www.babukisha.org (copyright 2018 -2030)

www.babukisha.org (copyright 2018 -2030)
WWW.BABUKISHAN.ORG Copyright, All Rights Reserved, Do not copy these stories or part of these stories, for your books or blogs, All Rights Reserved. 2010 -2030

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Fakir, Aul, Sai, Dervish, and Shah are 'NOT' Baul. There are not 4 or 5 types of Baul!

Fakir, Aul, Sai, Dervish, and Shah are 'NOT' Baul. 

There are not 4 or 5 types of Baul. This is repeated by people who are using Baul ing Baul.

Baul does not mean 'afflicted by the wind'. Most Scholars say, Bauls are illiterate, this is not true either, the people who come to Baul, the people who follow Baul may be illiterate, but a Baul is never illiterate. .

Oral Sanskrit is way beyond any English Scholarly translations. Bauls could speak Sanskrit by 'hearing and remembering' along with reading manuscripts, Nabani Das Khyapa Baul had many manusripts. 


Bauls is not an 'umbrella' name for groups of random peoples? I have documented all, and it is clear how this all came into being. I will present all my findings in the new book, everybody is to blame including Babu Kishan who used to post things to see if others would post the same things, I have to say and you know what they did?

Babu Kishan aka Krishendu Das Baul noticed long ago, that scholars and others would randomly make false untrue statements about the Bauls. He watched how these statements were copied and pasted by other and scholars.

Babu did experiments decades ago, planting things to see if it would be reposted as truth and it was. Even his own family copied and pasted, without even knowing?

Copy and paste about Baul is wrong, It is all copy and paste as truth when most of it is not even true.

Baul is a Sampradaya (only one Sampradaya) of a very small group of Tantric Vaishnava Yogi's from Birbhum Bengal. 

Just because random people say they are Bauls does not mean they are Baul. There are certain questions that must be answered before one can even be called a Baul? You can't just say you are a Baul or make up a lineage of Baul??

The trend is to make up lineages?

There is only 'one' lineage of Baul. All Bauls who are making up lineages are just that making up lineages. However, they only follow this lineage, singing this lineages Baul songs, dressing as them and following them around the world. 

No one in this world would know about Baul without all the pioneering work this family has done and especially Babu Kishan (Krishnendu Das).

It is important to understand the two root words that mean Baul are Sanskrit words, (Vayu and Tula) these are the roots of Baul. In the Bengali language B (Bayu) and in the rest of India V (Vayu) = VayuTula = Vatula in Bengali Batula and over time Baula and now Baul. 

The name Baul comes from 'Sanskrit' and their tradition is an 'Oral Sanskrit Tradition' Bauls are 'wind catchers'. Vayu Dharma is the Baul term for Pranayama

A Baul is a title such as 'Acharya, Guru, or Adept' it is not a radom title for all, there was a way of life. Baul is an adept in Pranayama, Vaishnava and Tantra, a true Baul has spent a lifetime learning all shastra and doing sadhana. Without sadhana there is no Baul, but just because a person does sadhana (practice) does not make them a Baul either. 

It is not so simple to simple say I am a Baul, or I was initiated by a Baul because many people say they are Baul and are not. You could say it is rather complicated. A westerner or someone outside of the Sampradaya can never distinguish who is a Baul and who is not, but if you watch over time and study enough, you can see what is real and what is not, thus as an outsider you first have to know what Baul means and why do people even know about Baul.

Baul to balance the vital Vayu (airs) to keep a balance (Tula) of Vayu, the vital Prana in the human body. 

For instance Nabani Das Khyapa Baul could meditate under water for 12 hours or more, he could be buried under the earth for 12 hours or more. Perhaps this will help you understand why Baul is extinct, Nabani was the last authentic Baul who carried the Essence of Baul. 

The Essence of Baul as great Tantric Yogi's or in the case of Baul - Avadhuta- has flown away and Vaishnava. It is great that new Baul singers/actors are keeping the name Baul alive but do not be confused of what it means to be a Baul. 

Singing is important but only a drop in the ocean of Baul. 

All Baul copy Nabani's style (Ekatara, Baya, Nupoor) they do not have the Essence of Baul.

