THE ONLY OFFICIAL 'BAUL ARCHIVE' BY INDIGENOUS ANCESTRAL BAUL Copyright, All Rights Reserved, Do not copy or poach these stories as told only by Babu Kishan or part of these stories, for your youtube, books or blogs, All Rights Reserved. 2010 -2040

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Allen Ginsberg was a many decade friend of Babu Kishan's, Ginsberg met Nabani Das Khyapa Baul

Indigenous Baul Fraud, Indigenous Identity Theft!

The evening concluded with a presentation of Baul songs by Babukishan Baul (the son of Purna Das Baul). Babukishan has a Master's degree in Indian Folk Music and comes from a traditional Baul folklore family.

If anybody knows the Beats it in India, it would be  Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das. However, in reality, the random Baul's claim Babu Kishan's life stories by taking off his name and talking about Baul in a generic way. Making Baul generic is the new Cultural Appropriation of Baul. Baul is used by random's claiming internet fame with a bot likes. LOL 

I didn't realize you can pay for likes?

The actor Baul singers, women and men will say, 'Baul did this, Baul did that' making random claims without names of Baul poets, while singing Babu Kishan's own poetry. when in fact it was Babu Kishan, his stories about Bob Dylan, Nabani ect, they have no shame taking names off and randomizing Baul by saying, Baul Masters? 

Babu Kishan is the only Baul who knew Allen Ginsberg personally over decades, he is the only Baul included on Bob Dylans web site and Allen Ginsberg's web site because he knew them, he was a dear friend over decades. 

He knew many other poets because he is a poet, he knew all of Indian Cinema because he worked in Indian Cinema for 40 year, he actually worked with Lata Mangaskar and the whole family, Babu Kishan does not name drop or add himself to any cinema lists or web sites to show he too is a film maker?

 Babu Kishan is not a random copy and paste poet. 

Babu Kishan is an accomplished poet with thousand of his poetry turned into Indian Folk, Indian Cinema and Baul songs. No he does not have a poetry book, that will come after a lifetime.

Many of the Bauls today are actually singing Babu Kishan's own poetry, but how would you know? These Baul singers sing this whole lineages songs but cover it up by not knowing who the poets are or by not giving credit, the biggest one is making up fake lineages? No one ever mentioned lineage except Babu Kishan, now it is the thing to do, make up new lineages and compete with this lineage, follow them around the world and copy everything but take the names of the lineage off the story. 

Have you ever heard of name dropping?

Many of the Baul travellers following on the foot steps on the path Babu Kishan created. They are saying, Baul always traveled, no Baul did not. It was only this family that first traveled out of the villages of Birbhum, then Babu Kishan's family brought Baul to the rest of India, there is a long story to this. Then this family (LINEAGE) brought Baul to the rest of the world back in the 1950's. Then other Bauls were invited along, then the fake Bauls thought OMG this is a good thing?

Then Babu Kishan a accomplished Indian Music Composer, certified educated Music Composer with a huge lifetime body of work, then all the Bauls copied this too. They copied the patch work dress, they copied everything Babu Kishan has ever done? They being fake actor Bauls who change narratives, change their story weekly and make it up as they go.

You wouldn't know because there are Baul's who say, no one knows who wrote the poetry? 

Liars who are cheating and diluting and watering down Baul for their own benefit, when they are not even Baul. 

Making wild untruths? 

There is no such thing ever as a Baul Master?

How would you know? 

If it looks exotic it must be? 🙈🙉🙊 Lets just make everything Generic Baul, they we can claim it, when it has nothing to do with us. Name dropping is the worst, name dropping Bob Dylan as if you would know? Name dropping Nabani, name dropping RabindraNath Tagore, stealing my writings and Babu Kishan's path and stories?? 

Now you are a Film maker too? 

Babu Kishan  has performed internationally with musicians like Ravi Shankar, Bob Dylan, Zakir Hussain, and Miles Davis. The Bauls are widely known as wandering minstrels and poets from rural Bengal, who travel from place to place rendering their mystic songs, dancing, accompanied by their one-stringed instrument called the ektara.—-indian-perspectivefbclid=IwAR394x1Pa6wfpnHAXJUnlEJXj1J-jheKkSc0VUThghkYV9ArWUT_E0szux8

MUMBAI, August 2, 2008 – Deborah Baker’s A Blue Hand: The Beats in India follows Allen Ginsberg and his companions as they travel from the ashrams of the Himalayan foothills to Delhi opium dens and the burning pyres of Benares. In their restless, comic, and often tortured search for meaning, the Beats looked to India for answers while India looked to the West.  A Blue Hand is the story of their search for God, for love, and for peace in the shadow of the atomic bomb. It is also a story of India—its gods and its poets, its politics, and its place in the American imagination.

