www.babukisha.org (copyright 2018 -2030)

www.babukisha.org (copyright 2018 -2030)
WWW.BABUKISHAN.ORG Copyright, All Rights Reserved, Do not copy these stories or part of these stories, for your books or blogs, All Rights Reserved. 2010 -2030

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

How to become a fake Baba or Maa aka Cult leader (lol)

Saturday, May 27, 2023

How to become a fake Baba or Maa or Cult leader. LOL

"Below are the requirements for becoming Baba or Maa for the fakes who want to collect people, who want to make people stupid in their drama, this is what they do? Be aware!

Funny but in some way not so funny because people everyday get caught by fakes.

Do your homework, study first so that you know what questions to ask, ask the questions, document the answers then talk to some other people and see if the answers were correct or inline with what the tradition is saying.

Develop your intuition, develop good judgement, and discernment. Do not believe anything you are told. Qualify everything, ask someone else, research on the internet, trust yourself, ask others the same questions. Do not trust anybody but yourself.

How to become a Guru or an authority on Indigenous wisdom?
This is the world today and it is a joke but not really.

How to be a cult leader:

1) one should be expert in lying.
2) expert in art of manipulation.
3) should be expert in story telling.

4) should be an expert in dressing, with lots of stones, beads etc etc. Know how to copy a dress and act in the style of some other Guru's, know how to be a copycat.

5) should b expert in sugar coated words, acting over sweet and speaking with a hypnotic voice to hypnotize the crowd to love you, to follow you.

6) should have lots of gold medals, degrees, mostly made up and copied, try for awards because someone in the past had them?

7) little bit knowledge of jyotish, scriptures, and acting like they know what they are talking about, acting like an expert so that they can collect people.

😎 after completion of baba giri one would get certificate of "facebook certified Baba ". Fake fb fame.

9) expert in cheating and money laundering is must or collecting donations for their emotions cause, they are going to feed and educate children when they have none of their own and never have had children?

10 ) you must Grow a long Beard or have long jata (dread locks) that will make you look exotic and authentic? What ever grabs peoples attention they will do.

11) long hairs is must.

12) typical saffron or white baba attire is must or Maa attire acting like they are authentic through acting by wearing a Baba or Maa dress.

13) Put some chandan tilak (some saffron powder)on forehead. When they didn't wear it previously but all of sudden they realized Baul is Vaishanva, so now lets play that to the hilt?

14) Wear some malas Vaishnava and Shiva, and other signs you are a very spiritual person.

15) Wear a pair of khadau ( typically a footwear) or copy someone else and what they wear, how they dress, copying the others style?

16) Learn some mantras, you can easily chant! Also, display yourself doing asana postures just so people know you can do that too.

17) Buy a woven handmade bag ,put some spiritual book in them!

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Tribute to Mary Johnson: who created the 1st Baul website ever Babukishan.com

This started as a tribute to Mary Johnson and became a blog post about the 'intellectual property theft' of Baul by Fake (pretendian) Baul artists, singers, tantrics. Whatever Babu Kishan wrote, they copied it from Babukishan.com, this is intellectual property theft. This cultural appropriation of this lineages Baul songs and now Baul Kirtan's which no one has ever talked about has eccelerated and still happening to this day by 'fake social media famed' based on false narratives and copy and paste. These 'riders on the coattails' of this one and only Baul lineage is only based on long line of ancestry of powerful sadhaka's, not a few generations based merely on a poet or a random made up Baul Guru. Google the word lineage it is an English word and it is based on ancestry. 

The Vaishnava Tantric Bauls of Birbhum are a Sanskrit tradition this is the one and only (Guru Shisya Parampara Sampradya) of Baul, there is not another regarding Baul, it is called 'The Vaishnava (Gosia Chand Das Baul and Dasi) Sahajiya Tantric Baul'.

Anyone who has the name Das Baul, has copied it from this lineage. This is 'Das Baul and Dasi' Gosai Chand lineage. Fake Bauls who use indigenous Baul, saying their Guru is a 'Baul Guru' have copied Nabani or Purna Das Baul style and Nabani songs from this lineage. Seriously, nobody thinks or knows how to put the pieces together anymore, it is one fake statement (lie) after another to collect people, travel the world and collect funding and donations taking away opportunities from the indigenous Bauls? This is intellectual property theft from this linegenous lineage. 

These stories will be in Babu's 4th book which is almost complete to be released this year 2024. However, it will be up to reader to do the research and make the connections on who is fake and who is real. We can only present what we know and it is 'not' our goal to destroy anybody, it is Babu Kishan's goal to have the truth of Baul come out and for others to stop using Baul as for 'financial jackpots' and the collection of people. To stop the lying and false narratives that have spread over the past 40 years. Baul is presented wrongly for many reasons, this must all be pulled apart and examined.

 It has taken me 18 years of documenting, researching and listening to Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das. It has taken Babu Kishan 60 years of preserving, living, researching, recording and writing about Baul as this is his 4th book.

Babu Kishan has given his life of more than 60 years of research, recording and pioneering Baul around the world, no one in this world would have heard about Baul without Babu Kishan, so stop lying, faking it you were not in the Ramakrishna Mission. It will be revealed who stole the intellectual property of this lineage made up fake lineages, who took the names of this lineage off and replaced the names of this lineage with fake Das Baul Guru. It will be revealed who copied Nabani Das Khyapa Baul style 'Ektara Baya (duggi) and his style of ankle bells called Nupoor, who wore Babu Kishan's designed Guduri (dress) the colourful patch work dress, and it will be revealed who absolutely was jealous of Purna Das Baul, again you can not make this up. This needs to be articulated and will be, time is up for the pretendian Bauls.

Babu Kishan worked and tried hard to help this fake Baul Guru only to be used, all the while they copied everything, even where they traveled, all the while singing the songs from this lineage. I don't want to use names right now, however, people are so pathetically ignorant when it comes to Baul?

It will take many books and years to transcribe all the research Babu Kishan has collected with his oral wisdom including the manuscripts from his lineage. An expert on Bengali language is needed to assist and disseminate over 60 years of the preservation of Baul that Babu Kishan has completed. 

Tribute to the late 'Mary Johnson' Seattle Washington 

She was a preserver of Baul, who created the 1st Baul Website BabuKishan.com which was copied by millions of people worldwide from 1990's to 2006. No one knew anything about Baul but learned about Baul on this very first ever Website that belonged to Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das the Baul from the only Bauls who pioneered and introduced all of India and the whole world to the Bauls of Bengal. Others copied and followed riding on the coattails of this lineage. This one and only lineage historically introduced pioneered and create a template that other people who were not Baul but followed Baul. Someone has labeled the people who followed this lineage but took their name off, the fake it til you make it fake Bauls, Baul actors.

A tribute to Mary Johnson has been a long time coming. 

Mary Johnson was an American friend, student, webmaster, event planner of Babu Kishan's since the 1990's. Mary first met Babu back in the 1990's to create his website. She was a talented web master who had an interest in Baul and American rock and roll. Mary created his first Baul website. 

Babu Kishan had so many contacts within the Western Rock and Roll that really enthralled Mary.


Mary was an amazing 'Web master a techie' who created BabuKishan.com which was active with millions of views until 2006. Yes, the web site copied by all and Mary could see who the copiers were. The first website of Baul period. This is where people and fake Bauls who could get someone to translate English for them first learned about Baul.

Anybody today who is talking expressing anything about Baul learned it first from 'BabuKishan.com' created by the one and only Mary Johnson. 

Mary was a defender of Babu Kishan's when she saw someone copying from his website she would alert Babu Kishan. She was so annoyed that his 2 brothers copied everything directly without even editing what they stole from the website? 

They even copied Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das resume, saying they were music composers and copied direct conversations that Babu had with Allen Ginsberg, even though they never met Allen Ginsberg? All Babu's life they have copied him and pretended to be him? They had no talent of their own so they impersonated their elder brother, they still do? They can not ever be their elder brother? 

Mary worked with a dogged determination to create and listen to all that Babu Kishan had to say, she was Babu Kishan's student. 

Mary was never in a 'relationship' with Babu Kishan, they were business associates, Mary was 2 decades older than Babu? 

All scholars regarding Baul copied information from this website, at least they were smart enough to rework what they had copied and Babu Kishan knew all the scholars back then. 

Mary could see everybody who copied, she was especially upset that Babu's brothers were copying everything? At one point Mary thought of getting the FBI involved, because the whole web site was copied so many times over. Copied by many but especially by a few individuals inside his family and from outside, mostly the fake it til you make it Bauls? Then Mary would see what she wrote posted by others on the net and in articles without giving credit? This is the way today more than ever, so many fake Baul singers who do not know anything about Baul but poach our websites and blogs, telling Babu Kishan's stories that have never been told other than by Babu Kishan. How does that happen and those that do that are 100 percent not Baul. The first tenant of Baul is do not lie.

Many who copied, copied wrong teachings because Mary was a student and somethings she wrote on Babu's behalf false narratives that have been copied and were in fact not accurate, Babu Kishan was busy in Bombays Bollywood did not have the time to correct everything. One example is that Mary wrote, Baul is Aul Sai Dervish and Muslim, copied what other wrote that is 100% not true but has been repeated over and over. There is not such thing as a Muslim Baul or Fakir Baul.

Still today these false things are repeated over and over and copied by fake Bauls (people who use Baul watering down and reducing Baul to a drop of what it is, some copy everything including all their songs and self title themselves (they are fakes), example: 

- a social media fake famous Baul Women posted online a  a workshop at 'Berkeley University' in California told audience (it was on archive.org for years). She told the audience there are 4 types of Baul, Fakir Aul Sai Dervish, (NOT TRUE) but copied from either BabuKishan.com or someone who already copied it? Did anyone catch this or did you just go oww and ahh, did you even do your research before you made the decision that what you see if real when in fact it is not?

This wrong statement, There are 4 or 5 types of Baul, is unfortunately is one of the things Mary wrote, that was not corrected before she passed away in 2006. 

This always was copied by Babu Kishan's family in Calcutta who used all Babu"s research and intellectual property for Purna Das Bauls book on Baul, but the writer reworked it. It is laughable.

This just as one example of how 'nakal (fake) Bauls' show who they are? 

Fake Bauls are trying to be a Baul as an acting career or singing career, even if their Guru was not a real Baul, it is a known fact that the fake Baul Guru has copied from this lineage, songs, dress, dance! 

Then the fake Bauls take the name of this lineages poets off, creating a new narratives saying, Bauls do not care who the poets off? This is because they want to be the one, they are greedy. Not all people who follow Baul, there are many sincere people in Bengali who follow Baul but they do not fundraise in the name of Baul, they do not cheat and water down, Baul they do not make false claims to attain social media fake fame.

Then replace this lineages names with their own, appropriating what does not belong to them and appropriating a indigenous lineage based on ancestry. They have no shame saying Baul is not from families when lineage means ancestry, yet they make up fake lineages? 

They only care when they write a song and they will chant over and over, I composed this, I composed this, yes ok but who composed the song you sang before you chanted I composed this, it is 100% a song from this lineage, you are not from this lineage, you made up a fake lineage and a fake Baul Guru based on a poet who is not a Baul who never said he was a Baul and a person who this lineage knows well? Seriously you can not make this up but people follow fake blindly, which only waters down and reduces this historical lineage.

 Now Baul has become the cult of personality. Baul is extinct, the history and her-story of Baul was complete decades ago, you can not reinvent Baul, Bauls were indigenous people of Birbhum, they were custodians and protectors of the land of red soil. 

You can not steal an indigenous tradition and make up fake lineages, the United Nations has rules about indigenous people. 



Twisting watering down the songs, dressing in the patchwork Guduri that Babu Kishan designed for his fathers travels and then following what and where ever they went? 

It was Babu Kishan who first said 'Lineage Baul' he named this blog Lineage Baul? This blog started in 2009 no one used lineage back then. This is the only lineage which is based on ancestry, google it? This is the only Guru Shisya Parampara Sampradya of Baul, there is not another.

It is beyond bizarre and unless you know Bengali how would you know, you would not know? 

Are you falling for an actor, sorry to tell you, yes you are!

 The drum Nabani tied around his waist is a Baya, Baya is NOT a Dupki, it is a Baya. A dupki not even close to a baya they are 2 completely different drums?? 

Talk about Bizarre? The ignorance regarding Baul is outstanding. Babu Kishan is the Baul who introduced Dupki to Baul instruments. Nabani is the person who introduced Ektara Baya Nupur (his style of ankle bells that were only worn by Purna Das Baul. Babu Kishan designed the patchwork Gurduri (dress) copied by all Bauls. 