Afflicted by the wind is a misinterpretation of what Baul means. In Ayurveda to be afflicted with the wind is an illness created when the body has an imbalance in the air element called a Vata derangement, the Bauls are not afflicted by the wind. 

This is a misconception and misinterpretation of Baul. Afflicted by the wind, is copied and pasted because a scholar said it and now has become the standard for what Baul means, it is wrong and is not what Baul means.

If one says, Baul means 'afflicted by the wind' they do not understand, they have copied and pasted it from Edward Dimock who was an American early Bengali scholar, in his Book "The Places of the Hidden Moon" he did a great job describing Sahajiya Vaishnavism which by the way is Baul.

 Then in his chapter on Baul he completely got it wrong and could not figure out who they are, it is laced with confused speculations? 

Please understand how the whole trajectory or narrative of a tradition can be changed by even subtle misinterpretations and then copy and paste as if true over and over in book after book by mostly scholars, this leads to people who want to follow Baul as being confused? 

Every other day someone writes their speculations on Baul, on academia.org there are hundreds, the last one I read is that Quawwali singing is Baul, the man who wrote it even used a picture of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul to prove his messed up theory. I showed Babu kishan who composed many Quawwali's for the top Quawwali singer in India and he said NO WAY. 

If anybody would know he would know. Baul has nothing to do with Islam, Muslim or Fakir, they are muslim, Baul is Hindu.

This is how the whole narrative can be changed by an outsider looking in? This is my point and not to be taken lightly!

Baul is NOT Afflicted by the wind, and people use 'Edward Dimock' as the bench mark on what Baul is? He did the best he could at the time but the repeated scholarly copy and paste of this is an insult to the real authentic Baul. To the Bau who has archived his lineage over decades and who is from this lineage, an expert Sanskritist oral and classical at the highest levels.

Most of the PHD's from over the world used to come to Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das to learn both Sanskrit, Bengali and yes of course about Baul because his house in Calcutta was a Cultural Hub.  

Carol Solomon always came to Babu Kishan over decades as a resource to get Bengali and Baul information. Carol always consulted Babu about Bengali and they became friends. This story will be told in his book because it is of major significance in the Cultural Appropriation and twisting of Baul History. Babu Kishan met or knew all the scholars and had much to say.

Babu Kishan, asked Lila Roy, (the best ever Bengali translator) and the most (under recorded) American Bengali Translator for Rabindranath Tagore. When Babu asked her if this person or that person was very good at doing Bengali to English translations, she just shrugged her shoulders in an agreement way. However, Lila Roy would never say anything bad about anybody. All scholars pat each other on the back but do they ever talk about Lila Roy, I am pretty sure they all met her!

*Note*, The Vaishnava Bauls were Sanskritists as Babu Kishan was born into. None speak Sanskrit anymore and have twisted the story to suit their narrative. 

 It is now necessary to get the narrative straight because Baul is extinct and it seems many are saying anything and changing the narrative. 

The Bauls sang their songs in Bengali, just as Tulsi Das composed the Hanuman Chalisa in the vernacular language of the villagers, so did the Bauls because their job was to educate the villagers, they were the Guru's. 

Bauls are known as the 'Wind Catchers'. Babu Kishan is the first person to explain this, just saying because now you will see others change their story and attribute it to their fake lineages. 

More will be written about this in his new book. Baul = Vayu Dharma = the Wind Catchers, yes the Honey catchers and there is a long explanation because they are the Pied Pipers of Vaishnava (a term I used long ago) the Vaishnava Bauls are "The Rasa Lila Mystics" another term coming from Babu Kishan. 

If they are this how can they be Fakir, Aul, Sai, Dervish and Shah those of Muslim Sufi if you want to categorize Baul one could say they are 'Hindu Sufi' Sufi as a term to describe the original people of planet earth the people of music, dance and love, who accepted all. 

Bauls are Hindu (Sanatan Dharma) they are from before Muslim and they are from 'Bharata Mata' not Persia, Uzbekistan or Saudi Arabia. They accepted Sufi Muslim into their group but they did not become them.

Bauls are from the soil and soul of Birbhum Bengal India. The people (Bauls who say) that Bauls are from the above places are confused, they are 'riding on the coat tails of this lineage' and at the same destroying the legacy that Babu Kishan and his family created around the world. We know who they are, you copy everything and follow this lineage around the world. Strangely enough the term, 'riding on the coat tails' was coined in Calcutta, this is nothing new.

