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www.babukisha.org (copyright 2018 -2030)
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Showing posts with label ganesh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ganesh. Show all posts

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ektara Baul Foundation and Nabani Brijabala Baul Ashram and Vedic Academy

Ektara Foundation is a Non Profit Foundation 
No copying or poaching, I know it sounds strange, however, this too has been poached? This is the original view Babu Kishan had since the 1970's, now his view has changed. Baul is now extinct and there are so many fake Bauls trying to appropriate Baul and it has become watered down and reduced by false teachings. There is no other lineage of Baul, lineage has been appropriated too, their songs, dress and style have all been appropriated. Our goal now is to stop the twisting of Baul and intellectual property theft.
To Preserve the Legacy of Indian Viashnava Sahajiya Tantric Baul from Birbhum W Bengal and the One and Only Lineage of Vaishnava Tantric Baul. An oral Sanskrit tradition with the roots in Ekachakra Birbhum W Bengal. With their roots in Chand Gosia Das Baul and Dasi

This foundation was created and registered in Mumbai, India in 2007 and has been inactive. Time is precious and it is of the upmost important, Indian Music in its pristine form is disappearing, Folk, Classical, Spiritual, Indian Cinema and Baul has been culturally appropriated by outsiders who are making up lineages.

A major focus for Babu Kishan is on preserving Folk Music and the Yogic Baul minstrel Musical Tradition of Baul  and Baul sadhana clearing up the misconceptions about what Baul is?  It is important to preserve Baul and Baul song and dance accurately because it has been hijacked by Cultural Appropriation and Academics who are changing the narrative. The names of the poets are of the utmost importance. The names and new Baul poetry of today by fake Bauls is not Baul. You can not self-title yourself a Baul or a Baul by a fake Guru.

Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul is the only person to preserve Baul since the 1960's through today.

Educating and keeping Traditional India Music alive in this world of technology and dynamic change.
Babu is a pioneer on bringing his one and only Lineage to the World, he has created a template for others to follow. He did all the leg work and many have ridden on his coat tails. He has always encouraged but in the past 30 years he has seen the absolute destruction and made up stories that have come out he thinks he has to get a handle on his lineage before all is destroyed because Baul is extinct and it is completely watered down, reduced and dumbed down. All we can now is preserve what are his ancestral teachings. The Essence of Baul is gone, today all that is left is fake 'Nakal' Baul, tourist Bauls, actors and Baul singers.

Baul is Extinct.
This one and only Lineage of Tantric Vaishnava Baul does not follow anyone, everybody follows them.

No one in this world would know about Baul without all the leg work Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das has done.

Many have followed him and copied him in his path trying to be him, running around to Universities and trying to get in touch with his friends and musicians and colleages, the places he has traveled, everybody follows Babu wanting into Bollywood ect..

The patchwork Guduri he designed for his father is worn today by many Bauls.
The Baul women's dress he designed for the Film Tagore about his aunt Radharani Dasi is worn today by a new Baul singer. 

There are no Bangladeshi Bauls that is just a fabrication to fundraise.

Baul is extinct all we can do is preserve and all is with Babu not with these new made up lineage.

Without all the work he has done in the 1970's 1980's, 1990's and onward, no one in this world would know what or who Baul is. If not for Babu Kishan's effort and hard work keeping the flame of Baul alive, the flame that his ancestors going back thousands of years to the modern day and the flame of his Grandfather and Father have kept alive.

Babu has organized, managed and created a framework for all to follow in. He has observed that most have taken and made up stories and lineages but have never given credit or mentioned his name? Now it is time for Babu Kishan to preserve and tell his story full and final.

Please help support an authentic 'Baul Guru' from an authentic lineage.  

The Ektara Foundation

​registered 2007 in Mumbai India

Please be careful who you donate too, not all are legitimate Bauls or honest.

Please contact Babu Kishan and have a conversation in how you can help.
He has been a cultural representative India and Indian Music around the World for 40 years


Ektara is also known as:
Gopi Yantra aka Gopi Chand

           Gopi Yantra

A Baul Yantra it is called the Gopi Yantra or Gopi Chand more commonly known as an Ektara the one stringed instrument that symbolised peace and unity to the Baul.

The Gopi Yantra is the Bauls tool of focus, it is alive awake and spirit is infused in their Yantra. The Gopis were the lovers of Krishna, when Krishna would play his flute they would go mad with divine love and come running to Krishna they would drop everything and run to him. Baul Gopi Yantra can make one mad with divine desire of love and yearning it is a trance instrument, when Babu starts to play all the world disappears and days go by without my mind I forget what I am supposed to do, it takes one out of this world. The difference between classic tantra and Baul tantra is that the tools and techniques are different not all but some.