www.babukisha.org (copyright 2018 -2030)

www.babukisha.org (copyright 2018 -2030)
WWW.BABUKISHAN.ORG Copyright, All Rights Reserved, Do not copy these stories or part of these stories, for your books or blogs, All Rights Reserved. 2010 -2030

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Baul Akhara



Copyright, no poaching!

Stop the intellectual liquidation of this lineage.

If you didn't use Akhara before, do not read and then copy. This is a huge problem regarding Baul.

Baul Akhara is a secret place that the initiated Baul adepts used to meet at in the evenings to discuss their songs and Kirtan's in the languages of Sandhya Bhasa, Sanskrit discussing their poetry and  ways of converting the poems into simple vernacular Birbhum Bengali so that the villagers would be able to understand. It was not a place for visitors or spiritual seekers. Each word was loaded full of many meanings and stories.

The Baul Akhara's are secret esoteric places only for the initiated. Bauls did not want other people around them. The had Mahastavas for other people to all be together cook and eat together.

Akhara's are not open to the public, they were private places. An Akhara it is not a place of business, donations, fundraising or for people who are just interested in Baul, they can go to an ashram, akhara's are completely different. 

An Akhara it is not a gathering place, except for those initiated by a particular Baul Guru who is alive and present. 

There are no Baul Akhara's left, there may be Ashrams, but not Akhara's, but then again Bauls never had ashrams either.

An excerpt from our new book to be released this year. 

"The Baul Guru would explain the words and discourses, they would use Vaishnava related Sanskrit words and Sandhya Bhasa language to translate into simple Birbhum Bengali so that people of the villages would understand.

Baul Akhara's are completely private, not for any profit, no collection of people or donations was included anywhere near the akhara's. Baul never collected people, devotee's or students. 

Akhara's were not meant for the collection of students or random or spiritual tourists. 

Akhara is not a business, not for donation, not for outsiders. 

The Akhara contains large amounts of shakti energy, regular people can not even digest this shakti, that is why the people of the Akhara kept themselves separate and secret. Bauls went to others in the villages to teach, they were the spiritual newspaper before newspapers and other media sources.

Bauls create an akhara as a pithastan (a place for the particular Baul family) a shakti peeth (a place of power or shakti). Nabani Das Khyapa Baul created many Akhara's then gave the places of shakti to build hospitals or schools, so that humanity can thrive in a good energy. He never kept them or used them as ashrams, he never collected money from people by donation or otherwise. 

The shakti (powerful energy) Nabani would create was so intense that those in the Akhara would have to leave and move to another place, where Nabani would create that energy again and again before moving on again, he kept on the move, he gave his akhara's away for the benefit of humanity. 

Through Baul songs, fire puja and mantra he created a huge shakti (power) lived at the Akhara for a while, gave away the akhara for others to create what society needed and helped humanity. Nabani did not keep anything for himself. He fed people, did what he could with no reward.

At an ashram anybody can come, attend to learn or have darshan (paying respect), however, the Akhara does not include new comers, it is only for adept of the Akhara. 

First one has to know the languages and the songs (who the poets are) and the deep discourses and deep meanings of each word. Baul is not a beginners path. Akhara is not a beginners place. 

Ashram can be in the business of teaching for money or donations, a place of beginning teachings. Akhara is not for any type of business, it is secret not for spiritual tourists.

Akhara is not the place of teaching, it is the place of those who already know the teachings to discuss and debate, a review for the day ahead mostly in the evenings after a day of teaching as Baul Guru's around the villages. a

Today this is extinct, people take pictures and hope someone will come next year through internet advertising, this is not the way of Baul, that would be an ashram not an akhara? They say come and join us?

Today there is no need for any Akhara’s because Baul is extinct, no one can even handle the authentic Baul, the authentic Baul is way beyond. There is no one who knows the language, they do not know the words or have the mystical ability, it is all copy and paste of listen to the songs of this lineage, previously recorded, take their names off and say Baul does not care who the poets are? Watering down and reductionism to fundraise for their own lives?

It is insidious but it appears in this 'post truth era' people love fake and love fake fame. Today it is just copy and paste as we have seen many of the stories and words are copied from our writings and names taken off and slyly copied onto other web sites and used in documentaries.

I guess they think we do not notice, it has become a comedy show who can act the most authentic? 

The Bauls of today learn from books, from previously recorded albums, from youtube even if they go out of their way to say they don’t, it is a fact all copy and paste. They learn from the internet, mostly reading Babu Kishan’s work which they name drop and change using queue words, by scouring our web pages?