All Bauls and others follow this lineage of Baul, Baul and this lineage does not follow others, they accept others. Another misconception Baul is Buddhist, no they are not Buddhists are Baul like and Baul includes not just one part of Hinduism as the Buddhist do, they include all parts. 

You can say Buddhism came out of Baul not the other way around. Part of Baul is the Maha Vidya, Hindu Tara Ma one of the Shakti Piths (places) of Tara Pith in Bengal came way before Buddhist Tara, this too can be calculated from the ancient scriptures that originate way before Buddhism. Please understand the Sahaja of Baul does not come from Buddhism and if I tell you where it comes from, it will be copied and stolen.

Baul is different it is based on 'Indian Tantric Yoga' Das Baul and Dasi are not and never were Fakir, Sai, Dervish or Shah, this are Muslim and Baul accepts them but they are not the same. 

I have recently seen a Baul Women giving a talk at Berkley and she is saying there are 4 types of Baul, she is completely wrong, I do not want to use names but she doesn't know what she is talking about, the video was up for a long time on Archive.org but recently was taken down, I wonder why? Probably they read my blog, each time this person opens their mouth and I have all recorded, it is not even close, just something she heard, and she is going to preserve Baul. Baul has already been preserved decades ago by Babu Kishan.

This is the problem, this causes reductionism and the destruction while watering down the whole tradition, people posing and teaching, do not even know who Bauls are?

Fundraising that they are going to 'archive Baul' when Baul is already archived and has been archived decades ago by Babu Kishan. Baul has been archived, it has been done, it is done.

In the past many different groups were wandering around Bengal and they were lumped together under 'Baul', they were not Baul. The British had a huge disdain for all wandering people, they were treated badly and they all lumped together and called Baul and this Aul Baul Sai Dervish comes from Bhaktivinode Thakur who has a huge disdain for indigenous Bengali, he was not even born a Vaishnava or Sanskritist, he was a meat eater. This is where this came from??

 At the time even the British educated Bengalis did not understand, they were too busy trying to please the British and gain some sort of respectful life. 

Fakir, Sai, Aula, Dervesh and Shah are not Baul but were lumped together with the Baul for terminology sake and pure ignorance. Bauls are a unique a distinct sect, the oldest and only lineage being this lineage of 'Vaishnava Bauls', Sanskrit speaking people, Brahmins but rejected Brahmanical rules and regulations. 

Gosai aka (Goswami) Gosain and many other ways of spelling this lineage. Bhaktivinode denigrated this group too, of which is the title of the Baul lineage.

Baul is educated in the oral tradition and this Oral tradition is Sanskrit not just random Bangladeshi Bengali, there is a  difference from 'Birbhum Bengali' and Bangladeshi Bengali, Babu will often tell me where people are from just based on how they sound.

BhaktiVinode Thakur (1838 -1914) born Kendranath Datta (not a Baul name) was one of the first people in modern times to pretend he was a Baul with sarcastic poetry which is untrue and has caused great harm to some 13 sects that he denigrated without ever having met a true Vaishnava Baul. Westerner's do not have a clue, if the Guru tells them to hate they do thinking it is Ok?

He identified thirteen 'apa-sampradayas' that split away from the Brahma-Madhva- Gaudiya Sampradaya after Lord Caitanya's disappearance:  

"Aula, Baula, Kartabhaja, Neda, Daravesa, Sani, Sahajiya, Sakhibheki, Smarta, Jata-gosani, Ativadi, Cudadhari and Gauranga-nagari, Gosai aka Goswami, Gosain, Ghosia', he wrote some English poetry to describe why he was a Baul, he denigrated Bauls and many other sects, he put himself on a pedestal, although I read he had a difficult time because many did not like him either and some even used black magic against him.

 Bhaktivinode Thakur wrote, "These apa-sampradayas (apa means "deviated") are like parasitical growths upon the great tree of the sankirtan movement. Because they exhibit all the defects of material conditioning, they are spiritually useless. Their missionary activities are condemned as cheating." 

