Indigenous Fraud, Indigenous Identity Theft!
Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das BAUL
2007 Fairfax California, using his own hand made Daflee..this is one of Babu Kishan's style, no other Bauls use this style.
His 2 daughters when they were little hand painted his drums.
Nabani Das Khyapa Baul, it was only Nabani Das Khyapa Baul who popularized the Khamak. The Ektara (called Gopi Yantra and Gopi Chand) only by this one and only Lineage of Das Baul and Dasi was copied by pretendian Bauls Nabani only style was Ektara, Baya (drum tied around his waist) and his style only of ankle bells called Nupur (Noopoor) bells encased in metal.
Nabani was the first Baul ever to sing on stages, and he was the only known Baul to have (dreadlocks or Jata) because he traveled where modern conveniences was not easy to come by, doing sadhana for long periods in caves, all over India, Nepal and Tibet. He lived in nature, never did international travel but travelled India from top to bottom, he did not take pictures back then.
He was a Baul Avadhuta a Tantric Yogi to the highest levels. You can not copy these people from this lineage while making up new fake lineages and fake Guru's. Nabani was the last authentic Baul Guru he passed in 1969. If you copy or your so-called, self-titled fake Baul Guru and fake Baul lineage copied this lineages, songs, dress, style of dance or instruments, you will be called out openly, Babu Kishan's knows 100% you have used Baul and are passing fake and false narratives. Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul has already preserved all of Baul over more than 60 years, he is ready to talk over the coming years and debunk all this Baul fraud and Indigenous Identity theft.
This Mystic Drum only comes from this lineage.
If a random generic Baul is using this instrument it is the intellectual property of this lineage? Yes, many have used it, however, if they are lying and have created a new lineage, without giving credit they have committed indigenous fraud. You can not take Baul and fake it and use Baul to gain fundraising jackpots, and awards set aside only for indigenous people of Baul?
One by one this has happened.
Dotara introduced into Baul in the 1940's by Radharani Dasi's husband, Gopal Das Baul the son of the Ekachakra Temple in Ekachakra Birbhum.
Dotara introduced into Baul in the 1940's by Radharani Dasi's husband, Gopal Das Baul the son of the Ekachakra Temple in Ekachakra Birbhum.
Radharani was Nabani's daughter.
Before this no Bauls played the Dotara.
Ananda Lahari named by Nabani Das Khyapa Baul, who added a second string, it only had one string previously.
aka called the Kamak or Gubgubi. It was only Nabani who called this drum the Ananda Lahari, it should be known that the name came from this lineage, not another.
The Mystic Drum.
These instruments are empowered, they are the Yantra's of Baul.
Nabani created this style just as his Grandson Babu Kishan created the patchwork Guduri dress that all Baul's copy, if not now in the past.
All from this one and only Lineage.
We will be documenting all the songs from this lineage, Babu is the only one who knows because he is the only one who has preserved this lineage decades ago.
Nabani Das Khyapa Baul's pictures are still used to today as a symbol of Baul, the picture Rabindranath Tagore took.