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Showing posts with label Vaishnava Bauls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vaishnava Bauls. Show all posts

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Babu Kishan Spotlight on his one and only oldest Lineage of Baul originating in Birbhum Bengal. All Bauls follow this lineage, today major Cultural Appropriation is taking place.

                                Copyright 2000 - 2040
All rights reserved by Babu Kishan
      Do not copy and take the names off, no poaching !

The beginning of Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das speaking out about his work, lineage, family and the consequences of Cultural Appropriation regarding Baul. 

More to come, on who is a Baul and who is not, he will be speaking out about those who have stepped over the line, watering down and reducing Baul, those who cheat and give wrong teachings. 

The funny thing is now that Babu is speaking out, you just watch his brothers and other will copy and paste and do the same, which has been going on for years, they use everything he does, but take his name and add their own and new lineages that never existed, he will talk openly about all. 

Seriously a big joke.













































































Saturday, April 20, 2019

Baul means Vayu Tula, explanation by Babu Kishan

“The problem is that the translations (of the Upanishads) do not render the beauty of the original text, because these masterpieces have been misunderstood by foreign translators, who only strive to bring out the intellectual meaning without grasping the soul contents of it and do not perceive the ecstasy of the seer ‘seeing’ his experiences”  
by Sri Aurobindo 

Watering down, reductionism of what is Baul, the changing of narratives and or saying Baul is an umbrella name for a group of wandering people. It is not Baul is not Muslim either? They acceptedall wandering peoples but they did not become them. 

Just watch how this will be copied. Without giving credit!! 

Or re-worded. 

My Website has been copied! 

My blog has been copied over and over!

Mostly coming from one source, the same source that copied a Nabani Das Khyapa Baul song from Babu Kishan's Youtube, listened to over and over, then recorded and another poets name put on. 

Intellectual property theft.

Why would I speak out constantly, because can you imagine if someone created a new lineage, and just copies everything, taking credit for what does not belong to them. 

Making up a Baul Guru who was a follower of this lineage? 

Cherry picking and making up stories?

Desperation to become a Baba or Maa?

There is only one lineage of Baul! 

Changing Narratives is toxic, acting like a saviour of Baul is toxic.

Baul has already been preserved decades ago, fundraising to preserve Baul is cheating, especially when you change narratives and whitewash who and what Baul is. 

There is not such thing as Baul Masters??
There are not 4 or 5 types of Baul?
Baul Sahaja is not from Buddhism?
Bauls do Know who the poets are?
Ektara, Baya (hand drum) Nupoor (ankle bells was copied from Nabani Das Khyapa Baul!

The new Narrative that 'Baul is not from family', is wrong?
However, History of Baul is from Family, how does anybody think Baul has come so far, of course Baul has always been from families, but, yet someone NOT from Baul and not from a Baul family would create a new narrative ! Yes, of course there is way more to Baul and I will not give too much here because it is copies and pasted always with names taken off????

It goes on and on....... one after the other?
But how would you know?
How could you know, if you do not even understand the difference between Birbhum Bengali and the other types of Bengali??

How would you know, what makes you qualified to know, what is real and what is a game, and what is acting.

It is a Lie, when one says there are roughly 20,000 Bauls in Birbhum? What would be the purpose, of course to raise funds for a persons own personal agenda?

Baul is extinct, there are people acting as Baul , they are not Baul, they are actors. The riders on the coat tails of this lineage is watering down and reducing Baul. 

Creating a new lineage and stories is Not Baul, it is just acting.

Fake it til you make is NOT Baul!!