No spiritual Vaishnava person ever writes like this, he was not from Vaishnava and was not born a Sanskrit speaker, he learned it later in life, not realizing the damage he did to indigenous peoples of Bengal. He was a Christian English educated meat eating Bengali who converted to Vaishnavism and wrote nasty things about the indigenous peoples of Bengal. In today's world it does not take a rocket scientist to understand who and what he was and the time was different.

I didn't say or write this, a Vaishnava never talked with such hate and malice? For presenting this I have literally had death threats, yet is it Ok for these Vaishnava to talk garbage about others? Death threats are the only apa-sampradaya.

Bhaktivinoda was a man of his time, he was a converted Vaishnava orthodox reformer, a British English educated man who learned Sanskrit later in his life. He did a great job but there are some things that one needs to know, he used strong negative language against other sects including the Bauls, it is NOT ok, it has lead to a Cultural Genocide of parrots who do damage to indigenous Sanskrit and oral vernacular Birbhum Bengali's.

Baul Samarat Purna Das Baul - Padma Sri, Many times President Awarded over 8 decades, always was a special guest, recognized by all Gaudiya Vaishnavism in India as a direct lineage of Sri Nityananda of Ekachakra Birbhum Bengal. Nitai was a Baul Avadhuta of this lineage. 

Before him Sri Nabani Das Khyapa Baul his father who was the Baul who initiated and inspired Rabindranath Tagore into Baul. Before him all  Baul Gosai, Bauls were the path of the Avadhuta. 

All will be said, in the new book, including famed Baul Women. Purna Das Baul like his family before him has fundraised huge sums of money for Gaudiya Vaishnava and always they were very special guest.

 I really think the people who are spreading this dark negative un-Vaishnava behavior towards the Bauls do not understand Karma or the real nature of what it is to be pure Vaishnava?

You can find all sorts of Un- or Apa- Vaishnava language full of hatred, when in actual fact Vaishnava accepted all peoples, they would never talk like this. I will add more logic to this in the book. 

Bhaktivinde Thakur met someone but he did not meet Baul. Gosai is added to Bhaktivinode's list too, this lineage is Gosai, he never liked Gosai is aka Gosain, Goswami. 

This is parroted and printed all over the internet under apa-sampradaya if only Bhaktivinode had foreseen the future of the branches of what he tried to preserved including the child molesting, murderous Western Branch of Vaishnavism from Bengal, who are they to point a finger at anybody, seriously.

When one mentions Baul, the orthodox and Western fundamental Vaishnava come out in hate of Bauls displaying a type of apa-sampradaya that is far from what Vaishnava was meant, far from what the real Vaishnava who are about and being, 'humbler than a blade of grass'. 

For any Baul to parrot there are 4 types of Baul 'Fakir, Aul, Sai, Dervish' they do not know what they are talking about, they do not even know where that originates and these Bauls now says they are going to archive Baul, how is this possible? How is that possible when Baul has already been archived decades ago by Babu Kishan? How can you archive Baul and go around the world teaching there are 4 types of Baul? One must first know what Baul is?

Same old thing over and over and all inaccurate. Follow your path but do not call it Baul, follow Baul but at least know what you are copy and pasting. It should be noted, this lineage has been recognized by Gaudiya Vaishnavism, forever, and they have done extensive fundraising for Gaudiya Vaishnavism in Bengal and around the world and not one person ever told them they were apt-sampradaya?

A little respect please, this One and Only lineage is the ancestor of Sri Nityananda of Ekachakra. Vaishnava Baul the path of the Avadhuta going back for thousands of years before Sri Nityananda.

It is said, the Pandavas were exiled in 'Ekachakra' in the Mahabharata War , which can be calculated using Jyotish the eyes of the Veda's. 

Date of the Mahabharata:


This lineage is from Nityananda of Ekachakra. Again, more will be qualified in the new Book. It has to be, I could care less about all this but it needs to be understood otherwise all these false writings will remain as truth on the internet and the real authentic origins of Baul will be deleted and screw up by outsiders or mere followers of Baul, who never knew but wanted to 'ride on the coattails' of this family and lineage mix and matching, mumble jumble, watering down, reducing what in fact is lineage. 

