THE ONLY OFFICIAL 'BAUL ARCHIVE' BY INDIGENOUS ANCESTRAL BAUL Copyright, All Rights Reserved, Do not copy or poach these stories as told only by Babu Kishan or part of these stories, for your youtube, books or blogs, All Rights Reserved. 2010 -2040

Monday, April 18, 2011

Hauman Chalisa Music composed and Produced by Babukishan singing Hari Om Sharan

Stolen by a record Company and Producer, Music Composer, Singers name taken off?

Babu Kishan recorded thefirst Hanuman Chalisa ever recorded, he composed the music and arranged all, it was stolen from his studio and appropriated and used in the video lip synced by the owner of the music company?

'the most listened to Devotional Song ever in the history of India with 2 billion listeners on one site alone.

Another record company,  Babu Kishan's Hanuman Chalisa with 
15 million hits?
Another with 8 million.
We discover more all the time.

Babu Kishan's name is not there?
Singing by Hari Om Sharan

The late Hari Om Sharan name is not there either, instead they have listed the singer as HariHaram who is a completely different singer? This is the work of the late Gushan Kumar.

Gushan Kumar who is a NOT a singer, he is lip syncing, he is acting. 

When Gulshan Kumar was murdered, Babu Kishan was the one who went and identified his body because he worked with him. Gulshan Kumar also, stole one of Babu Kishan's famous fathers songs, a lineage Baul songs!

This is Babu Kishan's Music the most ever listened to in Indian History. People talk about corruption in Bollywood, if anybody knows Babu Kishan does, most of his music was stolen and many record companies and other thieves have made billions on his music. It is the same with Baul music it is being stolen and appropriated, names of poets and music composers taken off and random Bauls recording and taking credit for. This has to stop.

Not a joke, when it is your lives work.

The really stupid thing here is that T-Series lists HariHaran as the singer, his NOT. 

This is 100% Hari Om Sharan??

Yes, true the 2 Billion but this is Babu Kishan music, he composed and recorded this not GuSHAN Kumar?? 

2 Billion times, and 15 million sold to another company. 

Babu Kishan produced this very popular version of the Hanuman Chalisa in the the late 80's, it was later stolen by his assistant at his studio in Mumbai who sold it to Tseries without Babu's knowledge ... Tseries made millions of rupees without even giving Babu credit as Music Producer and Music Composer. 

This music was created and paid for by Babukishan. His assistant sold it to T-series, and they refused to give Babu credit or acknowledge where the music came from.












































