Deborah Baker is the author of a Pulitzer-finalist biography, In Extremis: The Life of Laura Riding. She moved to Calcutta in 1990 and studied Bengali to write A Blue Hand. Since then, her essays have appeared in a range of publications from the New York Times to The Statesman.

The program included a panel discussion moderated by Prabodh Parikh, a Gujarati poet, short fiction writer, and visual artist, with panelists Adil Jussawala, author of two volumes of poetry, Land’s End and Missing Person, and Jerry Pinto, a Mumbai-based poet and journalist whose published works include Surviving Women (2000) and a poetry collection, Asylum (2004).

The panel discussed literary style (in particular, various techniques Baker employed in her book) as well as Ginsberg's subsequent influence on Indian poets. Baker told the audience she had written A Blue Hand because she wanted to explore the role India plays in the American imagination.

The evening concluded with a presentation of Baul songs by Babukishan Baul (the son of Purna Das Baul). Babukishan has a Master's degree in Indian Folk Music and comes from a traditional Baul folklore family. 

He has performed internationally with musicians like Ravi Shankar, Bob Dylan, Zakir Hussain, and Miles Davis. The Bauls are widely known as wandering minstrels and poets from rural Bengal, who travel from place to place rendering their mystic songs, dancing, accompanied by their one-stringed instrument called the ektara.

Reported by Angeline Thangaperakasam, Asia Society India Centre

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Re Post from 2011 - The one and only pioneering lineage of Baul, there is only one lineage and all Bauls follow this lineage!

Thank Goddess I didn't publish Babu Kishan's 4th book on Baul  back in 2007, because there has been so much for me to learn and understand, as others write and promote themselves as Bauls?! 

Indigenous fraud, Indigenous Identity Theft.

I only write what I learn from Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul. Even after 16 years I am not sure I completely understand, however, I have listened and learned a lot and read just about everything ever written about Baul. 

The new Book Historical Baul will be published this year 2022. I started to write it in 2007 this year is the year, I am very close. I realize this historical book on Baul will have to be more than one book. It will have to be many books, songs, history, Baul sadhana, techniques.

All Bauls have followed this lineage, they copy and make up new lineages, they make up Baul Guru's and lineages. But they still follow and copy everything this lineage, what they sings, what they wear, and they even travel around the world meeting with this lineages friends! They follows on the coat tails of this lineage (the fake it til you make it) take the names of this lineages names off, and add the new Bauls names making up stories, this is nothing new, it is a fact. 

I can tell people til I am blue in the face, good marketing technique, in the age of internet, has created a store house of false teachings?

The main thing about Bauls is truth talking, but in this world, at this no one tells the truth it is more about using and creating a new narrative, if I follow what Purna Das Baul did and if I follow Babu Kishan and his template, I too will obtain awards and money and I too shall be a famed Baul singer? Seriously? 

Fake lineage = fake Bauls but how would you know? If you do not understand Birbhum Bengali how would you know, if you do not understand Sanskrit, how would you know, just because someone marketing I am this, I am that? No you would not know? Fake singer = good singer if you say it long enough.

New Book, the Story of Babukishan's life in the, "Oldest Living Lineage and Pioneering" family of Baul who opened the door for all Bauls to travel the world." Before him no Bauls traveled the world, Babu has always preserved his lineage and educated about what is Baul and what is not, correcting many of the famed scholars who wrote books about Baul. In the meantime a new bread of 'fake til you make it' has been born and it is downright shocking how far they will go?

"The roots of Baul, this Legendary Lineage of Baul is the oldest "Baul Living Lineage of Jai Nitai (Nityananda of Ekachakra Birbhum) thousands of years before" on earth. This is the "Nabani Das Baul and Brajabala Dasi" Lineage. It is thousands of years old. This lineage brought Baul to the world in the 1950's otherwise who would know anything about Baul. They opened the door for future Bauls. 

It was this lineage that did all the leg work back in the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's traveling to every corner of the world, teaching, lecturing at universities, demonstrating their Baul lineage, performing from Carnegie Hall to the Royal Albert Hall to all the biggest stadiums in India and around the world in front of millions of people. 

Including the Nitaji Indoor staduim, and Salt Lake staduim in Kolkata and the Bombay Stadium in Mumbai, Mahajadisadna and Rabindra Sadan, Tata Auditorium, Nehru Auditorium, Sri Ram Auditorium, Teenmurti Auditorium in from of the Indian President, Prime Minister and all cabinet ministers, in the Knitting Factory in New York, Studio 54 New York Babu was the guest artist.. ...the list is endless. This is history coming from the one and only lineage. Babu always helped others try to sing Baul and encouraged them to travel the world and talk about Baul, but what has transpired is actual an identity theft, making up of fake lineages and stories, teaching fake teaching and watering down on who and what Baul is.

