THE ONLY OFFICIAL 'BAUL ARCHIVE' BY INDIGENOUS ANCESTRAL BAUL Copyright, All Rights Reserved, Do not copy or poach these stories as told only by Babu Kishan or part of these stories, for your youtube, books or blogs, All Rights Reserved. 2010 -2040
Showing posts with label baul saint. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baul saint. Show all posts

Monday, February 11, 2019

Nabani Das Khyapa Baul - The Mirror of the Sky - Legend, Legendary One and ONlY Baul Avadhuta, Baul Tantra

Nabani Das Khyapa Baul, Legend Legendary, One and Only Baul Avadhuta, the only Baul who initiated Rabindranath Tagore into Baul giving him the name 'Ravi Baul' and Tagore gave Nabani the name "Mirror of the Sky" and title 'Khyapa', the picture below was taken by Rabindranath Tagore.  

All Bauls follow Nabani's style 'Ektara, Baya & Nupur,' they sing his songs and dance as he danced. He is the last authentic Baul, he left the planet in 1969. Nabani is the first and last Baul Professor of Baul song and dance at Tagore's Vishva Bharati University and he was appointed by Tagores to teach at his University. Tagore tried to keep Nabani by giving him land and a special Banyen Tree to meditate under, however, Nabani was a free bird and have you ever tried to catch a bird?
Nabani Das Khyapa Baul is the the Baul who inspired Rabindranath Tagore. To this day in Santiniketan his face is used on many posters, Sri Nabani Das Baul is the symbol of Baul by the people who know.
#baultantra #tantra #VaishnavaBaul #Vaishnavavtantra #VaishnavaAghori #aghora #yoga #bhaktyoga #bhaktifest #shaktifest #shaktibhakti #birbhum #shantiniketan Rabindranathtagor #tagore #kirtan #baularchive

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Baul is not an umbrella Name for random groups of peoples! It is a specific Sanskrit name for a small sect of people from Birbhum Bengal India!

The Point is many people are speaking and writing about Baul and they do not even give the correct description of what Baul means. 

Wikipedia does not know what Baul means, the scholars do not know what Baul means, some have even had the audacity to say it is from Persia or Turkey insinuating Baul is Muslim or that there are (Muslim Bauls), Aula, Sai, Dervish, Shah and Fakir are not Bauls.

Indigenous Baul fraud and Indigenous Baul identity theft.

Baul is not an umbrella name for any other sect.
Kichhu Din Mone Mone is a Nabani Das Khyapa Bauls song,

Baul is a Sanskrit name they were Vaishnava Tantric with origins in Birbhum, no one knew about Baul until this family recorded Baul songs, took Baul from the villages of Birbhum to India and around the world. 

The interesting part is, no one ever said this and as Babu Kishan speaks they say yes yes, Baul is oral Sanskrit but none of the new Bauls were taught because their so called Guru is not a Baul Guru, they have just found a good thing in Baul, singing this lineages songs like Kichu din Mone Mone, acting all innocent, saying horse dung like Baul does not care who wrote the poetry, that is because you and your Guru are not Baul, you are the 'fake it til you can dupe enough people" no you do not make it when you lie.

The story has been culturally appropriated by others who are trying to create a story, they follow this lineage but make up stories about lineages and they teach and tell wrong stories because they do not know.

I purposely leave out part of the description of Baul because what I write is usually copied and pasted, in a twisted form to cover tracks. It is now common to see Baul called an umbrella for a whole bunch of people, BAUL is NOT a UMBRELLA name FOR any GROUPS or any people. 

NO NO NO BAUL it is a very specific Sanskrit name of what were a very small group of people who were oral Sanskritists who carried this name and lineage forward over thousands of years.
Now you want to be famous by watering down and reducing Baul to your level?
 I call this a Cultural Genocide.
Nabani Das Khyapa Baul the one and only Baul who inspired Rabindranath Tagore!!

Bauls accepted all people, however, they did not become all people.


Bauls do not go village to village getting people to touch their feet! This is fake and leading to more fakery in Baul. 
Touch your own feet, Nabani would say.

Bauls love all accept all, oneness and peacemakers, today Baul is misused and abused. 

No one knew anything about Baul until this family recorded Baul songs, they took Baul around the world and others followed, this one and only lineage are the pioneers. 

It is completely wrong to compare yourself or compete with this one and only lineage. It is a sin to lie and make up a fake lineage.

For decades Baul songs that have been recorded and preserved by this family are deliberately being used by others to make themselves famous. Babu Kishan has preserved all since the 1960's and recorded all.

