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www.babukisha.org (copyright 2018 -2030)
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Saturday, February 3, 2018

Babu Kishan is the only Baul who had a long lasting many decades friendship with Allen Ginsberg, he is the only Baul that Ginsberg wrote Baul poetry for. Nabani Das Khyepa Baul was Ginsbergs Baul Guru, Nabani was Babu's Grandfather who raised him from birth and game him the name Krishnendu, Nabani is still to this day his Guru!

The American Poet Allen Ginsberg & Babu Kishan The Indian Poet

Babu Kishan is in the process of writing his personal story of  his long friend and friendship with Allen Ginsberg. He is the only Baul who developed a long friendship with Allen Ginsberg.

​Of course this friendship has it roots in Babu Kishan's Grandfather 'Nabani Das Khyepa Baul'who was an Avadhuta that Ginsberg met on his trip to India in '1962' and whom he kept a personal and private connection all his life. You can see Babu Kishan's link on Allen Ginsbergs Page under links, miscellany. Babu and Allen are both poets and they were mystical friends.

"We also are indebted to the influence of Allen Ginsberg, who met Nabani Das in the early 1960s and wrote “Indian Journals” and never wavered from his spiritual path; to Albert B. Grossman who brought Nabani’s sons Purna and Luxman Das Baul with their group to the US in 1967 to record for Elektra Records and tour; " 

Albert was the Music Producer of Bob Dylan. It was 'Allen Ginsberg' who contacted them to bring Nabani Das Khyapa Baul to America:

Albert Bernard Grossman (May 21, 1926 – January 25, 1986) was an American entrepreneur and manager in the American folk music scene and rock and roll. He was famous as the manager of many of the most popular and successful performers of folk and folk-rock music, including Bob DylanJanis JoplinPeter, Paul and Marythe BandOdettaGordon Lightfoot and Ian & Sylvia."

It should be noted that it was Allen Ginsberg who wanted to bring Nabani Das Khyepa Baul to America but he refused, thus he sent his two son's, Laxshman Das Baul and Purna Das Baul and their band.
Albert B Grossman with his wife and Babu Kishan 1983
Dylan and Grossman
Poetry written by Allen Ginsberg for Babu Kishan

This is the only Baul Poetry Allen Ginsberg wrote.

Baul of Bengal, I sing for all,  Blue Danube is my Jamuna,  Hudson my Vrindavan,  see me in Calcutta, Toronto and London,  Hear my call Baul of Bengal,  Same man many names,  same player,  many games,  Love is magic to win at life,  Hear my call O Baul of Bengal.

Written by Allen Ginsberg in 1983
as a gift to Babu Kishan ' 

Babukishan composed the music for the original in collaboration with Garth Hudson, Robbie Robertson, Levon Helm, (of The Band) Bob Dylan's Band in 1985 for the tour.  

This is the one and only piece of Baul poetry Ginsberg wrote.  Babu Kishan sang this on 40 city American tour with Bob Dylan and the Band.

Babu became great friends with The Band and jammed with them all the time.

Deborah Baker the author of "A Blue Hand" a book about Allen Ginsberg. Babu Kishan was a chief Guest at the Mumbai Book Launch 2008.


Long time friend of Babu Kishan's,  Author Amitav Ghosh who is Deborah Bakers husband andPrabodh Parik  a famed Gujurati Poet & Babu Kishan 2008 Mumbai @ the launch of  "The Blue Hand." a book about Allen Ginsberg.

Who is Babu Kishan?
Multi-Talented  Award Winning
Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das

Renowned Legendary 

​Indian Cultural Ambassador for 45 years 

Music Composer/Producer, Film-Maker 

Life Member of Indian Cine Music Directors Association  
Life Member of Indian Performing Rights Society

Composed, Produced, Marketed Successfully 60 ALBUMS
200 or more of his poetry (lyrics) have produced super duper hit songs. 

Senior Management in Indian Cinema, Music Consultant, Major Bollywood Event Film and Music Release Event Planner. Lifetime friends with Senior Journalist of all Major News Sources and Connected Politically from a young age.

​Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das has been a Cultural Representative of India for 45 years appointed by the Government of India (not self appointed), traveling through India and Worldwide for the Indian Government as a representative of Indian Culture since 1970 with ​Sangeet Natak Akademi ​"Indian National Academy of Music Dance and Drama" & ICCR "Indian Council of Cultural Relations"

Career History – Senior Management – Music & Film Industry India
1978 – 1990  HMV -  Composer, Writer of Music for famous India singers.
1986 -1993  Venus/Tips/Music India  -  Music Producer, and Composer
1986-1993  CBS  -  Music Producer, Creative Director India, promoter, of artist such as Cindy Lauper, Micheal Jackson, New Kids on the Block, Pink Floyd, Gypsy Kings, released all Bob Dylans Albums in India and Asia, including many many others.
1991 -2004  Digital Music Studio –  Owned & Operated Babukishan – Composer, Music Production for Film.
1994-1996  Time Audio Video – ABCL Amitabh Bachchan Corporation Ltd - Quality Assurance Manager Film & Music Production/Marketing, and Event Management. Film, and Music Promotion.
1997-2004 Universal Music Label -  Music Producer, Music Composer, Consultant
1996-1999 PEN Audio Video Film -  Music Producer, Promoter, Consultant
1996-2001 T-series -  Music Producer - Composer

Babu Kishan was a Artist & Repertoire (A&R Manager) for film and music, a  manager from concept to release, quality controller, talent search, contract, over seeing the whole film and music, promotion and sales of film and music. He has profitably successful marketed and sold 300 Films and 500 Albums Indian Cinema all top labels. Composed, Produced, Sold and Marketed at least 60 of his own albums. He is an expert at Creating Film from the start to the selling it successfully at the end. He is a Master Music Composer Producer from beginning to end sales and has been successful in the business of Film and Music for over 40 years.

Babu Kishan Produced and sold Film Rights for Super Hit Albums & Films.
​1978 -  2008






















































































Generic Bauls were never associated with Bob Dylan or 'Allen Ginsberg' as many sites report! Only Babu Kishan was for decades. Initially his Father & Uncle met Dylan in 1967 as can be seen on the cover of Bob Dylans Album 'John Westley Harding', it was Laxshman Das Baul that Dylan asked about every time Babu saw him, they had a instant connection. It was Babu Kishan who reunited his dad with Dylan after 18 years. It was only Babu Kishan that kept in touch and had music business association with Bob Dylan. Bob Dylan has never been to India, as embarrassing as this is, it was reported as FAKE news in India by Babu's youngest brother who has never, ever had any contact with Dylan? Bob Dylan was in Brazil at the time of his Younger brothers wedding (period).. check it out.

Bob Dylan being in India - 
is Fake News!

When Babu Kishan worked for CBS India 1986 - 1993 he released, marketed and promoted all Bob Dylan's Albums in India. Babu Kishan has personally known Bob Dylan and if it not for Babu Kishan who was a super fan and his encouraging RV PANDIT to release all Bob Dylan's albums in India, no one in India would have known who Bob Dylan is in India in the 1980 and 1990's. It was due to Babu Kishan that the people of India were able to know Bob Dylan.

Babu has been inspired by Dylan his whole life and gave him
the name 'Western Baul'.

Babu tried to bring Bob Dylan to India between 1986 to 1993 while he was the A/R Manager at CBS India, however, and unfortunately in those days very few people in India knew who Bob Dylan was. Unfortunately Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das could not get sponsorship for the concert, he tried over many years by promoting and marketing Bob Dylan to India.

It is a curious matter some in Bengal and even more curious that Bangladeshi Bauls claim to know Bob Dylan???  No no they do not! Now all claiming that all of the Bauls are associated with Bob Dylan, this is not true. Babu's father and uncle initially met Dylan at the BiG Pink in 1967 in Woodstock, no other Bauls in Bengal or Bangladesh ever had anything to do with Bob Dylan.

After 18 years Babu Kishan through his travels to America on his own met Al Aronowitz, George Harrison, Allen Ginsberg, The Band (Levon Helm) and others who associated with Bob Dylan, it was during this time period that he developed a relationship with Dylan. Babu Kishan became good friends with all because of his musical ability not because of being a Baul. Babu Kishan is a Master of India Classical, Folk, Baul and Bollywood (Indian Cinema) music. He has a Masters degree and has composed over 150 music scores, please see his resume. He is not just a regular Baul, he is a Master of Indian Music and he composed all of his father's music.