For what, for a job, for survival and this can be understood too, everybody has to feed their family, but if they had the real story, they would have a story to tell and they could really educate and preserve this Lineage of Vaishnava Baul correctly for future generations. It will be them that carry on Baul why not to it right, it is for others not for ourselves.

#BhabaPagla #Singapore 

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The Ektara, Baya, Nupoor style of Baul only comes from Nabani Das Khyapa Baul, this is Nabani style, he created this style!

EKTARA - BAYA - NUPOOR (NUPUR) ankle bells! 

Nabani Das Khyapa Baul was the Baul who initiated Rabindranath Tagore into Baul. 

The Photo below was taken by Rabindranath Tagore in the 1920's, many have painted this photo of Nabani Das Khyappa Baul over and over as he is the symbol of the last authentic Baul.

Copyright 2010 - 2040 Means do not copy, no name dropping, poaching, or watering down, reducing Baul, no making up narratives or taking name off. This lineage is not random Baul, they have names and they know who the poets are!
Nabani was very popular yet unattached as he was a Baul Avadhuta. This being the only lineage who uses Avadhuta, no other followers of Baul titled Avadhut or followed Dattatreya?

 When Nabani passed away in 1969 all of Birbhum shut down to honour him. Today because of cultural appropriation and story making by what Babu Kishan called 'Circus Bauls' the Nabani's legacy, his story and style have been copied and his name has been cut off the story. 

Babu Kishan's 4th book will be a truth telling book, as he is the first person to archive and preserve his tradition decades ago.

The style of his dance and the instruments Nabani used were particular to Nabani Das Khyapa Baul, there is a reason why he is called Khyapa!

Baya is a drum from the tabla that Nabani would tie to his waist. 

 The pretendian Bauls have been recorded saying Baul is from Turkey, Baul iis not from families, and other false narratives.. She says Baul does not care who wrote the poetry, but when she composes poetry her name is on it? 

Baul comes from families Baul is based on powerfuul ancestors and is only from Birbhum, they care who wrote the poetry and if you are singing songs from this lineage, write who wrote it and if you don't know, do not take credit or use it, you have done more harm to Baul than good, teaching wrong teachings, warping history into your limited view., faking it til you make it? or riding on the coattails of this lineage while making up fake Baul Guru's. More wrong teachings and watering down of Baul? It boggles the mind?

Today everybody calls themselves Khyapa? Babu Kishan calls them Jokers. To be Khyapa you have reached a level beyond ordinary, to be an Avadhut you are way beyond ordinary, I don't know about other traditions but in Baul you are way beyond. In Baul today no one can even touch Nabani Das Khyapa Baul.

Nabani's eldest son is Purna Das Baul now 91 years of age and yes of course he followed his father, this is lineage. 

The Ektara Baya and Nupur were NOT a style of Baul dance and song before Nabani. So if you are using Nabani's style you are following this lineage and your so called Guru also, followed Nabani oh but you cut Nabani's name off and using everything from this lineage while making creating a new lineage that never existed?

 Nabani changed many things in this lineage, you could say he was a reformer in that he took Gosai off their name too. The Ektara called the Gopi Yantra and Gopi Chand was always part of this Lineage and came from this one and only Lineage of Tantric Vaishnava Baul. 

The Ektara aka Gopi Yantra or Gopi Chand comes only from this lineage. Gopi Yantra it is the Bauls Yantra, it is also a symbol of peace and unity.

Those who are using this style are following Nabani Das Khyapa Baul and this Lineage? Using his songs, when does it end? 

Nabani Das Khyapa Baul is Babu Kishan's Grandfather and Guru, Babu aka Krishnendu the name given by Nabani, lived his first 8 years on Nabani's lap, if not for Nabani and Brajabala and the Grace of Tara Ma little Krishnendu would never have become Babu Kishan. 

Nupoor are the metal, thong style bells worn on the feet. 

Nabani Das Khyapa Baul is the first Baul to wear this style, before Bauls wore and still do wear ghungroo ankle bells.

This photo was taken by Rabindranath Tagore's personal Photographer. 

In the photo you can see the style and dance that was created by Nabani Das Khyapa Baul, he was the first to use the (Ektara, Baya and Napoor) in his style, this is the style he created. 

All others who dance and sing in this style follow Nabani Das Khyapa Baul, in Babu Kishan's soon to be released book he will give specifics of how the narrative of his lineage and his family has been appropriated, their names taken out of the story and new names and lineages added. 

In this picture of Nabani Das Khyapa taken in 1954 - you can see his Nupoor ankle bells sitting right in front of his leg. 

He is the first to wear these and use the Ektara and Baya in his style.

Copyright 2018 -2040 

All rights reserved, do not copy or paste or use in any way without permission from Babu Kishan. 

Not be used in any way, this is an excerpt from his new Book. 
All rights reserved.

 Mirror of the Sky - Ananda Lahari

​Kali Krishna Tantric Vaishnava Baul Akhara 'Ashram'

Copy Right 2010 - 2040

Do not copy

Stop the Intellectual Liquidation of this one and only lineage!

There is no other Baul lineage, there never has been another!

Many will say, Baul is associated with, making Babu Kishan's stories generic, and others in this lineage stories generic. When you hear any person use generic terms regarding Baul, such as making associations that never existed they are appropriating Baul. 

Any generalizations or random association in statements about Baul are false  associations! Statements such as Baul is associated with Bob Dylan, Allen Ginsberg, George Harrison, Bollywood, Rabindranath Tagore ect...and then posting a picture of a random Baul on the next page or in a poster is intellectual property theft and cultural appropriation. "Baul was associated with" no you were NOT.

Using Baul through false association.

They take the names off and take credit for stories that belong to this lineage.

Making new lineages up.

These stories and name dropping from Babu Kishan's life stories do not belong to you?

They are not your stories, they are the life and intellectual property of Babu Kishan.

Yes, repeat, repeat, repeat, and one day soon in the media too.

The new Bauls who are dramatic singers make up lineages (Sampradaya's)!

There is only one lineage of Vaishnava Tantric Baul and they only originate from Birbhum W Bengal India.

Do not take the names off this lineages stories, do not use Babu Kishan's stories about Bob Dylan and Allen Ginsberg or any of the people he has been associated with for decades, his friends, his Indian Cinema or Indian Music friends, he is not a generic Baul.

I have seen his stories on youtube of name dropped and then generically Baul hung out with Bob Dylan or Allen Ginsberg, No BAUL did not, you did not, only Babu Kishan did.

Stop using what has nothing to do with your fake lineages or fake Baul stories. 

Enjoy Baul !!

​That was Babu Kishan's intent, to help others become Baul, he created the template and encouraged many Bauls to travel around the world, he even brought them along with his family.

Baul is extinct and Babu Kishan has preserved it back in the 1960's.

His Grandfather Guru (Nabani Das Khyapa Baul and Grandmother Guru (Brajabala Dasi) are his Guru's!

Born in Birbhum almost 60 years ago and has seen all and was raised by the last of the only lineage Bauls of Bengal.

Babu Kishan is the eldest grandchild and the only one who took them both as Guru's from Birth because his birth father Purna Das Baul and birth mother Manju Dasi, left him as a baby to die in Birbhum and went back to Calcutta without looking back, they had 2 other son's and forgot about their eldest in Birbhum?

Nabani Das Khyapa Baul gave all to Babu Kishan he even named him Krishnendu and kept him with him 24/7 having him blessed by all the Saints, Yogi's, Tantric's, Naths, Guru's of the early 1960's in Birbhum. Nabani brought Babu Kishan as a baby to Tarapith and the burning grounds and prayed to Tara Ma to heal him, she did and thus Tara Maa a Mahavidya and Kali have always been with Babu Kishan.

At roughly 8 years of age in 1969, Nabani passed into samadhi and initiated Babu Kishan into a deep 9 day samadhi, that is why you can not see him at the picture of Nabani's samadhi he was gone for 9 days could not move or talk. Nabani passed all of his energy to Babu like a big electrical shock.

Mirror of the Sky - is the name Rabindranath Tagore gave Nabani Das Khyapa Baul

We know what we have written and all who write or have said in youtube  talks about Baul are documented daily for fake teachings.
Name dropping Nabani, Bob Dylan, Rabindranath Tagore, no shame?

Baul has become watered down and reduced to a point, where nothing any outsider says is true anymore.

