Indigenous fraud, Indigenous identity Theft!
No poaching, all copyrighted
Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das spiritual lineage, his tradition, his ancestry is Vaishnava Tantric Baul from Ekchakra Birbhum Bengal. However, side by side he is an accomplished Award Winning Indian Cinema Music Producer, Music Composer, and Filmmaker.
He has 60 years experience with his lineage and has archived his lineage starting in the 1960's raised by Nabani Das Khyapa Baul and Brajabala Das the last authentic Bauls on this earth.
Baul has been archived by Babu Kishan since the 1960's, it has already been preserved, so if you anybody is fundraising to archive Baul it has been done, they are using Baul as many have done for decades.
No one in this world would even know about Baul, this is the pioneering lineage that brought Baul to India and the world.
Many say they are Baul, they are Not, just like all the fake Yogi's who are faking it, it is the same with Baul, Baul is not from Turkey as a women Baul has said, Baul is not from Bangladesh or as they say from Persia, Baul is not Muslim?? They accepted Muslims that were rejected for being Sufi Fakir but they did not become them. Baul is not Muslim. Muslims are Fakir Sai Dervish, Shah?
Lalon Fakir is a poet, he never did Baul Vaishnava Sadhana, never.
A Baul is more than a poet, or a singer or even one who shows they can do Yogic Sadhana, they are more than.
Indigenous Baul fraud and Indigenous Baul identity theft!
Bauls are NOT low caste, no caste, stupid people, writers write and repeat, copy and paste. Interviewing fake Bauls reduces indigenous Baul, this is called reductionism, not knowing how to qualify who is a Baul and who is not has created the cultural genocide of the Vaishnava Sahajiya Bauls of Birbhum. This one and only lineage made Baul famous then the fakes came out of the woodwork with woodwork and decides appropriating Baul and stealing the songs, dance, instruments, where this lineage went and what it has already accomplished as part of indigenous Baul history and heritage as way to be famous, become a recording artist and fundraise for financial jackpots through donations to preserve Baul when they are not even from Baul. The making up of false narratives is insidious and rampant.
Ramakrishna knew who the Bauls were but it seems most people are ignorant and most just repeat ignorance over and over?
There is a huge karma mucking up what does not belong to you.
Work on your own families ancestry, do not use what does not belong to you.
Next you will be running to a 90 year old Purna Das Baul (Babu Kishan's father) to make yourself legit. He can do nothing for you, leave him alone. Babu Kishan is his eldest son, he will return to Calcutta and Birbhum this year.
This lineage goes way back before their ancestor Nityananda of Ekchakra Bengal
They are Gosai (Gosain aka Goswami)
Direct ancestry.
11th generation to Nityananda (Chandra Das) Baul.
They are the only Lineage of Vaishnava Baul aka Sahajaya Vaishnava
Chandra Das Baul and Dasi.
Jai Nitai
Many modern scholars, modern Vaishnava reformers have taken Nityananda who was an Avadhut Tantric and distorted, writing wrong things to fit their narrative.
Nitai was a Vaishnava Baul, his ancestors were, his father was,!
The difference is Baul is Tantric, orthodox Vaishnava is NOT!
Many Vaishnava reformers were not even born Vaishnava, were not oral Sanskrit, they were British Christian educated speakers first.
Modern reformers of Vaishnava of Bengal and in the west, said many wrong negative things about Baul not even knowing who they are. They just used Baul and silenced them, they used indigenous people without any though or digging deeper, many never met a Baul or thought a Baul would actually become educated and learn to speak English? Their indigenous language was Sanskrit and vernacular BIRBHUM Bengal only.
Bauls are NOT from South India, or anywhere other than Birbhum, they are know who the poets are. They are from a family lineage. So many wrong teachings and lies are spread by people who are not Baul but faking it til they become a famous Baba or Maa.
Baul is indigenous Tantric Vaishnava, the path of the Avadhut.
They have been degraded and are said to be low caste, no caste, they accepted all, feed all, they did not become all.
More to come in Babu Kishan's 4th book to be released in 2023.
No poaching, copying, riding on the coat tails of this lineage, Baul is extinct. Stop using this lineage and their stories, they are Not yours to tell. Stop taking their names off and name dropping.