Babu Kishan's aka Krishnendu Das Baul 4th Book 2025, a tell all 'HISTORICAL LINEAGE BAUL' will be released soon. He has 'ARCHIVED and PRESERVED' this ONE and ONLY LINEAGE of Baul History for over 60 years. This indigenous ancestral lineage Guru Shishya Parampara Sampradya pioneered Baul throughout Bengal, all over India and (Globally since the 1950's). Baul is synergistic within Hindu thought, they are not an umbrella for other religions. This lineage does not follow others, others follow them.
THE ONLY OFFICIAL 'BAUL ARCHIVE' BY INDIGENOUS ANCESTRAL BAUL Copyright, All Rights Reserved, Do not copy or poach these stories as told only by Babu Kishan or part of these stories, for your youtube, books or blogs, All Rights Reserved. 2010 -2040
Sri Sitaram Das Omkarnath seated, watching a Purna Das Baul concert in Calcutta.
Sitaram Das Omkarnath and Nabani Das Khyapa Baul were close, they were Guru Brothers and traveled many place through India.
Omkarnath was a Guru to Purna Das Baul there were many difficult times during the British induced famines in the 1940's, when Nabani was away it was Omkarnath that told Purna Das Paul to start to sing on the trains. He was the first Baul to do this. As the eldest he did this to support his mother and his brothers and sister.
There are not many people who understand how difficult it was for people in Bengal in the 1940's and how it shaped the personalities of the future generations. Purna Das Baul is an extra ordinary singer. In his early days he was one of Indian's top vocalist to be the first who traveled outside of India. He has been awarded 3 President of India Awards, A prestigious one and only Nada Brahma Award, Padma Shri and many other awards. He has done more for Baul paving a road that never existed before. This is the one and only Lineage of Vaishnava Baul, there are other Vaishnava but there is only one Lineage of Baul and all other Bauls follow this lineage, they dress as this lineage, they sing their songs and call themselves Das Baul and Dasi. This lineage is from Ekachakra Birbhum Bengal. All Bauls now try to copy and follow, even making contacts with the people who Babu Kishan and Purna Das Baul had contact with.
Doing as Purna Das Baul does, dressing how he dresses but many also, criticize him for making money. I recently said, to someone... if you had attained success as a great vocalist such as the Beatles would you just give it away.
Calcutta is known for a saying, 'riding on the coat tail of others' and that is what many of the new Bauls that came to Calcutta in the 1970's did, they called it fake it til you make it. You can not fake Baul it is impossible but yet they follow where this family goes and what they do.
However, many have made up stories and lineages that never existed in Baul. They are now fundraising to preserve Baul, but Baul has been preserved by Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das decades ago, it has already been done. Stay tuned Babu Kishan will talk about all this.
Pave your own road on your own merit, do not complain, do not copy.
Sitaram Das Omkarnath with Purna Das Baul and his brother Lakshman Das Baul
Another thing most people do not know Sitaram Das Omkarnath was the person who brought Anadamayi Ma to the limelight, because in India in those days it was almost impossible for a women to come forward. There are many pictures of Sitaram Das Omkarnath and Anandamayi Ma together.
A young Purna Das, looking over SitaRam Das Omkarnath's shoulder.
One of the last photo's of SitaRam Das Omkarnath in Puri Orrisa (Odissa), Photo taken by Babu Kishan.
Babu Kishan spent a lot of time with Sri Omkarnath and traveled through India with him, he was traveling here with him on one of his last trips. He was like a Grandpa Guru, part of their family.
The colourful dress (guduri) that all Bauls wear was designed
by Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul for his fathers cultural programs worldwide in the late 1970's. All Bauls follow this one and only lineage / Guru Shishya Parampara Sampradaya. This is the only Das Baul and Dasi lineage, they follow their songs, style, dress, where they go and what they have accomplished.
This is a video of a Concert that "Babukishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul" arranged at Rabindra Sadan in Calcutta.
He arranged the concert in honor of his 'Grandfather' Guru, 'Nabani Das Khyapa Baul'.
This is Babu Kishan's video, he is the one who recorded it for the preservation, of "The Bauls of Bengal" to bring his family together.
His father Purna Das Baul is singing, along with his 2 uncles Laxshman and Chakradar DAS Baul.
Babu Kishan's aunt Radharani Dasi is sitting on the floor in a white Sari singing, and at the far end his mother Manju Dasi is playing the Harmonium and singing, she is the first and only Baul Women who has traveled around the world many times at a time when travel was not easy or simple as it is today, she traveled from 1960's through to 2010.
No Baul Women has done what she has done as the first and last Baul Women.
Babu Kishan has an extensive library of rare recordings that he had stored in his home in Calcutta, it was surprising to see this video uploaded without his consent to this Youtube page?
This video is the intellectual and creative property of Babu Kishan.
How and why it was released is the question?
as to why KD Babu Kishan's video was posted.
"We uploaded it because, they sick and tired of seeing so many clips of people who call themselves “Bauls" and are NOT.
Purna Das is great, and I did not see any clips of him that show how great his is.
In fact, some of them make him look old and haggard.
Baba (Purna Das Baul) is beautiful and great – so, that’s why I put up the clip."