THE ONLY OFFICIAL 'BAUL ARCHIVE' BY INDIGENOUS ANCESTRAL BAUL Copyright, All Rights Reserved, Do not copy or poach these stories as told only by Babu Kishan or part of these stories, for your youtube, books or blogs, All Rights Reserved. 2010 -2040

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Happy Holi, Nabani Das Khyapa Baul song, BAUL KIRTAN singing by Babu Kishan

Internet has created so many fakes Baul especially a Women Baul who claims a fake Baul lineage, they just use for own fame and game. There is nothing wrong with any Baul performing but overstating your authority on Baul is another thing?

Indigenous Fraud, Indigenous Identity Theft

When ever you see anybody with Ektara (Gopi Yantra) Baya (drum) and Nupoor (ankle Bells), they have copied Nabani Das Khyapa Baul style, yet making like they have a lineage when they don't, teaching wrong teachings out of books! Babu Kishan knows who you call a Guru and he 100% says no way! But yet you dupe people all over the world?

Without giving credit and making up a lineage? You have to question the audacity of not telling the truth and fakery.

This song was recorded decades ago as most of the Baul songs and all can be shown that anybody claiming a lineage, yet singing these songs has been cheating for a very long time. Copying style, copying dress, copying this lineage songs and yet claiming another lineage??

The last Baul Women to walk on earth was Brajabala Dasi and she does not look like what you would see today posing as a Baul Women. Baul Women never left India nor did they travel much outside of Birbhum. Brajabala traveled to Varanasi with a picture of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul around her neck a pilgrimage for his samadhi. These women were simple and sincere. They told the truth and never made up stories or over stated who they were.

Manju Das her daughter in law is the only Baul Women to travel the world and after she passed in 2010 the story of Baul Women has ended, Baul is extinct the true authentic Baul men and women are gone. All we can do is have respect and follow their example as truth seekers, making up stories is to destroy their huge cultural memory.

No amount of acting can ever reach these people, acting and lying is the opposite of what Baul is, unfortunately this has become the norm, trying to be famous like Purna Das Baul and copying the template Babu Kishan set forth.

Baul has been archived it was done decades ago by Babu Kishan, no one had to tell him what to do, he is a born Baul raised by Nabani and Brajabala Dasi.

Statue of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul at Rabindranath Tagores Vishva Bharti University in Shantiniketan Birbhum Bengal India

Brajabala Das 1986 standing next to her husband.

Photo by Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul