The word "Darshana" literally means "vision," "insight," or "philosophical viewpoint." It refers to the various schools of thought, perspectives, or philosophical systems that aim to understand the nature of reality, the universe, and human existence.
There are six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy, also known as the "Shad Darshanas" (षड दर्शन), which are:
1. Nyaya (न्याय)
2. Vaisheshika (वैशेषिक)
3. Samkhya (सांख्य)
4. Yoga (योग)
5. Mimamsa (मीमांसा)
6. Vedanta (वेदान्त)
These Darshanas offer distinct perspectives on the nature of reality, the self, and the ultimate reality, and continue to influence Indian thought and culture to this day.
In Sanskrit, "Purva Paksha" (पूर्व पक्ष) literally means "prior examination" or "preliminary investigation." In the context of Indian philosophy, particularly in Hinduism and Buddhism, Purva Paksha refers to:
1. Critique of opposing views: A methodological approach where one critically examines and challenges the philosophical views of others, often to establish the validity of one's own position.
2. Initial inquiry or investigation: A preliminary examination or inquiry into a subject or philosophical system, aimed at understanding its fundamental principles, strengths, and weaknesses.
In traditional Indian philosophical debates, Purva Paksha involves:
- A thorough study of the opposing views
- Identification of potential flaws or weaknesses
- Formulation of counterarguments
- Presentation of one's own philosophical position
By engaging in Purva Paksha, philosophers and scholars aim to:
- Clarify their own understanding of the subject
- Strengthen their arguments by anticipating counterarguments
- Develop a more nuanced and informed perspective
Purva Paksha is an essential aspect of Indian philosophical inquiry, encouraging critical thinking, intellectual humility, and a deeper understanding of complex ideas."
Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul is qualified and has used these techniques for decades all across India with his travels as a Music Composer for many temples and Guru's across India. This is and has been Babu Kishan's life of culture, languages and different sects all over India, he has always been curious as to what is going on. He did some of this work with a Supreme Court of Calcutta and Bombay judge who was also, a life long mentor of his.
Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul (Gosia Chand) is from the soul and soil of Birbhum an indigenous Baul who is one of the only known and last disciples of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul, he is the eldest of his generation, as the only and first Baul educated in Baul and in the University academic system who has preserved Baul over 60 years.
The only Baul educated in the academic system withe a BA and MA from Calcutta University.
He is the first and last Baul to attend full time live in 12 years in the Ramakrishna Mission as a monk. Over his career of 40 years in Indian Cinema he was the expert in the folk who categorized all of music of India for all the largest Music Companies of India.
An inborn and educated Music Composer with the grace of Saraswati's aspect Nila Sarawati (Tara Ma) he has been gifted, and then educated in Classical, Folk, Spiritual (Bhajans, Kirtans, Baul) in music and poetic lyrics and has a huge body of successful music, his music is heard in temples all over India. Babu Kishan is educated in both Indian Classical, Folk, Kirtan, Bhajans, Mantra shastra in many languages including as an expert to the highest level in Oral Sanskrit and Classical Sanskrit he is one of the only people that Ravindra Jain allowed to compose music for him in Sanskrit.
He can speak all of the Vaishnava Baul languages, Oral Sanskrit with manuscripts, Vernacular Birbhum Bengali, Baul Sandhya Bhasha he knows the allegory, metaphors, riddles and paradox of Baul, and lastly but not least Braja Bhasha the language of the land of Krishna. He has been trained in grammar and outside of grammar in Sanskrit and Indian Classical Music.
The reason I am telling you this, is because Babu Kishan has been mute about his own life, while others have used his story taken Babu Kishan's name off and tried to rework his own lived stories as if they lived his life, retracing every accomplishment, every step acting as if they are him? Most people in Bengal today do not even know Babu Kishan is Krishendu Das, he was different from his brothers, they did not associate with the same people. His Calcutta family never talks about him, they don't even know or care about him, all they care about is what he can do for them, and how much money he can give and give to them. It is very complicated and not easy to digest story, a story of an indigenous world colliding with a modern world, and the driving forces and 2 sides of the coin of jealousy, indigenous fraud and indigenous identity theft blanketed in a complicated many stories with stories.
This is the indigenous Das Baul and Dasi one and only lineage regarding Baul of the Vaishnava Sahajiya Tantric Bauls of Birbhum and make no mistake there is only one lineage. All pretendian Bauls who have made up fake lineages or their self-titled Baul Guru's based on 1 or 3 generations are called Pretendian Bauls or the 'fake it til you make it; Bauls. I know it may be hard to believe how a whole industry of fake Bauls came to be, but they did it happened, you could say they followed this lineage, however, it is more sinister than just following, in some cases it has been a carefully crafted indigenous identity theft of stealing their songs, style, stories, where they went and what they accomplished right down to dressing exactly like Purna Das Baul. Copying Nabani Das Baul songs, dance and style. Writing books, recording albums, claiming they are Baul when they are not. Claiming awards, recording contracts and even claiming they are Music Composers with nothing to prove they are.