Changing narratives leads to a watering down a reductionism and talking about this lineage without mentioning names is wrong. Do not name drop Nitai, do not name drop Bob Dylan or Nabani to prop up your fake lineage? It happens all the time?

Babukishan also is the first Baul who spread Baul through fusion world music, he has a love of making instruments and playing instruments, and weaving Baul through world music and of course his natural talent as a music composer of Indian classical, folk, Baul and Bollywood music.

This lineage, this family has performed at festivals in India and around the world hundreds of times over and over for more than 60 years. Babukishan has performed at more festivals than perhaps almost anybody on this planet, this he started with his grandfather, then his father and mother in the 70's, 80's, 90's. ..the list is endless and he performed with all top Indian musicians and western musicians in every corner of this planet.

They have been recorded by the biggest music companies, on television in documentaries, and in movies including the movie made in 1986 called Tagori about Babukishan's, Aunt Radharani Dasi. 

They are legendary, this is legendary and historical. 

They have written books, been interviewed by all the top scholars and associated with the top in every field of society. 

It truly is an amazing story of struggle in the days before we had the internet, today it is easy to say anything, or even do anything, think how difficult it was for this pioneering family to introduce Baul to the world. They did this when hand written letters were the only way to make contact, even telephone was too expensive to call oversea's, Babu Kishan did all of this back in the late 60's 70's and 80's and did you know Babu was also, instrumental in helping Usha Harding create the Kali Mandir in Laguna Beach? Yet, all Bauls go there to take pictures of themselves as if they are the first.. 

Seriously Bauls follow Babu Kishan around the world, oh he did this so I will do that, he traveled so I will brag I am the only Women, when this history has already been completed a decade ago by Babu's Mother who is the last Baul Women to travel outside India, actually the first and the last. 

Baul is extinct and now bragging about something that has is already done, is fake and not only fake teaching wrong and fake teachings is despicable? Yes, westerner and Indian's not trained as to what Baul is will believe this, however, there is a karma for each lie for name and fame, a cultural genocide just gets worse, watering down and reducing a small lineage? 

Language was also a problem, these were sanskrit speaking, Birbhum Bengali speaking people, Babu Kishan learned english to communicate with the world and did all the letter writing. 

This is the Lineage of Sri Nityananda of Ekchakka, Birbhum West Bengal India. "Baul is the poetry of the the dancing bee that tells us where the honey is." based on Indian Philosophy, Indian shastra, Yoga, Shakti-sadhana, the science of light and the science of life, flavoured with the juice (Rasa) of Buddhism and Sufi. 

Bauls accept all, love all, serve all. Other people talk about themselves, Bauls sing about everybody, and include all, in all religions, they talk about all religions, they are not fundamentalist or othodox saying this is the way. They say all ways are paths to God/dess, all people are great, and the Baul path is the a path based on the ancient sadhana's of India, flavoured with he best honey of all. However, Bauls are the Wind Catchers, yes honey Catchers but Baul is a Sanskrit Word meaning Vayu Tula, to control the vital airs, Babu Kishan is the first to talk about this, and those who use what he talks about, thank you, but give credit where credit is due, stop making like you knew this or your fake Guru told you. This has been going on for decades, I have no idea why Babu has never said anything.

 I suppose he was just happy that there was an interest in the work he had done for decades. But somehow, his work has been used and abused, so many cheaters out there today just using as if they even knew??

This is the Baul lineage who introduced Baul to the world, this is the lineage who did all the leg work, so that today anybody can be a Baul. They already spent many decades traveling, lecturing at Universities, and singing since the 1950's, many eminent people around the world would visit Nabani Das Baul in Shantiniketan West Bengal.

          "Baul Guru, Nabani Das Khyeppa Baul"

Nabani Das Khyeppa Baul, Lineage Baul from a many thousand year old oral living lineage. Nabani Das is Babukishan grandfather, and his initiating Baul Guru, he spent the first 8 years of his life learning and being initiated into Baul.  Nabani kept Babu when he was born, massaging his crocked limbs and carrying him as his baby Krishna all over India. Through his grace Babu had darshan with all the great Saints of the 60's. Babu was at his side when he left his earthly body and he had a very profound initiation at that time and vividly recalls everything Nabani said to him.

These stories of Babu Kishan's early life, living with his grandfather and grandmother, Nabani Das Baul are stories legends are made of. Babu was taken to Kolkata where he lived as a monk at the Ramakrishna mission for 12 years. 

