THE ONLY OFFICIAL 'BAUL ARCHIVE' BY INDIGENOUS ANCESTRAL BAUL Copyright, All Rights Reserved, Do not copy or poach these stories as told only by Babu Kishan or part of these stories, for your youtube, books or blogs, All Rights Reserved. 2010 -2040
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Showing posts with label france. Show all posts

Monday, August 16, 2021

Truth Talk: by Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul

 Truth Talk: 

Copyright, all rights reserved, what does that mean? 

Do not tell Babu's stories, take the names off and say you are the one.

by Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul

Indigenous Fraud, Indigenous Identity Theft.

Baul Poet and Music Composer since he was a child, awarded Youngest Music Composer in the 1970's.

I have been Composing, writing and producing all Baul Music from 1970’s, and have created a huge Baul Archive and Preserved Baul from the day I was born in early 1960's !!

I made the road for all Bauls today, I made it easier for new comers to have a platform #Bauls to the #World!!
Still remember how #ShantidevGhosh the right hand of #RabindranathTagore used to degrade Sanatan Das Baul and other followers of Baul, he only wanted my lineage because he knew #NabaniDasBaul was my grandfather. Sanatan Das followed everything we did, even wearing the gurduri (Baul dress I designed for my father Purna Das Bau).

I am the one who gave a space & chance to have a seat with #BaulSamratPurnaDasBaul on the stage, so they can also go in a flow, including #SanatanBaul who was just copycat of my Grandfather, a follower of Baul but not a lineage Baul nor a Baul Guru, all this nonsense I am seeing is really insane, making up stories and changing the narrative to promote oneself? 

No matter whatever story you make up, I know the truth because I knew all before any of the young people today following Baul were even born. I knew Sanatana Das Baul, his sons and brought Sanatan to the #RadioStation and encouraged him to record, but it was not successful the record company did not like his voice, he went only on my reference.

I supported #Pabandasbaul a good folk singer and Paban’s brother & others like #Subol, #Gour, I have watched what is going on and now am ready to tell the truth of how all came about, and will qualify all these stories and people in my new book to be released in 2022, which is taking way longer than expected but you can be sure it will be include the history of all, who is who.

I have always been the in a mainstream supporter for #Bauls (people who follow Baul). I started #Baulmela called #GopalNagar a huge festival I always worked behind the scenes even in Bollywood with Amitabh Bachchan.

I gave the Baul followers a platform to sing as much you can with respect, clothes, money for a very long time and before any of the Bauls selling fake lineages and collecting people.

And made I made it easier way to sing a song #Guru’s name. Made so many in first row and helped composed and recorded #BhavaPagla or #ManoharKhyapa songs those where first popular songs for them and then more. 

#MonarKhepa was a poet and part of our family, he used to be with us all the time. 

I knew #ManoharKHYAPA he was part of our family and had an ashram in JoyDev and most of the Bauls worked for him to have free food. #MonarKhepa always asked me to compose music to his lyrics and get to get my father #purnadasbaul to sing.

#MonoharKhepa was not a Baul, he was poet. I know his story more than anybody. 

I introduced Carol Solomon to Monar Khepa, I introduced her to everyone including Nitai Khepa who followed my grandpa Nabani Das Khapa Baul who all the villagers called 'Khyapa Baba' hard to believe anybody would have the audacity to call themselves Khyapa Baba?

Carol Solomon used me as her translator for Bengali. I knew Carol for decades long before she brought any Bauls for free to Seattle. I would do Master classes at Washington State University. May she rest in peace, the last time I saw her was at her house for dinner in 2008. 

When Carol Solomon took that picture of Monar Khepa and Nitai Khepa, who do you think she was with? She was with me, same when she took the picture of Nita Khepa? There are so many new followers of Baul making it up as they go making up stories, I have no clue who they are, I only knew the original Bauls.

Baul was too difficult for Carol Solomon, so she changed the line and made Baul 'Bangladesh Baul'. Even after Carol got me to help her get grant money for her last project, having me sign my names with promises of really doing a solid research on Baul? Rip in Carol but really, this is what scholars do?

The real story will be told in my new book. 

Nitai Khepa and Sanatana Das Baul copied #NabaniDaBaul or should I say tried to, Nabani was a #MysticGenius you can not copy Baul essence. 

Santan Das Baul used to try to lecture me about wearing jeans? Yet, he was a jealous man and mostly jealous of my dad, he tried to follow us around and even followe d to the Kali Mandir in Laguna Beach. You should know, I help to start the Mandir with Usha as a Baul institute.

I was at the Kali Mandir before anybody. I was the one who introduced Usha Elizabeth Harding to Kali Ma in Calcutta, she never would have been able to take the picture of Kali from Dakinishswar Mandir if I had not taken her through the back door and allowed her too, I was a monk for 12 years in the Ramakrishna Order.
#AllenGinsberg called me, the #Masterpiece #Milestone of #Baul! He knew my Grandpa and met him in 1962 when I was a baby on Nabani's lap.
All Baul history now, real original #Bauls are gone and will go completely end after me because all the information is with me, the real Baul Archive is in me and with me.

Rabindranath Tagore gave the title Khyapa Baul to Nabani Das Baul and used Khyapa Baul in all of his poetry and that Khepa Baul is only Nabani Das Khyapa Baul and villagers called my Guru Grandpa Khyapa Baba, the one and only.

Now Bauls are only tourist attractions and singers, at least please try to sing on a track and note rather than just screaming, dancing like plastic, we did hard work dear, at least respect the #Pioneers.. still no #Bauls can even #reach or #dream as to #PurnaDasBaul or #RabindranathTagore’s inspiration #NabaniDasKhyapaBaul this all just real history. Stop your acting and tell the truth.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Preserving Baul from liquidation, reductionism, watering down of the Authentic Lineage Roots of Vaishnava Bauls of Birbhum

 Baul is about the soul.

There is a reason Baul is secret!

Babu Kishan preserved Baul starting in the 1960's. He has preserved all of Baul, those who are collecting donations and funding to preserve Baul need to know Baul is indigenous and it has already been preserved by Babu Kishan. You can not preserve Baul as an outsider of Baul, no fake lineage can preserve Baul, all you can do is water down and reduce Baul, copy from this lineage and appropriate what does not belong to you.

Baul is extinct, today what you see are fake lineages and Baul singers, they are not Baul.

Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das 

I can not say it enough Baul is about the soul. 

The misconceptions of What and Who the Bauls are?

 The Nakal (fake) Bauls say Baul is from Persia, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Buddhism, Bangladesh, Pakistan, sometimes these Nakal (fake) Bauls are so confused they go round and round in circles and will change what and who they are based on what I write. 

I have seen it all, Babu Kishan is the eldest of his generation he has seen his whole web site copied and who copied it way back in the 1990's. All of his music and poetry copied and they do not even have a clue this can all be proved.

All Bauls follow this one and only lineage, they dress as them, sing there songs and follow them all over the world.

They say there are 2 types of Bauls some say 4 or 5 types of Baul, this is not accurate, this is made up by people who have appropriated Baul.

1. Hindu Bauls, based on Indian Philosophy, Indian Tantra, shakti sadhana, sanatana dharma and sadhana, they are Vaishnava Bauls, Sahajaya Bauls they have been calling them self Das and Dasi for thousands of years and from an oral tradition of sanskrit speaking people... they add the juice of Buddhism and Sufi.

2. Muslim Bauls, which are a relatively new manifestation. Muslim Bauls are Sufi, Sai, Aul, Dervesh, Fakir, Shah they are NOT Baul. 

As with new the new age movement of yoga in the west, the repackaging and liquidation of the ancient Indian art and science of yoga, the Bauls are undergoing a repackaging, reduction, watering down and liquidation of their indigenous traditions. 

Confusions by PHD's scholars who speculate and meet people who are not Bauls but say they are and give them all sorts of stories, on problem is that many of the scholars have not master the Bengal language either. 

The Nakal (fake) Baul singers from Bangladesh many who came in the early 1970's and were desperate to become something because they were refugee's from Bangladesh, I call these ones the "fake it til you make it Bauls".

 Baul essence can never be faked and surely you can not make up lineages, but many did? Many times they take the stories of Babu Kishan's lineage and take out their names add new names and make up stories. These will all be named and stories told in the book.

The most common description of Baul is, afflicted by the wind, this description comes from a Western Scholar and it is copy and pasted over and over, this is not what Baul means, however, you will see this over and over with some variation?

I am sure they have read Babu Kishan's descriptions by now 2023, this article was written in 2011.

I have read Bauls are mad, what does mad mean? I read some 'new age Vaishnava's' calling Bauls degraded by taking 'mad' literally which is absurd, Bauls are mad for God, god intoxicated ecstatic mystics, devotional singers, not mad as mentally disturbed. 

A new thing is the creation of lineages that never ever existed. 

A new Baul singer is making claims of being a lineage holder (emphasis on the word Sampradaya) it is a fact that the lineage never existed. However facebook fame is easy to make people stupid and thus the reduction of Baul goes unquestioned because of the time we are in. 