Babu is the only Baul that is associated with Dylan other than initially his father and uncle who met him Woodstock USA and they are on the cover of Bob Dylans album 'John Westley Harding'.

Bob Dylan never went to a wedding in Calcutta secretly or otherwise in 1990, he was on a 'Never Ending Tour' that took him to Brazil in 'January of 1990' when the wedding took place and as far away from India that one can get. In 1990 Bob Dylan he was in Brazil, Europe, Canada and then to the USA . Dylan did 93 concerts in 1990.
Dylan did not teleport to Calcutta for 2 hours and if you know India, just imagine flying to Delhi or Bombay in 1990 for your first trip to India. Then because Calcutta did not have an International Airport catching another airplane flying to Calcutta for a secret wedding of a person you did not know?

Babu Kishan has performed in at least 40 concerts with Bob Dylan and The Band jamming every night with the Band through the concert and had a relationship visiting America every year since the 1980's. He has Jammed with the Rolling Stones in America, London and India. He is not just a Baul he is a multi talented musician playing over 15 instruments and a India Cinema Composer, he has a Masters Degree in Indian Music.

Dylan would have done this without telling the person who managed his records in India, a person who had been trying to bring you to India and then secretly behind that persons back attending that person own brother's wedding who you didn't even know without ever saying a work?? There was one white guy wearing a Red Kurta from California but he was not Bob Dylan?? Babu's middle brother who married the younger brother and his wife was there 24/7 he says there is no way Bob Dylan was there. A fabricated story that has become fake news, reported over and over. Sorry folks.

The news of Dylan in India is fake news and it has been confirmed from many sources. Including Bob Dylan's own son Jacob Dylan whom Babu chatted with just this past August, he said there is no way my Dad has ever been to India, never ever.

The first person that would have known if Bob Dylan came to India would have been Babu Kishan because he was in close contact with him trying to bring him to India in 1990 unfortunatel
y, it did not happen, Bob Dylan has never been to India and certainly never to Calcutta? 

Babu Kishan was the only person in his family who had any private contact information for Bob Dylan and Babu Kishan kept that information with him in Bombay at his place of work CBS. Babu did not send a wedding invite to Bob Dylan to attend his brothers wedding and his brother and father in Calcutta had not contact with Bob Dylan.

 Babu's family in Calcutta did not even have any contact with Bob Dylan?

Dylan did not know who Babu's younger brother was and his father Purna Das Baul was never on Bob Dylans mind, as Dylan only asked Babu Kishan about Laxshman Das Baul. Bob Dylan never had any lasting relationship with Purna Das Baul since 1967 when the picture was taken on the cover of Bob Dylans album, Dylan was closer to Laxshman Das Baul.

Babu's younger brother is a liar, who is a negative influence of his elder father.
I have no idea why Journalists do not dig deeper, why they believe one or two sources who obviously have an agenda.

Why speak out, because it is a huge embarrassment when you know the truth and others (media) just copy and paste from one source without even investigating. Journalism used to be investigative, today it is just copy and paste. There is a simple remedy to this interview the people involved. 

Interview Bob Dylan first!

Interview Babu Kishan who you probably didn't know was the guy in charge of Dylan in India and that shows a lack of journalist skills, interview the middle brother who married the fools, and look at Bob Dylan's tour schedule?

Babu Kishan, 1986-1993 / CBS India
Music Producer, Creative Director India, promoter, of artist such as Cindy Lauper, Micheal Jackson, New Kids, Bob Dylan on the Block, Pink Floyd, Gypsy Kings and many others.


 Babu Kishan arranged with Bob Dylan to go on his Tour of America in the 1980's and Babu  brought along his Father and Mother along as the Bauls of Bengal. His mother and father only went on a couple of performances.

Everything Babu did was always with the thought of his 'Fathers career as he was his fathers manager and arranged all his tours and travels up until 1991, he worked for his father for over 20 years' and started traveling with his father in 1971. His thought was how can I help my father always on his mind, his own career took a back seat.

Anybody, who knew Babu knew how he sacrificed his own career for his parents.  They performed with Bob Dylan approximately ten times all over America in the mid 80's due to Babu Kishan arranging the tour, it was arranged through Babu's friendship with Bob Dylan.


Babu Kishan's link on Bob Dylan's - 

Who is Who?













































