Yet not a word, instead take the names off of this lineage and put your own name, just take and use and make up lies false fake lineages and Gurus? You can not even make this up? Cultural appropriation of a indigenous people, only this lineage as indigenous people can self-determine who they are, according to the United Nations rules on indigenous rights to self-determination. Then collecting donations in the name of Baul, saying you are going to preserve Baul. 

Baul was preseverd decades ago since the 1960's by Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das? Liars and cheaters who copied our Ektara Foundation word for word??

Nabani style above his ankle bells are not showing. 

Nabani is the only Baul who used Ektara  Baya Nupoor , the drum around the waist is Baya, this style belongs to this Lineage and Nabani. 

Stop using this lineage and saying you are from another lineage, there is not other Baul lineage. Dupki is a small hand drum and it was Babu Kishan who introduced the Dupki to Baul. Long before others used the instrument? 

Another thing very strange is Nabani Das Khyapa Baul is the only Baul other than Babu Kishan who has had any real relationship with Tara Ma or Tarapith, other followed trying to be Nabani, however, they were not Baul. They used Khepa Baul a name RabindraNath Togore gave Nabani (khepa Baul) and a name back about  5 generations ago in this lineage that was a name of Vaishnava Sahajiya Tantric Baul only from this lineage.

 The fake Bauls (fake it til you make it Bauls) then hung out at Tarapith using slangs acting erratic and chasing tourists, even raping a white women who was there with a scholar from America. Gour Kepa was not a Baul he used Baul telling people they met Bob Dylan when 100% they did not. Then a women in Bengal is fundraising to make a documentary about him with Bob Dylan, who has never been to India ever and never met anybody who is Baul other than Laxshman Das Baul and Purna Das Baul and only Babu Kishan has a many decade friendship and working relationship with Bob Dylan as he worked for CBS India and released all of Bob Dylans music in India which no one in India would know about Bob Dylan or heard Bob Dylan without Babu Kishan's work releasing his ablums in India and all of Asia.

These people were not Bauls, they were using Baul.

Some other new 'Baul singers' now hang out at Tarapith with youtube videos singing Baul songs, one of his most popular Baul songs is Babu Kishan lyrics his poetry that he composed for his father. 

Babu Kishan is the first one to talk about tarapith and Baul now it is coming out of the woodwork with woodwork literally of Tarapith as if they are the ones, shameful really because as an indigenous tradition Baul has to be preserved correctly and not used as a self promotional tool. 

Babu Kishan is shocked now all are trying to make false associations regarding Tarapith, anybody can have an association with Tara Ma and Tarapith, however, regarding Baul it is very specific. If he writes anything, they steal and rework as if they are the ones, Ramakrishna, Tarapith, preserving Baul, Akhara, I write it they copy it.

Adopting elements of a minority culture for fame, gain,  using trickery, creating harmful stereotypes that dilute the truth of who the Bauls are, this destroys the Essence of Baul. Cultural Appropriation by fetishizing Baul Culture, making it about a bunch of fools singing and acting foolishly, making Baul an over sexualized community, a bunch of fake tantric teachers, this has reduced and watered down the true meaning of Baul.

Yes, people make mistakes it is not easy to learn something that does not belong to you. However, when you are presenting yourself as the legendary saviour of Baul when you get so many teachings wrong and spread false narratives continually making it up as you go this is cultural appropriation and intellectual property theft. 

A watering down reductionism of indigenous cultural significance of Baul. You are cheating and destroying an indigenous culture. Today Baul is extinct and they do not need actors, tourist Bauls to spread false narratives. Stop scouring my writings and cherry picking, name dropping?

The: there are 4 or 5 types of Baul was copied of BabuKishan.com types of Baul what a bunch of fools, it is a comedy, acting like they are the ones, acting is all it is and not very good acting either. 

Babu Kishan's brothers passed this on in Purna Das Bauls book on 'Baul philosophy' they too just copied their elder brother directly taking his name off even his own bio data LOL, They just copy like everybody else and make up stories because they do not even know themselves, they were never interested in Baul, poetry or music? 

 'Baul Philosophy' the book by Purna Das Baul and Selina was taken from Babu Kishan's intellectual property and reworked. Purna Das Baul does not know English, nor can he read English. I am pretty certain at that time neither did Babu Kishan's brothers.,

This fake fame social media Baul women then had the gaul to offer Baul advertise and offer workshops using, the titles of each chapters from Purna Das Bauls book? I have proof.

LOL doesn't anybody know that they are being watched? 

