bengal, indeed, many are more interested in how they look or how they can make themselves a celebrity. 

There is no Bengal without Baul, and there is no Baul without Bengal. There is a soul connection between the Bauls and the soil of Bengal.

 I am sorry to say it, but scholars and writers on Baul have it wrong. They have either talked to the wrong Bauls or have cut and pasted what has been falsely written in books and articles regarding who the Baul are. 

Some are trying to popularize Bauls by saying that we are a rootless religion. This is one of the biggest distortions I have ever come across, and utterly wrong. First of all, Baul is not a religion, Baul is a path of Sanatana (eternal) Dharma, a path of sadhana. 

Baul roots are not only deep, they are ancient. If you do not know your eternal dharma and proceed on a path without roots you will never understand or gain the depth that is acquired from a strong foundation. In order to understand what truly separates Baul from religion, one needs to understand the history, the roots of Baul and its eternal dharma.
The oral living lineage of the Baul of Bengal is like an ocean established thousands of years ago. The new rivers flow into the ocean, but the ocean does not flow into the river. The ocean can not become smaller. Every day the ocean becomes more vast, fed by the river which cannot but seek unity. 

A seed will grow roots then grow into a beautiful tree full of lush leaves, flowers and fruit. The fruit of this tree is called Baul. This fruit can only grow through sadhana. The juice or rasa of Baul is alive because this lineage has kept the light burning for thousands of years of pure devotion. In my observations, the new Bauls are trying to change the unchangeable ocean of the Bauls of Bengal, severing the roots, but without the roots the tree will not grow for future generations. Baul is a mystical tradition of sadhana, a disciple parampara oral living lineage. 

My lineage, being the oldest  and only living lineage of Baul, pertains to the original ecstatic devotional singer. We are Tantric Bhakti Yogis from West Bengal India. It is now 2011 and we are at a crossroad.  In which direction will Baul proceed?
Nobel prize winning poet Rabindranath Tagore was deeply inspired by Nabani Das Baul, Baul Music and Baul philosophy, as Shri Nabani Das Baul was Tagore's guru. 

Nabani Das Baul was the first and last Baul Teacher at Rabindranath Tagore's University 'Viswa Bharti'. 

He also was Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's  Baul Music, Dance and philosophy teacher at Viswa Bharti. This is how Nabani Das Baul had come to Know Jawaharlal Nehru. 

When India gained independence from the British in 1947, Nehru invited Nabani Das Baul to sing at the inauguration ceremonies all over India.

From Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to America's poet Allen Ginsberg; The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Mahalia Jackson, Gandhiji, Nehru,Indira Gandhi, Osho, Amandamayi Ma, Ramakrishna Dev, Shri SitaRam Omkarnath; they were all inspired by our lineage of Bauls from Bengal.

Even Mother Theresa can be counted on that list, and there are many more.

Anandamoyi Ma once said to me, “Bauls are complete, they are far advanced to a university degree, they are beyond a PHD.” She said that she wanted to be in touch with my grandfather Nabani Das Baul but for some reason could not. 

Her strongest spiritual guru Sitaram Das Omkarnath who brought her into the spiritual limelight, was a very close associate of Nabani Das Baul and it was Sitaram Das Omkarnath who told Ananadmoyi Ma the many stories about my grandfather Sri Nabani Das Baul. At that time in history it was very difficult to do what Anandamoyi Ma did, for it was a man’s world in regards to being a spiritual guru. I truly am blessed to have close association with both Anandamoyi Ma and Sitaram Das Omkarnath. They were both Bengalis.

Edward Dimock Jr. in his The Place of the Hidden Moon (1966) writes: "Rabindranath Tagore put the Bauls on a higher-than-respectable level by his praise of the beauty of their songs and spirit, and by his frank and proud acknowledgement of his own poetic debt to them." The Lineage Bauls of Bengal also inspired many other successful poets, playwrights and songwriters of the 19th and 20th centuries.

The names Goswami (Gosai) Das, or Dasi  have been our lineages names since the beginning of the story going back thousands of years.

 We are a lineage of mystical song and dance and of kirtan from West Bengal India. Kirtan is not just call and response chanting, it is about telling the stories of Radha and Krishna, the stories of all the scriptures. Who is Ram and Sita? What did they do? 

What are their stories? The Baul must learn these stories, for they are seeds of IndianBaul philosophy. Songs as seeds of wisdom and philosophy is a profound exemplification of what it is to be Baul. The seeds grow into the tree called Baul Sadhana, and without the seeds or the roots in song a tree will never grow. It is these roots I am determined to preserve for future generations.

The truth is well known in Bengal that Shri Nityananda, or Nitai born in Ekchhaka, Birbhum, West Bengal in the 1400-1500's, was a Baul. Shri Nityananda inspired his best friend, a scholar by the name of Shri Chaitanya Dev, or Gauranga. As best friends Sri Nityananda shared the Hare Krishna Mahamantra with Shri Chaitanya Dev, along with our Hare Krishna song, dance and Baul sadhana.

 Baul is an oral tradition passed on through sanskrit, word of mouth, hearing and remembering, as in storytelling. An oral tradition is not like a book tradition. 

The books reside instead within our memory, alive in as much as we are. Much has been distorted by scholarly writers and by Vaishnava reformers. These writers and reformers never had a connection to the oral tradition or the roots of Baul. 

The way of the Baul is the way of the Rasa Lila Mystics, the original Hare Krishna singers and dancers in Bengal. Bauls accept all, feed all, even adopting those who are rejected by mainstream society. 

A Baul is never pedantic. We never say we are better or that Krishna is better than Shiva. Rather, we encourage people. We are not preachers who gather people for the sake of collecting devotees or collecting money to build temples. Bauls want everybody to be a free bird, to reconnect to the divine within. Bauls speak of love and connectivity, but more importantly, they demonstrate these truths in their every interaction.
Shri Nityananda, being a Brahmin Lineage Baul when he met Chaitanya, was already dancing and singing the Mahamantra as his ancestors had been for almost 5,000 years. 

This song and dance organically and spontaneously flowed to Shri Chaitanya. 

 Now I see the Bauls have been removed from all stories regarding Sri Nityananda and Sri Chaitanya. They have been completely written out of Vaishnava history. I am also seeing Sri Nityananada being left out of the story by some modern writers stating Shri Chaitanya is the only father of modern day kirtan, but the Bauls carry on without these words, in song and action, as is our way.

Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul is a Baul Guru, Master of, Indian Folk, Classical, and Bollywood music. He has produced, promoted, composed for all the top Bollywood Indian Cinema's musican's and singers. He is the first Baul to compose Fusion Music, receive a modern education with a BA in Indian Philosophy, MA in Indian Music, the first Baul to live in North America. As a Music Director, Composer, for Indian Cinema for 30 years, he has composed over 150 scores, produced 44 albums. A prolific writer, poet, and author of 3 books on Baul. He has been traveling the world promoting, teaching Lineage Baul for more than 40 years.He spent 12 years as a Vedic Monk with the Ramakrishna Order
© copyright  all rights reserved 2011 to 2040
by Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul and Trishula Sandra Das
Babu Kishan, is a lineage Baul, Baul and Sanskrit Scholar preserving
his Ancient Oral Living Lineage.













































































Sunday, February 13, 2011

Begging for God/dess.. What is a legendary Baul ??

There is a huge misunderstanding that Baul's are beggars, they are only beggars for God/dess, mostly spread by modern day Vaishnava from America.

 We are all beggars in this world we are all begging for our survival, we are all begging for money, we all have to support ourselves and our families, it is often easier to pick out a marginalized group and point a finger. 

Baul's are only beggars for Goddess, Baul's of the days long gone would completely forget about their material reality, artha, they relied on Dakshina of the villagers, they never let the villagers bow down and touch their feet. Hari Krishna coming into a village was their wake up call, wake up, come and learn what life is about, come and learn the shastra through their song and dance, wake up. However, today many scholars come to them and offer them a small donation and they take all their songs and mess all up, they do not know who wrote the songs and they attribute them to the wrong people, they are the do gooders, really doing wrong,

The world is rapidly changing, the world has changed, Baul's are extinct,  Bauls have needed to change, unfortunately it is easy for someone from another country, a different ancestry to even understand and I have heard some say Baul's need to stay the way they were. Are you practicing what your ancestors taught, are you dressing the way you ancestors dressed?

The world is not supporting the way they were, they actually are suffering because Baul's are innocent and trusting, today people are so clever, it is easy to use the Baul's, take their music, and pose as a Baul, while the real Bauls suffer. It is easy when you are starving and suffering to take and not give back to the Baul's. It is easy to offer them a few rupee's and take their songs, when they are living through a pandemic.

In the old days Bauls were offered dakshina or offering of gratitude to the Guru. Yes, Bauls were Guru's who dedicated their lives to pass on the most important spiritual knowledge of the Upanishads, Vedas, Yoga and Indian Philosophy. 

