THE ONLY OFFICIAL 'BAUL ARCHIVE' BY INDIGENOUS ANCESTRAL BAUL Copyright, All Rights Reserved, Do not copy or poach these stories as told only by Babu Kishan or part of these stories, for your youtube, books or blogs, All Rights Reserved. 2010 -2040

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pioneer, ONlY Lineage of Baul, all Bauls follow this Lineage!

CopyRight all rights reserved 
NO poaching, No name dropping, taking names off! Means do not use, taking names off and making Baul generic or random as in Baul did this and that, Baul has a name. Baul did not get Padma Shree it was Purna Das Baul, stop using Baul and including random Baul. Use correct Photos not random Baul photos on someone a Bauls story.

This lineage is the only lineage of Baul, they brought Baul to India and the World.

There story has been culturally appropriated, new lineages made up and their songs and poetry stolen under the guise of fake lineages.

All Bauls follow this lineage! They sing their songs, never give credit to the poets.

Take names off even making statements that Bauls do not care who the poets are?

Only an authentic Baul knows who the poets are, to say Bauls do not care is the statement of a fake Baul, someone who is using Baul and making it up as they go watering down and reducing Baul. This is what has led to a Cultural Genocide.

Baul is an indigenous Indian Hindu tradition from Birbhum Bengal Indian. Vishnu Shiva Brahma dvaita (dual) and Advaita (non dual) synergistic within Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism).

The Vaishnava Tantric Bauls of Birbhum are an oral Sanskrit tradition, vernacular Birbhum Bengali and they use a secret coded language called Sandhya Bhasa.

The ones teaching today are teaching, out of books or hearsay. Some repeat over and over that their are 5 types of Baul? This is wrong and has been copied from Babu Kishan's web site, then copied into his fathers book because they copied from Babu Kishan who put it there to see who was copying his writings, long ago, because he could sense that whatever he did was copied and so it was. Baul is NOT Aul, Sai, Dervish, Fakir, Shah, Baul is not Muslim, this is a long story and it will prove one thing that everything Babu Kishan has done has been copied without any attribution?

Reductionism and watering down of Baul, yet collecting donations to preserve Baul? Baul has been preserved by Babu Kishan starting decades ago, since the 1960's and he has observed all the fakes who take and use, making up new lineages that never existed.

They sings the songs of this lineage, they dress as this lineage, especially in Babu Kishan's own design the colourful patch work dress called Guduri, they dance and sing Nabani Das Kyapa Baul style which is Ektara Baya and Nupoor, that is Nabani's style, how can you say you are a different fake lineage? The problem is their Guru copied everything this lineage did, and they have not been around long enough, they just make up lineages and follow what this lineage has completed and then take their names off and call themselves LEGENDARY??

They follow this lineage around the world, calling themselves Legendary and Pioneers.

Making video's of entering the village and people touching their feet, seriously a Baul never lets people touch their feet, let alone to show this is the way of Baul?? Baul never collects people!











































