His life living with Purna Das Baul and being reaquaited with his famous birth family in Kolkata, and recieving the gift of Purna Das Bauls Baul teachings. This is the a rare story of a kid who learned sanskrit orally from birth and developed a photographic memory, enough so to remember everything about his lineage, and who is who in Bengali history. This is a story of traveling, lecturing at universities, performing with the best of the west including Bob Dylan, the Rolling Stones and George Harrison of the Beattles the list is endless. 

This is a Legendary true story of lineage, early fame, of disappearing to Bombay and recreating himself under the name Babu Kishan in Bombay because he was known as Krishnendu Das in Bengal. Stories of his beloved Guru Nabani Das Khyapa Baul and the rare deep loving connection beyond this world, sacrifice, seva, struggle and sadhana of an oral tradition with over 10,000 songs and then recording and preserving his lineage over 60 years. 

This is a legendary story that will take one into the inner circles of Indian spiritual life and cultural life, from the top to the bottom, in India during the 60's, 70's, 80's, it is the story of all famous Indian musicians, guru's, and initiations. 

It is the legendary story of a kid who never fit into to regular life no matter how he tried. It is the story of Babu kishan's struggle to preserve his lineage and create, preserve his guru, his grandfather Nabani Das Baul's legacy over a 60 a year period. To be published soon. It is the story of the first Baul to ever recieve a modern education, of a Baul who is successful as a Indian Cinema composer, of betrayal and ultimately of the first and only Baul to ever immigrate to Canada or live in North America.

This Legendary Baul family is the Oldest Baul living lineage on earth and it is the  Nabani Das Baul Lineage ancestors of Nityananda of Ekachakra Birbhum Bengal (Jai Nitia) and before that thousands of years, they are the ones who brought Baul to the world and opened the door for future Bauls now everybody can be a Baul...Baul is for the world and its time is now, they ebrace all, accept all. 

Everybody does sadhana, Baul is type of sadhana that needs to be preserved for future generations. Babu Kishan has already preserved it, however we need help, I can not translate Bengali into English? Books from within the lineage must be written.

Scholarly books are wrong and books written by others never tell the truth. Mostly they write about his lineage and take the names off, writing about Baul as a generic to include their narrative and who they are promoting because that promotes them? They use Baul to create ashrams, collect money from Governments and for their own way of collecting money for survival. Many want to be a Baba or Maa as it is very lucrative today?

#BhabaPagla #Singapore 


Thursday, March 17, 2022

Happy Holi, Nabani Das Khyapa Baul song, BAUL KIRTAN singing by Babu Kishan

Internet has created so many fakes Baul especially a Women Baul who claims a fake Baul lineage, they just use for own fame and game. There is nothing wrong with any Baul performing but overstating your authority on Baul is another thing?

Indigenous Fraud, Indigenous Identity Theft

When ever you see anybody with Ektara (Gopi Yantra) Baya (drum) and Nupoor (ankle Bells), they have copied Nabani Das Khyapa Baul style, yet making like they have a lineage when they don't, teaching wrong teachings out of books! Babu Kishan knows who you call a Guru and he 100% says no way! But yet you dupe people all over the world?

Without giving credit and making up a lineage? You have to question the audacity of not telling the truth and fakery.

This song was recorded decades ago as most of the Baul songs and all can be shown that anybody claiming a lineage, yet singing these songs has been cheating for a very long time. Copying style, copying dress, copying this lineage songs and yet claiming another lineage??

The last Baul Women to walk on earth was Brajabala Dasi and she does not look like what you would see today posing as a Baul Women. Baul Women never left India nor did they travel much outside of Birbhum. Brajabala traveled to Varanasi with a picture of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul around her neck a pilgrimage for his samadhi. These women were simple and sincere. They told the truth and never made up stories or over stated who they were.

Manju Das her daughter in law is the only Baul Women to travel the world and after she passed in 2010 the story of Baul Women has ended, Baul is extinct the true authentic Baul men and women are gone. All we can do is have respect and follow their example as truth seekers, making up stories is to destroy their huge cultural memory.

No amount of acting can ever reach these people, acting and lying is the opposite of what Baul is, unfortunately this has become the norm, trying to be famous like Purna Das Baul and copying the template Babu Kishan set forth.

Baul has been archived it was done decades ago by Babu Kishan, no one had to tell him what to do, he is a born Baul raised by Nabani and Brajabala Dasi.

Statue of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul at Rabindranath Tagores Vishva Bharti University in Shantiniketan Birbhum Bengal India

Brajabala Das 1986 standing next to her husband.

Photo by Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul