www.babukisha.org (copyright 2018 -2030)

www.babukisha.org (copyright 2018 -2030)
WWW.BABUKISHAN.ORG Copyright, All Rights Reserved, Do not copy these stories or part of these stories, for your books or blogs, All Rights Reserved. 2010 -2030

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Baul Kirtan written by Nabani Das Khyappa Baul

This is a Baul song, this is kirtan Vaishnava Kirtan (Baul) The poetry is by Nabani Das Khyapa Baul and it has been culturally appropriated so many times. The new Baul followers, use this song, then some unethical fake Bauls will say Baul does not care who wrote the poetry. Baul does care, it is part of the preservation to care and part of being a Baul to know. If it was anybody else's poetry Tagore or Kabir or whom ever, you would always say who wrote the poetry. These Bauls who do not say who wrote the poetry or the tune are cheaters.

The fake Bauls make up lineages, they dance Nabani Das Khyapa Baul style - Ektara Baya and Nupoor and like they made it up, they didn't their so called fake Baul Guru copied everything from this lineage, even copying Babu Kishan's designed Patch work dress and following them around the world. It is a big joke, this is the age of fake but people love that even though they do not understand the language but they like what looks like exotic? Age of stupid! Kali Yuga what is fake is seen as real and what is real is seen as fake?

Babukishan singing about Radha and Krishna... 

Be careful with Radha, she is waiting and Krishna is not showing up..Nabani Das is saying keep that love in your heart and keep the memory and time will pass and Krishna will be with you don't be upset, connection of Love.. relationship is like a mirror.. keep it carefully.. 

Think of the memory of Love then Love and Kishna are with you..REMEMBER.. Turn it up.. the sound is not the best.. and listen with your heart..

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Nabani Das Baul - The Mirror of the Sky - 5 songs from this lineage.

The only Legendary Baul and the last of the real Bauls of Bengal, (Lineage Baul) Nabani Das Khyappa Baul

These 5 songs made Baul famous worldwide, these songs and the tune are from Babukisha's lineage and his family. 

His grandfather Sri Nabani Das Khyeppa Baul wrote the lyrics to "Ghole Male Ghole Male," "Bhalo Kore Porga Schoole," and "Menka Mathay Delo" all written by Nabani Das Baul and music composed by him.

In recent times they were made super famous by the one and only "legendary Baul of our time Purna Das Baul" who is 
Babu kishan's fATHER and Nabani Das Baul ELDEST son these songs were recorded by Indian Cinema's legendary music directors of "Hindustan Records which was the first official Indian Music Company in India." 

These 3 music directors were Bengali's, Pan kaj Mallick, Timir Baran, Raichand Boral. These famous music directors recorded Purna Das Baul because Purna Das is the best Baul singer and because these music directors respected Nabani Das Baul, they were his friends and well wishers. 20x Ghole Male Ghole Male was recorded 20 X worldwide and 18 of those times it was recorded 18X by Babukishan and everytime it was recoreded it was a hit. Today this song is sung by Bauls without any of them giving credit to the Baul who wrote it or made it famous.

None of these songs are Bengali folk songs they are Baul songs from a many thousand year old lineage and should be treated with respect not songs to be sung on singing shows or in Movies without any understanding of where they came from or who wrote the songs?

(Another of Nabani Das Baul songs is Hridmjhare Rakhbo, from this lineage..) Singing Babukishan

1. Ghole Male Ghole Male, 

Nabani Das Baul song.

The Ektara's in the picture are hand made by Babukishan himself.... and he is playing the dolak in this version of Gole Mali Gole Mali..

2. Jemon Beni, Rasaraj Gosai 

(Nabani Das Baul's uncle) wrote this...he was one of the prominent sanskrit scholars and Baul poet in Bengali history, he was a sanskrit master. Never married and the greatest tantric and tantric poet. Music composed by Nabani Das Baul and Purna Das Baul is the first to record it. I just want to let you know this is not a Bengali folk song, none of these songs are folk songs they are Baul songs of Sadhana with a deep philosophical meanings.

3. Bhalo Kore Porga Schoole... 

Nabani Das Baul song and tune, it is a song about about Sri Chaitanya mahaprabu, and Nityanada Revolution.. Actually the Bauls made this revolution famous and Gaudiya Math and Iskcon high-jacked their songs ect and distorted what Baul is? There is something that people need to understand Chaitanya was not a poet or Baul he was a scholar, it was Nityananda and his lineage going back thousands of years that were the poets, philosophers, Hare Krishna singers and dancers.

4. Menka Mathay Delo.. 

Nabani Das Baul song and tune.
5. (Another of Nabani Das Baul songs is Hridmjhare Rakhbo, from this lineage..) Singing Babukishan

Tagore named this picture and Nabani Das Khyappa Baul "Mirror of the Sky"


This blog was created in honour of Sri Nabani Das Khyappa Baul and the many thousand year old lineage that he is from.. Jai Guru

Babukishan Music

To Purchase Babu Kishan Music

A small bit of Babu Kishan's aka Krishnendu Das Bauls Music.

This was created years ago.














































































Saturday, October 1, 2011

Amar Moner Manush..Nabani Das Khyapa Baul, lineage Baul is based on ancestry!

Nabani Das Khyappa Baul was a ancestor of Nityananda (Nitai) of Ekachakra Birbhum West Bengal the only Baul lineage that is always based on ancestry, his first grandchild is Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul. 

BabuKishan.org who considers his grandfather and initiating Guru to be a Baul Saint: as he is the only one in his family who was initiated by Nabani Das Khyapa Baul.

 Nabani was Legendary with all the famous Baul amongst poets, scholars, artist, politicians, he was well known for his sharp intellect, miraculous healing powers, and mystical ways.. he was a BAUL AVADHUT (Baul Siddha) you can not compare Nabani Das Baul today with what one would call Baul he is the last authentic Baul to live on earth. Many Bauls to this day sing his songs without ever giving credit, they use his style the Ektara (Gopi Yantra) Baya (duggi) drum tied around the waist and they copy his one and only style of ankle bells called Nupoor where the bells are encased in metal and copy his style of dance. Most people do not know this is Nabani's style and it was carefully copied and has been acted out while others made up new lineages based on a one generation Vaishnava poet.

Baul is based on ancestry and a very old long line of ancestry not just one 2 or 3 generations, but a long line that has been passed down in families of Gosia Chand ... they were not beggars, they were not degraded as have been described and acted out by mostly poor people who had no designation or refugees from East Bengal (East Pakistan) now Bangladesh. 

Bauls were not from Murshidabad or any other part of Bengal. Bauls were only from Birbhum and people only learned about Baul from this one and only lineage. For too long, too many people have been using Baul to get out of poverty, not a problem, however, the problem starts when the watering down and reductionism starts, when false teachings start, when Baul is used by a whole generation to attain social media fame and fundraise for jackpots.. It becomes important to tell the truth.

Nabani Das Khyapa Baul was rare and no one can copy him or be him, the same with his son Purna Das Baul no one can be him, although many have tried to a famous singer such as Purna Das Baul all have failed. The same with their son and grandson many are still copying and trying to use his template and style of pioneering Baul throughout India and worldwide through teaching at Universities, Cultural Programs and recording, composing over 80% of his fathers most famous music, preserving Baul for over 60 years. They take these lineage holder names off and replace them with fake Baul Guru's, this has to be brought out into the open for too long just silence and now the younger generation think the fake is real and the real is fake. 

There is no such thing as a Baul Master!
Bauls do not have other people touch their feet, there are so many things that are being presented as Baul and are not Baul, there is alot of intellectual property theft of their songs and this must all be qualified for the correct preservation of Baul.

No poaching.