Copyright 2023 Do not copy, name drop, take names off, do not tell these stories, no poaching. No reworking, taking bits and pieces and using anything from this blog or this post.

All rights reserved by Babu Kishan

Monday, February 6, 2023

Baul History

 Baul history with Indian Cinema!

Babu Kishan is the the first Baul to have a tangible long time history with Indian Cinema on all levels.

Some have sung a line or two in a film and make a big deal about it.

Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das is the only Baul who has had a history in Indian Music.

He created Baul Fusion since the early 1970's long before, decades before any Baul Singer can even get close too. 


One Story:

Babu Kishan has been one of the very few who have been in Lata Manghaskars Music room and of course he was a monk in the Ramakrishna order in Calcutta for 12 years. Notice that Lata has a huge photo of Vevekananda and a smaller one of Ramakrishna above her altar.

Babu Kishan has also, recorded and composed music for Lata, her sisters Usha and Asha Bhosle who was married to RD Burman.

RD Burman was Babu Kishan's Indian Cinema Music Guru for over 12 years.

Notice the Gopi Yantra aka Baul Ektara in the corner of Lata's music room against the wall. Gopi Yantra comes only from this one and only lineage.

Lata did not allow just anybody into her music room, you may have been in house, but very few were allowed in her music room.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

The Sahaja of this lineage is Dattatreya and Krishna Sahaja, The indigenous ancestral Das Baul and Das Gosia Bauls of Birbhum W Bengal Indian

The Rasa of Baul, Krishna Sahaja

There is a magic, a beauty in Baul, I can not explain it, it is the magic of the lineage of Jai Nitai. I have become a mad women now, I understand what is wrong with me. I am trying to be normal but when my beloved KD Babu (Krishnendu) sings I forget everything, I enter another world and can not function in this world of the mind.

I have listened to teachers over 40 years, I have been to every western kirtan although beautiful it is not where the Baul lives, It is not the same as the mad men and women of the mystical heart, How do I explain, perhaps you can understand the soil is different in India, The energy is different when you travel to sacred sites, The air is full of shakti, well it is the same with Baul, they are from the soil of Bengal. I have wandered India and this Baul has captured me Baul has made me a mad women.

I could not understand the reaction Babu gets in India when he sings. I thought these people are mad, the women touch me and thank me. I thought what is going on? Are these Mad women too?I have mantra-ed, studied and read the scriptures in a western sense, Baul has taken me beyond into the madness of the heart.

I can use words like ananda, bliss, ecstatic, exhalted, blah blah blah, but that does not even cover it. Words will never explain what a Baul is, The Bauls are the men and women of the heart, the masters of the heart of bhakti yoga, that is what they do, you can listen to them on "Youtube" or on a CD, this can not compare to the magic love spell when you hear when near. They are an ocean of Bhakti, not your regular singers or dancers,Their's is the dance of love, magical mystical mystery of Love. They are the lineage of Jai Nitai and thousand of years before.

Baul is a current of love that sweeps you off your feet and out your mind, it fills the air from thousands of years of the history of Love. Baul singing if I could bottle it I would be the genie of love. It is rare and that is why in some ways I perfer to keep it to myself. I can write about Baul but that is just mere words full of the mind.
I am a mad women, oh my God what will I do??

I hear Babu start the drone of the ektara or Gopi Chand,
oh no there he goes again, how will my mind survive another day of this, after all I have a western mind, I have work to do, I have a sanity to maintain, then it happens my mind is gone for another day as he starts to sing, I am a lost hopeless a servant of the heart, another day of not knowing time of space. Oh God I am a madwomen of the heart. There is no logic to this place.

Tears steaming down my face not knowing what to do, I have nothing to hold onto, there is no ground under this, I am grateful beyond the depth of my being. What did I do to deserve this, now I know after a lifetime of karma good and bad there is also Grace.
This is the biggest Grace to be a madwomen of the Heart, at least it is just a glimpse but it is something, it is pure Gold never to be worn..the gold glow of the heart.. a heart of Gold,

Even Ramakrishna wanted to be born a Baul in his next life..To be born a Baul is the greatest gift that God can give to any Bhakti wanna be....I am sorry I prefer to keep him to myself..
I have become a mad women of the heart...

When I read what some scholars have written about Baul, I think they just don't get it. It is not about anything you write, man or women it is about the heart!

I prefer to keep him to myself.

by Trishula Das