It seems people just make it up, now asking for donations, to preserve Baul when it has been preserved decades ago. Babu Kishan preserved Baul decades ago, the people today are singing this lineages songs, in desperation to be a Maa or Baba or saviour of Baul, some have taken the names off and added new names. 

Literally Babu Kishan is embarrassed by what these women and men have done with Baul, so much so that he really wants nothing to do with Baul anymore, because he is embarrassed at the copy and paste.

All Purna Das Baul's famous music, was produced, recorded and Music was composed by his eldest Son Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das. Many of the Lyrics are also, by Babu Kishan which many all Bauls are singing on recorded youtube clips , with no credit given.

Lyrics and who wrote the poetry is part of Lineage Baul it has been for generations, it is important and if a Baul does not mention who wrote the poetry, it is because they do not know or are just using this lineage and perhaps even intentionally taking the name off. This is wrong and is mis-appropriation of Baul at a time when Baul is extinct or near extinction?

Lyrics matter, the poet matters especially when you are using what does not belong to you, intentionally trying to appropriate and liquidate this lineage, creating false narratives and trying to collect people for your fake lineage?

Making documentaries when you know not a drop about Baul, it is just about trying to get money from the United Nations, creating false narratives with fake Bauls, people who are not even Baul showing them all smoking ganja in a group?

Babu Kishan has seen this over 60 years people trying to use Baul in one way or another, writing books (academic speculations), creating documentaries (with people posing as Baul), using Baul music and creating and teaching false narrative.

This using always comes back to donations, money money money to use Baul creating fake lineages, making wrong associations about who is a Baul Guru, there is no such thing as Baul Masters?

Saying there are roughly 20,000 Baul in Birbhum when that is a complete lie?

Making Baul Muslim to collect funds, saying Baul is from Persia, Turkey or even saying you do not know, why are you fundraising collecting donations trying to be a Maa or Baba when you do not even know and using Nabani style Ektara, Baya and Nupoor (ankle bells) and Nabani's songs putting other poets name on the song? Telling people there are 4 or 5 types of Baul Sai, Dervish, Aul, fakir obvious you do not know anything about Baul but parading around the world?

Baul is not Muslim either.

Using Baul for Tantric Sex, the list goes on and one?


Random association, using this lineages stories but making Baul generic.
Baul according to this lineage and Babu Kishan's friendships and his families association. 

The associations with this lineage only include:
this list will grow daily.

Sri Nityananda and the lineage coming out of his family of Ekachakra Birbhum Bengal, this is this lineages association only, in regards to Baul.
Jai Nitai

Rabindranath Tagore -
Nabani Das Khyappa Baul was the only Baul who initiated Tagore into Baul

Ektara Baya Nupoor, style of dance and song was created
by Nabani Das Khyapa Baul. 

The patch work Guduri (dress) designed by Babu Kishan

Das Baul and Dasi this lineage only!

Baul Kirtan

​Baul Guru 

Bob Dylan

Allen Ginsberg

The Rolling Stones

George Harrison

Osho and Baul associated with Babu Kishan and Nabani Das Kyapa Baul only!

Baul Avadhut, this lineage only!

Pous Mela

Joy Dev Mela

Vaishnava Baul

Vaishnava Tantric Baul


Rasa Lila Mystics

Baul explanation: Vayu Dharma, Vayu Tula

Ananda Lahari

Oral Tradition, Oral Sanskrit, Manuscripts, vernacular  Birbhum dialect

Ektara/ Gopi Yantra/ Gopi Chand this lineage only!

Tarapith Tara Ma, Baul association was Nabani Das Khyapa Baul others followed?

Poetry of this Lineage archived by Babu Kishan, this list will grow

Now acting like they too, but never mentioned before, until it was written on Babukishan.com in the 1990's and his 3 books and pretending they learned it someone else?

1970 to today Babu Kishan has given 100's of lectures all around the world.

Baul Akhara, not used by others til recently?

There are not 20 thousand Bauls in Birbhum and we are not looking for devotee's, Baul does not want devotee's?
If anything Baul avoids and makes the path crooked and not easily accessible.

We are not saying come join us? 

We are here to educate and tell the truth of who and what is Baul.

That is it!
#BhabaPagla #Singapore