This term 'lineage Baul' has never been used until Babu Kishan used it, no one ever used it, it is Babu Kishan who is the pioneer in taking Baul from the village of Birbhum to India and then to the world. When I say Pioneer it is because he arranged all of his fathers tours from early 1970 at a very young age, he composed and marketed over 80 % of his fathers music.

I started to use 'Lineage' on this blog calling it 'Lineage Baul' to distinguish between this new phenomena of Nakal Baul and Baul singers and  the Bauls who are from the 'lineage of Das and Dasi'.

When Babu went to Bangladesh in the 70's there were no Bauls in Bangladesh. Lalon Fakir (Shah) is not a Baul he is a great poet, but he is not a Baul no one even hardly knew about Lalon Shah. Just because he put music to Lalon poetry and his famous father sang the songs, then other Bauls copied does not mean Lalon Fakir is a Baul. Scholars and others not knowing, you could say were ignorant and made assumptions and of course Bangladeshi's are famous for fundraising and making up stories. Baul became popular and one Bangladeshi UN official convinced them he was preserving Baul and obtain 9 million by making up a lie stating Baul is from Persia?

 It was Babu Kishan who went back to Calcutta and brought some Bangladeshi singers and he recorded them singing Lalon Fakir Songs. 

Some of the first Lalon songs recorded by Babu Kishan he put music to Lalon's poetry. Babu Kishan is a poet himself and he loves other great poets of which are many including his friends Allen Ginsberg and Bob Dylan of which we have seem many Bauls say they are associated with and they are not. 

Babu recorded his father Purna Das Baul singing many of Lalon's poetry in which Babu Kishan composed all the music for, that is how and why Lalon Fakir has music others followed.

Baul is a Sanskrit name from Ekachakra Birbhum West Bengal India. If I tell you what Baul means I will see it all over as if other Nakal Bauls knew this. I will let them copy and paste inaccuracies for now. Now I understand why Babu Kishan does not want to give out any teachings, it is because of the fake Nakal Bauls who cheat and make up stories and it is rampant. He has a huge Baul Archive and has preserved Baul but the risk is the fake Bauls who steal Nabani's songs and make up stories and lineages. This is about ethics and when someone does that they are cheating so in the mean time you will have to wait for our copy righted book. We watch to see what will be copied next, copied and twisted.

 I was having a conversation with BabuKishan this morning about this description of Bauls it says,

"Many of them ( Bauls) practice a type of psycho-physical manipulation or tantric yoga which emphasizes control of sexual union, the purpose of which is to enable the couple to achieve a break with phenomenal existence, to escape the endless cycle of death and regeneration, and to achieve a state of eternal stability or samadhi. This practice involves the retention of semen during intercourse and ingestion of bodily secretions..."
This is not the focus of what a Baul is, but this is the first thing written on a Baul Archive, I think now removed? 

There is nothing wrong with this description of Sacred Sexuality, however, you will see this over and over again like a broken record as if this description is the only focus, of what Baul is.

The focus of what Baul is the soul (sat chit ananda) the atma, the divine, God/dess. Baul is all about he soul, they are soul singers, soul teachers, Babu's lineage Gotra is Satchidananda, this is the soul. There are many practices in Baul, beginner practices, secret advanced yogic practices. Asana, Body Sadhana ect is preliminary. Baul is being misrepresented, it is a mystical tradition, if you want to practice Baul learn about your soul, learn the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita. 

The more I dig in my research the more I realize that Baul like Tibetan Buddhism will only survive by being preserved, the world has changed and there appears to be so many forces that are disturbing the natural innocence that the Bauls are. And like the Tibetan Buddhist there is much deception going on behind the scenes. 

Writers are focued on sells and the freedom implied to be a Baul, sex all day, smoking ganja singing and dancing, begging for money?  

Baul songs are not folk songs, they are seed songs of higher philosophy, one must know the discourses that go along with the song. Babu listens to what Bauls are singing they are either singing his family lineage songs or are singing folk songs, some sing his lineage songs but shorten them thus destroying the meaning. 

Some unscrupulous Bauls even sing Nabani Das Baul songs and give other poets names. Many are singing Babu Kishan's poetry and they do not even have a clue, all can be proved because all was preserved and recorded many years ago.

All will revealed in Babu Kishan's new Book to be released in late 2023 it is taking way longer because so many users and abuser of Baul have come out of the woodwork, it is insane.

But there is a karma from stealing someone else's work and family history and her-story. 

Temporarily you may get a benefit but the truth will come out, it is just a matter of time.