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Friday, May 7, 2021

Tarapith, Baul Tantra - Nabani Khyapa Baul & eldest Grandson, his little Krishna who he named Krishnendu & called Prem - Babu Kishan Das

Nabani was an adept Sadhaka at Tarapith who was initiated by Bama Khyepa, he took his sick tiny premature grandson ( Babu Kishan) with crooked limbs to Tara Maa right after he was born praying and begging for his life; Ayurvedic medicine, prayers and mantra were used to heal baby Krishnendu and his limbs were straightened through daily Ayurvedic massage given by Nabani and Brajabala Dasi. 
It should be noted that Nabani was a healer and he had healed thousands of people eveywhere he went, taking their karma and transmuting it. He was a adept Siddha Avadhuta Baul Saint not your regular Baul, all Bauls followed him whether he wanted them to or not or more appropriately one can say all Baul's copied his style. 

Nabani had many disciples but they never showed themselves, we will list many who followed or were his disciples in a later post, they were not regular either and many Bauls are taking their names today without even understanding who they were or how they were related.

Nabani knew the Tantra of alchemy and traditional herbs, he was a close friend of the famed Ayurvedic doctor and healer Dr. Kali Goti who also helped with healing Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul.

 Nabani was an adept at manifesting siddhi's, he knew all the Guru's, Saints, Siddhas, Yogis, Naths, Swamis, Sadhus, Sadhakas of the time and had them all give dharshan and blessings to his little baby Krishnendu. 

Babu went everywhere with Nabani and was a regular at Tarapith learning tantric and Baul sadhana, hanging out with the Gurus and Tantrics one could say he owes his life to Tara Maa and Kali Maa. 

The village Rakha Kali Maa temple where he played, was right beside the Ratha Yatra Cart with Radha and Krishna. The village favoured many gods. Babu saw and experienced a world that does not exist today, those times are gone. I specualate that perhaps this was Babu's karma and a continuation of his past life.

Nabani's samadhi was in 1969, when KD Babukishan was only 8 years old. He thought Nabani was his father, until he learned his real father was Nabani's eldest son Purna Das Baul who had since had two other sons that were raised outside Baul tradition, in contemporary Calcutta. 

Most people on a path would agree that our family is not who we are. Guru is our real family if we are lucky to have one, Babu was lucky to have Nabani who left him his spark. Losing Nabani was to be the greatest loss of little KD Babukishan's life and the greatest loss to the whole Baul community. 

Nabani was not an ordinary Baul he was an extraordinary genius. Babukishan was by his side when he went into samadhi. 

On his grandfather’s passing, KD Babukishan recalls: “suddenly he reached out and gave me his hand at the same time a huge thunder cracked as his whole body turned a blue whitish and an electric current shocked me and ran through my body at the same time automatically the tulsi plant fell over and the Bhagavad Gita hit Boro Baba on his head, he was gone. He held my hand so tight I felt an electric current run through my body my third eye opened, I saw the universe my Boro Baba had given me what is called a Bramhma dharshan. I felt a huge force of power and light in my body, I couldn't break free of Boro Baba's grip.”

Happy Mother's Day.

This is Tara Ma (MahaVidya) from Tarapith in Birbhum Bengal. She is the Ma who saves all, this is Babu Kishan's first Ma, when he was a Baby and not to live, his Grandfather Guru Nabani Das Khyapa Baul brought him to her and prayed for his life as he was premature with crooked limbs. He birth mom Manju brought but it was through Tara Ma's grace he is alive today.