Some have become social media influencers outright lying while riding on the 'coattails of this lineage" and all of Babu Kishan's life's work pretending they are associated with every aspect of Babu Kishan's life works, teaching at Universities because he is qualified with a Masters degree and has done that since the 1970's, associated with the Ramakrishna Mission, and taking pictures in every area and association that Babu Kishan has made all over the world and all over India as if they are the one who knew Anandamayi Ma, went to the Ramakrishna Mission, had a career in Bollywood when they did not, they did not do the work, now they are going to fundraise to preserve Baul when Baul has already been preserved over a 60 year period by Babu Kishan.
I am not making this up I have proof and have documented every drop over the past almost 20 years. The Gaslighting is over, the indigenous Baul identity theft is over, along with indigenous fraud to gain funds, donations, awards, prestige, grants you name it they have tried every which way, even making up fake Baul Guru and fake Baul lineages.
Indigenous identity theft, indigenous fraud regarding the proliferation of pretendian (fake) Bauls, non-indigenous, non-ancestral Bauls, who have been gaslighting Indian people and the international community using Baul claiming awards and fishing for fundraising jackpots has got to come to an end.
We are not talking about the simple Baul singers in Birbhum, they should be encouraged to sing the songs of this lineage. We are talking about commercial social media, social influencers, fake pretendian Bauls who are not from any indigenous or ancestral Bauls, many are from middle class families, they have carefully crafted their costumes with gimmicks of dreadlocks to attract unsuspecting fool, who think oh wow how exotic, not exotic at all and Baul Women NEVER EVER had dreadlocks. Her-story is complete regarding Baul there are no more Women Bauls, this is a game of self-promotion based on this one and only lineage whose names are taken off and replaced by fake lineages and fake Baul Guru's.
I will repeat this many times because it must be understood,
this is Baul fraud and
Baul indigenous identity theft, publicity device, stunt, eye-catching novelty, scheme,
trick, ploy, loss leader and shtick.
This is a fetishization of an ancient
indigenous, ancestral Baul of the land soil and soil
of Birbhum W Bengal India.
The pretndian Bauls act is more sinister, we are talking about very specific, strategic, deliberate, organized Baul actors who are more interested in a claiming Baul via fake Baul Guru's and fake lineages for fundraising and other purposes including international travel while using everything from this lineage. They are deliberate in their indigenous fraud which is carefully crafted, and copied in step by step way of copying every step this lineage has ever taken as part of an already completed Baul history or her-story. They make wild claims and claim titles this lineage has lived. Workshops have been advertised listing all the chapters in Purna Das Baul book Baul Philosophy?
They feel entitled to copy songs right off Babu Kishan youtube channel even his own poetry of which his father Purna Das Baul made famous? However, they take the name off and insinuate that the dance style, the songs have no poets and come from their fake Guru's ashram, are they stupid, did they think no one would know or call them out? Babu Kishan has been busy with life, he is retiring and this will be his career now flushing out all the pretendian Bauls, self-titled experts on Baul, and academic scholars who have used Baul wrongly as a career and are now trying to self-determine who is Baul.
Over 80% of Purna Das Bauls most famous music and songs were composed, recorded and marketing by Babu Kishan on all the Big Music labels through Babu Kishan's work with the record companies over the years, he never received a thank you or a rupee from his father. Babu Kishan more than anyone knows who the poets are, what song is a Baul song and what is not, he knows who was a Baul and who was not, because he knew all of them, where they were from and their stories.
So next time a fake pretendian Baul from a middle class family decides to steal (mis-appropriate) a Baul song, or Baul Kirtan directly from this lineage and re-record it for social media fame, remember it is a crime to steal others intellectual property. It is indigenous fraud.
And stop telling Babu Kishan's stories that only are told by him. Reading our blogs and websites reworking this lineage history as if you are the one, you are not. Baul history is complete and you are committing indigenous fraud while 'fake it' and 'riding on the coattails of this lineage'
There is no such thing as Muslim Baul, Fakir Baul that is the biggest indigenous fraud ever perpetuated for the sake of fundraising millions of dollars in the name of Baul.
An excerpt from the forth coming book.
Historical Autobiography of Baul
The Rasa Lila Mystics
Reclaiming the Indigenous Ancestral Heritage of the
Vaishnava Sahajiya Tantric Bauls of Birbhum
The path of the Avadhuta, Krishna Sahaja and Dattatreya Sahaja
(Now watch every Baul will becaome an Avadhut, there is a story behind this? Babu Kishan talks about Baul kirtan, and many other things and it is copied?)
by Trishula S Das as told by Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das (Chand Gosia) Das Baul
Copyright all rights reserved, we had to do this early because of all the indigenous Fraud and Indigenous Identity theft! Do NOT be a slippery snake and copy, reprint, re-say as if you knew the stories about Nabani Das Khyapa Baul on youtube when we know you have taken stories that have been written here and only said and known by Babu Kishan, do not copy Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul life and retrace it, rework it, pretending that you actually went to University, went to the Ramakrishna Mission or worked in Indian Cinema?
Nabani Das Khyappa Baul was a ancestor of Nityananda (Nitai) of Ekachakra Birbhum West Bengal the only Baul lineage that is always based on ancestry, his first grandchild is Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul.
Bauls were not from Murshidabad or any other part of Bengal. Bauls were only from Birbhum and people only learned about Baul from this one and only lineage. For too long, too many people have been using Baul to get out of poverty, not a problem, however, the problem starts when the watering down and reductionism starts, when false teachings start, when Baul is used by a whole generation to attain social media fame and fundraise for jackpots.. It becomes important to tell the truth.