Nabani Das Khyap Baul had a particular style, his style is being used the (Ektara and Baya Nupoor), yes that was his style and the style of this lineage. His songs are used, his style of song and dance used and Babu Kishan's patch work Guduri dress used? His contacts and his lyrics all used with no credit ever given?

It does not come from anywhere else?? Go figure, yet others use it and say they are from a lineage when no other lineage exists.

Today the new Bauls who are NOT from Birbhum, are not  Sanskritist but claiming a lineage of Baul?? 

They are following this lineage, however, making up stories, saying Baul is from some other country?? 

They copy the songs of this lineage and put other poets names on?
You know who you are, and we no you have no shame?

 This is Cultural Appropriation at the highest levels of intellectual property theft. 

The fake of Nakal Baul are not educated about Baul how can they be, they only copy everything and put their name on or name drop? 

 Baul is extinct, they do not understand what Baul even means and have use copied and pasted descriptions from wrong translations from Western Scholars?? It has gotten worse in the past few years.

Probably using Babu Kishan's description now, just wording it differently, when they are not even from Baul, they have nothing to lose, they are narcissists!

Baul is extinct, Babu Kishan has archived and preserved Baul decades ago. Today we see all these NAKAL (fake) performance Bauls acting as if they are the ones who brought Baul to the west, acting as if they are from 'Lineage Baul'. Instead they followed everything this lineage has done right down to meeting their friends.

We see scholars all over the internet, who need jobs and have ulterior motives, their livelihood depends on copy and paste and making up stories??

How do I know? Everywhere Babu Kishan goes all over the world since the 1970's all Bauls follow him and his family around the world, they meet with Babu Kishan's friends and go to the same places, it is joke, no creativity, just look and see and follow. Babu Kishan is a music composer so all Bauls say they are music composers but to be a Music Composer is not just writing poetry and recording? 

Babu Kishan has taught at a multitude of Universities around the world as a paid guest lecturer since the 1970 he is qualified to teach at the University level, he does not do it by donation or free, anybody can do that? This is why Baul has been reduced like a bunch of fools when they should be the most educated in the oral tradition, brilliant and genius not a circus act. 

They follow Babu Kishan here to there, and I have listed to what they teach it is wrong. They teach wrong teaching that are not Baul and the logic is not even there to back it up? 

Babu Kishan created and designed the patchwork Guduri (dress) that all Bauls wear!! Yet claim different lineages?? Das Baul and DASI only come from this lineage, yet you will see claims of other lineages, all of this will be qualified in his new book, it has to be, because of the stupidity of Nakal Bauls and Scholars who just copy and paste what is not true from other scholars who have copied and pasted from wrong interpretations??

This is called watering down, reductionism, cultural appropriation of what does not belong to. you, just to say you taught at a University because Babu Kishan did? It may be funny to some but when something does not belong to you, it is easy to laugh, it is easy to say oh well, but I tell you there is someone watching and you may succeed in destroying Baul, because Babu Kishan never like the Western Bauls, he did not agree and does not agree with what they called Baul. This will be addressed and qualified too.

Baul is not a copy and paste game.The Point is many people are speaking and writing about Baul and they do not even give the correct description of what Baul means.

Wikipedia does not know what Baul means, the scholars do not know what Baul means or who Bauls are because there are so many fakes. Some have even had the audacity to say it is from Persia or Turkey insinuating Baul is Muslim or that there are Muslim Bauls, those are not Bauls. The Muslim those are Aula, Sai, dervish, and shah and Muslim Sufi, it is a game for fundraising and for Scholars who needed a topic because the other Bauls had been written about this, copy and paste as if it were the truth. 

Baul is a Sanskrit name they were Vaishnava Tantric with origins in Birbhum, no one knew about Baul until this family recorded Baul songs, took Baul from the villages of Birbhum to India and around the world. The story has been culturally appropriated by others who are trying to create a story, they follow this lineage but make up stories about lineages and they teach and tell wrong stories because they do not know.

I purposely leave out part of the description because what I write is usually copied and pasted in a twisted form to cover tracks. It is now common to see Baul called an umbrella for a whole bunch of people, BAUL is not a UMBRELLA name FOR MANY GROUPS of people. NO NO NO BAUL it is a very specific Sanskrit name of what were a very small group of people who were Sanskritists and carried this name and lineage forward over thousands of years.

Bauls accepted all people they did not become all people, THEY GAVE SHELTER TO ALL REJECTED PEOPLE FROM ALL COMMUNITIES, multicultural, oneness peacemakers, but today Baul is misused and abused. 

