Babu Kishan's aka Krishnendu Das Baul 4th Book 2025, a tell all 'HISTORICAL LINEAGE BAUL' will be released soon. He has 'ARCHIVED and PRESERVED' this ONE and ONLY LINEAGE of Baul History for over 60 years. This indigenous ancestral lineage Guru Shishya Parampara Sampradya pioneered Baul throughout Bengal, all over India and (Globally since the 1950's). Baul is synergistic within Hindu thought, they are not an umbrella for other religions. This lineage does not follow others, others follow them.
THE ONLY OFFICIAL 'BAUL ARCHIVE' BY INDIGENOUS ANCESTRAL BAUL Copyright, All Rights Reserved, Do not copy or poach these stories as told only by Babu Kishan or part of these stories, for your youtube, books or blogs, All Rights Reserved. 2010 -2040
Showing posts with label baul tantra NabonidasKhyapabaul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baul tantra NabonidasKhyapabaul. Show all posts
Baul Poet and Music Composer since he was a child, awarded Youngest Music Composer in the 1970's.
I have been Composing, writing and producing all Baul Music from 1970’s, and have created a huge Baul Archive and Preserved Baul from the day I was born in early 1960's !!
I made the road for all Bauls today, I made it easier for new comers to have a platform #Bauls to the #World!!
Still remember how #ShantidevGhosh the right hand of #RabindranathTagore used to degrade Sanatan Das Baul and other followers of Baul, he only wanted my lineage because he knew #NabaniDasBaul was my grandfather. Sanatan Das followed everything we did, even wearing the gurduri (Baul dress I designed for my father Purna Das Bau).
I am the one who gave a space & chance to have a seat with #BaulSamratPurnaDasBaul on the stage, so they can also go in a flow, including #SanatanBaul who was just copycat of my Grandfather, a follower of Baul but not a lineage Baul nor a Baul Guru, all this nonsense I am seeing is really insane, making up stories and changing the narrative to promote oneself?
No matter whatever story you make up, I know the truth because I knew all before any of the young people today following Baul were even born. I knew Sanatana Das Baul, his sons and brought Sanatan to the #RadioStation and encouraged him to record, but it was not successful the record company did not like his voice, he went only on my reference.
I supported #Pabandasbaul a good folk singer and Paban’s brother & others like #Subol, #Gour, I have watched what is going on and now am ready to tell the truth of how all came about, and will qualify all these stories and people in my new book to be released in 2022, which is taking way longer than expected but you can be sure it will be include the history of all, who is who.
I have always been the in a mainstream supporter for #Bauls (people who follow Baul). I started #Baulmela called #GopalNagar a huge festival I always worked behind the scenes even in Bollywood with Amitabh Bachchan.
I gave the Baul followers a platform to sing as much you can with respect, clothes, money for a very long time and before any of the Bauls selling fake lineages and collecting people.
And made I made it easier way to sing a song #Guru’s name. Made so many in first row and helped composed and recorded #BhavaPagla or #ManoharKhyapa songs those where first popular songs for them and then more.
#MonarKhepa was a poet and part of our family, he used to be with us all the time.
I knew #ManoharKHYAPA he was part of our family and had an ashram in JoyDev and most of the Bauls worked for him to have free food. #MonarKhepa always asked me to compose music to his lyrics and get to get my father #purnadasbaul to sing.
#MonoharKhepa was not a Baul, he was poet. I know his story more than anybody.
I introduced Carol Solomon to Monar Khepa, I introduced her to everyone including Nitai Khepa who followed my grandpa Nabani Das Khapa Baul who all the villagers called 'Khyapa Baba' hard to believe anybody would have the audacity to call themselves Khyapa Baba?
Carol Solomon used me as her translator for Bengali. I knew Carol for decades long before she brought any Bauls for free to Seattle. I would do Master classes at Washington State University. May she rest in peace, the last time I saw her was at her house for dinner in 2008.
When Carol Solomon took that picture of Monar Khepa and Nitai Khepa, who do you think she was with? She was with me, same when she took the picture of Nita Khepa? There are so many new followers of Baul making it up as they go making up stories, I have no clue who they are, I only knew the original Bauls.
Baul was too difficult for Carol Solomon, so she changed the line and made Baul 'Bangladesh Baul'. Even after Carol got me to help her get grant money for her last project, having me sign my names with promises of really doing a solid research on Baul? Rip in Carol but really, this is what scholars do?
The real story will be told in my new book.
Nitai Khepa and Sanatana Das Baul copied #NabaniDaBaul or should I say tried to, Nabani was a #MysticGenius you can not copy Baul essence.
Santan Das Baul used to try to lecture me about wearing jeans? Yet, he was a jealous man and mostly jealous of my dad, he tried to follow us around and even followe d to the Kali Mandir in Laguna Beach. You should know, I help to start the Mandir with Usha as a Baul institute.
I was at the Kali Mandir before anybody. I was the one who introduced Usha Elizabeth Harding to Kali Ma in Calcutta, she never would have been able to take the picture of Kali from Dakinishswar Mandir if I had not taken her through the back door and allowed her too, I was a monk for 12 years in the Ramakrishna Order.
All Baul history now, real original #Bauls are gone and will go completely end after me because all the information is with me, the real Baul Archive is in me and with me.
Rabindranath Tagore gave the title Khyapa Baul to Nabani Das Baul and used Khyapa Baul in all of his poetry and that Khepa Baul is only Nabani Das Khyapa Baul and villagers called my Guru Grandpa Khyapa Baba, the one and only.
Now Bauls are only tourist attractions and singers, at least please try to sing on a track and note rather than just screaming, dancing like plastic, we did hard work dear, at least respect the #Pioneers.. still no #Bauls can even #reach or #dream as to #PurnaDasBaul or #RabindranathTagore’s inspiration #NabaniDasKhyapaBaul this all just real history. Stop your acting and tell the truth.
#Produced #Composed & some written the original poetries by #MusicLegend: #BabuKishan aka #KrishnenduDas
#Produced #Composed & some written the original poetries by #MusicLegend: #BabuKishan aka #KrishnenduDas
Nabani Das Khyapa Baul's style was the Ektara (Baya) Nupur (Nupoor), this style of dance and Baul instruments was created by Nabani only.
Nabani is the only Baul ever to do Baul dance and songs with these instruments. Nabani had unique footwork too, now appropriated and copied by a person who has made up a fake lineage?
Never giving credit for Nabani songs, his dance and his stories, using the style of this lineage, which you are not part of because you made up a fake lineage? Copying and using, even traveling to where Babu Kishan used to hang out, visiting everywhere he has been?
The Ektara is the one stringed instrument of peace and harmony, in this tradition, this one and only lineage of Baul the Ektara is called the Gopi Yantra.
The Baya is a drum from the tabla set, it is not called a Dupki that is a completely different drum. The drum you copied Nabani is called a Baya?
The Bell style you wear around your ankles is only Nabani Das Khyapa Baul style, and Purna Das Baul style because he is the son of Nabani.
Nupoor is their style of ankle bells from this lineage, which you are absolutely not a part of, but you copy everything, using this lineage random attaching yourself and giving no credit?
Who does that, a fake Baul. In todays world it is a crime to steal from indigenous peoples of any sect.
I have no idea how someone who claims to be a Baul is collecting donations to preserve Baul and does not know what the instruments are called. Collecting people which Baul does not do, Baul never collects people, come and they never say come and join us? Seriously?
Stealing everything Nabani songs and style making up fake lineages and watering down and reducing Baul, destroys the legacy that does not belong to you, however, you have created fake social media fame?
Stop Using Baul if you do not even know what the instruments are called, the Baya that you copied from Nabani is a Baya not a Dupki and a completely different drum.
Again a theft that is reducing and watering down this lineages teachings? Then you tell people Baul does not care who the poets are, because you do not know, yet you steal this lineages poetry, never giving credit.
Intellectual property theft.
Your guru is not a Baul Guru? Babu Kishna knew him, he knows who he is and he is not a Baul he is a mere follower of Baul. More to come.
Stop trying to make people stupid.
Yes, you are cute and sweet talking but very aggressive, even pretending you teach at Universities, copying Babu Kishan, now your a film-maker, music composer too.?
Teaching that Baul, 'does not come from family's' a wrong teaching. You say Baul sahaja is from Buddhism, Baul sahaja comes from Krishna? Name dropping, peoples names you had nothing to do with or never met, names that certainly never had anything to do with you fake Baul Guru.
Instead of saying that you actually had noting to do with Bob Dylan you swayed the conversation in your favour as if you did, you did not. You sing the songs from this lineage saying the Baul poets did not care because you do not know, you just heard it somewhere like Babu Kishan's youtube listened over and over then added someone elses name stealing Nabani's song and Babu kishan's toon?
Then completely laughable when you sing your own song saying over and over that you composed it. Why even say that if Baul does not care who wrote the poetry?
What a hypocrite and if you actually did research, rather than having your boy do youtube video's mentioning and name dropping things like Nabani even taught a Vishva Bharati taken from this blog and acting like he knows the story of Bob Dylan, which is not his story to tell or your story tell, you show no integrity.
The Vaishnava Tantric Bauls are indigenous peoples from a long family lineage who cares about who wrote the poetry, they know who wrote the poetry and where the tunes came from. They have a long history and her-story before you were even born.
So now you are a music composer too? You are a film-maker too?
Are you just going to copy everything Babu Kishan does?
You are creating more damage than good.
Stop trying to intellectually liquidate this lineage another name for that is steal and theft, what does not belong to you!
Stop using Baul for your enjoyment trying to become another Amma, acting as a Baul, it is a game to you. Big karma's are involved in playing the game you are playing or maybe you are just deluded?
You are not educated properly as a Baul? You know that foreigners do not even understand the language, and you know that you can say whatever you want know one will ever know so who cares, well this lineage cares, this lineage knows who wrote the poetry, this lineage does not like its story, music, style being stolen by a fake.
Commandeering, expropriation, seizure, takeover, usurpation, annexation, attachment, confiscation, grab, reductionism, watering down, reducing, riding on the coat tails of the ones who created a road. The ones who did all the leg work, who wrote the books from inside the tradition, who promoted and introduced the world to Baul, then taking their names off and adding your own names as if you are the one, you have heard of Purna Das Baul and that means you have heard of his wife Manju Dasi, Brajabala Dasi, Radharani Dasi they are legendary, they are the real authentic Baul Women who opened the door of Baul Women to the world, you can not make claims because their history is done, it was completed decades before you.
Singing their songs but saying they are your own, not properly educating what exactly Baul is.
Intellectual Property Theft (Songs from this Lineage, used without giving credit, songs cut down and the singing style changed.
Singing and dancing Ektara, Baya, and Nupoor - Nabani Das Khyapa Baul style without any understanding that they are copying his style.
Nabani created and danced a certain way, all Bauls follow Nabani Das Khyapa Baul and make like it has come from another made up lineage.
This is hurtful and it is cultural appropriation. Baul is extinct and this has to stop, please be respectful. But we know you won't, you will keep on duping people. Before you do anything else, spent a few decades learning only the Vedas and Tantra's before you teach Baul.