Babu Kishan's 4th Book, a tell all 'HISTORICAL LINEAGE BAUL' will be released soon. He has 'ARCHIVED and PRESERVED' this ONE and ONLY LINEAGE of Baul History for over 60 years. His family has taken Baul out of the village of Bengal India to India and the world over the past 100 years ago. Vaishnava Tantric Baul has a very long history and her-story. Baul is extinct. Baul is the combination of 2 Sanskrit words Vayu and Tula- Batula, Bengali's use a B for V(ayu). Copyright! (copyright 2018 -2030)
WWW.BABUKISHAN.ORG Copyright, All Rights Reserved, Do not copy these stories or part of these stories, for your books or blogs, All Rights Reserved. 2010 -2030
Very rare recording of the legendary Manju Dasi Baul, she was Babukishan's mother and the very first Baul women to travel outside of India.
Manju Dasi preformed at all the (prestigious) concerts halls around the world including The Royal Albert Hall and Carnagie Hall, in front of thousands of people.
She is legendary, her story is legendary, she is the first and only authentic Women Baul to travel worldwide for more than 50 years she was side by side with her husband the Legendary Purna Das Baul.
Baul History was complete decades ago, now all are making up stories, saying they are Legendary, The legendary Baul is gone. Baul is extinct thanks to all the fakes who have watered down and reduced Baul to a circus show. They copy everything from this lineage, copy Nabani Das Bauls Legendary style of dance Ekatar Baya Nupoor, his songs taking off his name as poet, culturally Appropriating his poetry putting other poets names on, and on top of it all saying Bauls do not care who the poets are.
Every Baul Knows who the poets are?
Babu Kishan has preserved this one and only lineage, the only Pioneers of Baul taking Baul from the villages of Birbhum to the rest of India and then to the world before there was "fake famous" on the internet.
Baul is already preserved decades ago!
Manju Dasi beside Purna Das Paul on one side, The (now) President of India on the other side (Pranab Mukerjee).
Manju Das Baul was the first person to record Lalon Fakir songs, she was always interested in preserving Lalon Fakir songs as she was from Bangladesh when it was part of India.
A LINEAGE Baul Is be brilliant energetic, genius as they are from the Oral Sanskrit tradition of Vaishnavism in Bengal.
Manju Dasi is from the one and only Lineage of Baul, the roots of Baul, she was best friends with Indira Gandhi and traveled all of India playing on the (most prestigious, biggest stadiums and stages in India in front of millions of people). She was a Classically trained Indian singer. If not for her no one would know what Paul is in this world. She started traveling back in the 1960's.
Manju Dasi is the first women Baul to travel outside of India. She is from a Lineage of Women Bauls who were Guru's to other women. Brajabal Dasi, Radharani Dasi, and many others who were Legends in Birbhum Bengal.