No one knew anything about Baul until this family recorded Baul songs, they took Baul around the world and others followed, this one and only lineage are the pioneers. 

Today the new Bauls who are not from Birbhum, who have no Sanskrit, are following making up stories, saying Baul is from some other country, they copy the songs of this lineage and put other poets names on, this is Cultural Appropriation at the highest levels of theft. The fake of Nakal Baul are not Baul in educated in Baul, just in name and dress.
Nabani Das Khyapa Baul

To be Baul is to be a Great Tantric Yogi - Baul is Based on Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) they accepts all but did not become all. 

They love all peoples but that does mean anything goes, Baul is a small sect from Birbhum based on two Sanskrit root words Vayu and Tula... Baul is not Muslim, it is not from Persia or Turkey or Uzbekistan ?????
Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das with Lila Roy (American) and main Bengali translator for Rabindranath Tagore at a Philosophy Symposium in Delhi.

 To be a Baul you have to be wise and knowledgeable in all Indian Philosophies, and Sanskrit. It is not a dumb ass anything goes, you have to know what you are talking about. Baul poetry should not be watered down and it does matter. One should know who wrote the poetry, and the philosophy behind it.. and Baul Kirtan.
Allen Ginsberg never had anything to do with any other Bauls, he was best friends of Babu Kishan for decades, stories will be told in Babu Kishan's new book, historical Baul.
Nabani Das Khyapa Baul's famous photo taken by Rabindranath Tagore is still used as the poster face for Baul. He is the last authentic Baul who passed 1969. Everybody copied his style.

Nabani Das Khyapa Baul's famous photo taken by Rabindranath Tagore is still used as the poster face for Baul. He is the last authentic Baul who passed 1969.
Nabani Das Khyapa Baul's famous photo taken by Rabindranath Tagore is still used as the poster face for Baul. He is the last authentic Baul who passed 1969.

Baul is now extinct and Babu Kishan has archived and preserved Baul decades ago, now we see all these NaKal (fake) performance Bauls acting as if they are the ones who brought Baul to the west? No you did not, acting as if they are from Lineage Baul. And scholars who need jobs and have ulterior motives, their livelihood depends on copy and paste and making up stories??

How do I know? 

Everywhere Babu Kishan goes all Bauls follow him even meeting with the people who he has met with? It is like a circuit or should I say circus.  Babu is a professional music composer, so all Bauls now say they are 'music composers', music producers including his 2 brothers but none have any training or experience in the music business?? 

To be a Music Composer is not just writing poetry or copying someone else's poetry and recording music that has already been recorded?

 to be a Music Composer you must have produced a huge body of successful music and officials be recognized as a Music Composer. Back in the day you have to be referred by Top Indian Music Composer and pass an exam, a music composer is the PHD beyond in Music? 

Babu Kishan has taught at a multitude of Universities around the world as a paid guest lecturer, they follow him here too, and then watering down and teaching wrong teachings and making up lineages?

The followers on the coat tails, teach wrong teaching that are not Baul when one does not have even the logic to back it up is a joke? 

This is called watering down, reductionism, just to say you taught at a University because Babu Kishan did? 

It may be funny to some but when something does not belong to you, it is easy to laugh, it is easy to say oh well, but I tell you there is someone watching and you may succeed in destroying Baul because without the essence Baul has become extinct, you can go and laugh, this is seriously messed up.

Babu Kishan has watched this over the past almost 60 years, the whole story, and no one remembers? 

He can speak about each and every Baul of the past and today he has no idea where they came from because Baul was extinct decades ago. 

The story was complete decades ago, yet you hear I am the first, I did this, I did that, dear Baul was extinct decades ago.

 Her story and his story were complete decades ago, there is no new story except all wrong teachings, Baul does not belong to you, when you make up lineages and lie there is a karma, you should not steal what does not belong to you. 

Babu Kishan has archived Baul and will release the archives when everybody is finished playing games. 

Nabani Das Khyapa Baul's famous photo taken by Rabindranath Tagore is still used as the poster face for Baul. He is the last authentic Baul who passed 1969.
Nabani Das Khyapa Baul's famous photo taken by Rabindranath Tagore is still used as the poster face for Baul. He is the last authentic Baul who passed 1969.

Copyright 2018 -2030 

All rights reserved, do not copy or paste or use in any way without permission from Babu Kishan. 
Not be used in any way, this is an excerpt from his new Book. All rights reserved.

#BhabaPagla #Singapore