They provided deep inspiration to the people living in the rural villages of Bengal. Purna Das Baul was the first Baul who made sure Bauls recieved money for their songs for their performances. Although his father Nabani Das would be have been furious if you gave him money for his singing as he was a Baul Guru, it was automatic that he received Dakshina out of respect for his amazing knowledge and spontaneous healings, it was a way of respect, a way of being grateful. 

Bauls do not build temples or have not written books. This lineage of Bauls is an oral living parampara tradition. They do not preach a doctrine and collect devottee's. In my opionion they are more pure devotee's than the orthodox religious reformers of the past century because they were not as Britishized in their way of thinking. 

To a book educated person the Bauls may have appeared as lower than the reformers but if they understood Bauls were more original than themselves that they actually were the parampara the sampradaya. It is the new age Vaishnava who made up a parampara.

Purna Das Baul being the eldest saw how his mother Brajobala Dasi struggled to feed her children because Nabani Das was off wandering India healing others and feeding other children on his travels. 

Even when Purna Das Baul was 7 or 8 he noticed everybody making money off of the Bauls, and said why should the Bauls not be paid for what they do, they have families and the old ways of survival no longer work. 

Purna was an advocate of lifting the Bauls up. Bauls should be the only ones gaining from Baul, other people are making money by using the Bauls, he felt only Bauls should be profiting off of Baul. 

Bauls are wandering spiritual messengers they were the newspaper before they newspaper, they taught the science of life, how to achieve God while being in the human body, they had to know about all of life, how to be human and still be divine.

Purna Das Baul is the first Baul to sing on the trains in Bengal India. Now we see Bauls singing on trains in Bengal and all the credit for this goes to Purna Das Baul, he was the first before him nobody did this. 

This is history and how Purna Das came to Calcutta, one train stop, next train stop. He got the milk from Gopal Das Baul who married his sister Radharani Dasi, Gopal was the first Baul to play the Dotara and was the son of the Head Pujari of the Nityananda Temple in Ekkchaka. 

Purna Das Baul was given the milk by Gopal Das for free and  served milk to the tea stall attendants, by doing this it was the only way he could enter the train station, otherwise he had no money to purchase a ticket to get in. Purna Das Baul struggled unbelievably to make a platform for the Bauls. He had to help his mother, he was the type of son who would not allow his mother to suffer, so he thought of ways to help her.

His father the Great Baul Saint Nabani Das Baul was of wandering helping to heal and feed everybody but as a Baul he sometimes forgot he had a family.

 Purna Das never asked for money or begged for money, it was his friends that collected for him. Then he sang, this is Baul history this is what legends are...and he did this when he was 7 or 8 years old, he soon realized by singing the songs from his lineage, the more than 5,000 songs he had laboured to learn he could give something back to his mother and his village.

 It is not that he sang songs to beg, he had done his sadhana from birth, he knew his lineage, he had already laboured long years learning sanskrit, learning the oral tradition.

Today we pay for books, newspapers, magazines, TV and the Internet, we pay to get certified in just about every aspect of Indian spirituality, we pay to keep the temples. 

Bauls provided these services through song and dance way before people even had books, they taught lessons in Indian spirituality, in the art and science of life, how to cooperate with nature, how to reach the highest, deep love by removing the shackles that bind us, for this they were given dakshina. Bauls have always been a major part of life in rural Bengal, they an integral part of Bengali culture.

Baul's are the Tantric spiritual Guru bards, spiritual musical mystical Guru minstrels from West Bengal India. They were oral Sanskritists singing their songs in vernacular Birbhum Bengali. 

I can say Babu Kishan is the last who was trained by Nabani and Brajabala, because he had an interest and tendency. He is the eldest and last to be initiated by Nabani Das Khyepa Baul, his brothers and the cousins the eldest child of Laxshman Das Bauls, Bhavani younger than Babu grew up with Nabani too, however Sanskrit and preserving their Baul tradition was not a tendency for Bhanvani, she was like a dear sister to Krishnendu aka Babu Kishan.

Baul's are the magical removers of darkness, they awaken the soul. 

They have been holding the key to the unseen magical world for thousands of years, there is a flow of magical lineage flowing through their blood. Scholars and outsiders can only speculate and their speculations are wrong.

Baul's are simple but it is not simple to just call oneself a Baul, you must have done years and years of sadhana under a Guru, who also has the gift or the key, and can pass the gift on.

Copyright 2011 all rights reserved. Revised November 2021

None of us has a Permanent Resident Visa or Permanent Citizenship. 
Quote by Babu Kishan