I have collected all the evidence, I started to do this because I could not believe what was going on and Westerners lap this up and are easily swayed by a cult mentality. Not all but by the raving I have seen they exotic looking people, exotic and sex sell. The trick is to make yourself look exotic and people from outside of India perhaps inside of India today, think this is authentic, I mean look at all the fake Guru's today?

Mary was an adept on the internet, she was a researcher, she was shocked when she found the work she had done on Baul copied from Babu Kishan's website all over the internet without giving credit to her or Babu. They did not even give credit to the website she had spent so much time building. Today it is so easy, but there are so many liars, cheaters, thefts too many to even qualify when it comes to theft of this lineage? 

When Mary passed away in 2006 from lung cancer the whole web site went with her. 

Babu Kishan left the business of the website and the instrument making business with Mary in the USA. In 2007 we tried to recover the website but it was already sold to a web server who was asking thousands of USD for Babukishan.com it just was not worth it to recover it.

MARY was a great friend of Babu Kishan's and a friend of mine too, this is how I know the truth of the matter. 

She was so very helpful to Babu, when he came to the USA she arranged all of his Baul performances on the West Coast from Washington to California and in 2005 Babu Kishan came to Vancouver BC Canada.

Babu and Mary created a Baul instrument company named 'The Ektara Foundation'. The whole purpose was to sell instruments for the preservation of this one and only lineage. Babu would make the Ektaras and other Indian instruments, and as in Baul practice infusing them with mantra. Mary painted the instruments marketed them and created a separate website just for the selling of the instruments.

Before Mary passed away of lung cancer in 2006 when she was on her death bed she very ill and became possessively attached to Babu regarding him and their business. She called his Calcutta family making wild claims about Babu, that he belonged to her, where was he and he was with her. 

Unfortunately, Babu Kishan was out of touch while on his business travels as he worked in Bollywood in movie productions around the world and sometimes he was off the grid. The key word is Babu worked always giving money to his Calcutta family.

The first thing Babu's youngest brother did was to call Babu's daughters and his wife in BOMBAY, whom he was already estranged from, shaming her and making wild stories. 

The youngest brother had used Babu his whole life his call was to hurt Babu it was not kind, there was no compassion for the situation, he made wild claims twisting what Mary had said. He is a lying monster, trying to disturb Babu rather than helping him. Ask the neighbours in Calcutta who he, they all hate him.

Babu's younger brother has always been jealous of Babu and talked bad about him to Babu's own friends. The younger brother still wants to spread this story and emotionally blackmail Babu regarding Mary? He has done this to many other people.

It boggles the mind, he has already forged Babu's signature and created a fake 'power of attourney', which I believe is a criminal offence even in India? Stolen things of Babu's including his properties in Bengal and Mumbai.

Babu Kishan has worked his whole life, he is a creative Music Composer (for real), he has composed over 85% of his fathers music, he has worked since he was 8 years old, his youngest brother has not worked a day in life, only created drama with other people. As someone he once scammed, had said, he is the worst person he had ever met. He never ever took anything, not a rupee royalties for his music, nothing, he only gave to them and they. looted even more, behind his back.


Babu Kishan only ever had a 'business relationship' with Mary, they were friends, Mary was 2 decades older than Babu.

 I as Babu Kishan's wife of over 18 years I know more than anybody, I knew Mary. I knew they were only friends.

I as Babu's wife understand Mary for God sake, she was in the last stages of lung cancer. Shame the criminal youngest  brother and his wife, you copied the whole website that Mary created, and now you want to make up fake stories about a deceased women? Your Karma is waiting for you. 

You even copied your brothers credentials? You are not your eldest brother, you have no work history in music, love having your picture taking so that you can make false associations.  Other than using your father your whole life. You are not a Music Composer or musician a disturbing banjo goof and you sing like a buffalo posting pictures as if you are a recording artist? 

You can not ever be your elder brother and you have tried over and over to ruin his name and taken you father to oblivion. I will not tolerate this 'emotional blackmail' from a toxic user and abuser, thief always forging Babu's signature and stealing his property, using black magic? 


This is a sad note in Babu's life as Mary passed away not long after this incident in 2006, a very sad time in Babu Kishan's life.

Babu Kishan had was in the tsunami in Indonesia a the end of 2004 and his life was in turmoil, then this was added to his pain, with no consideration as to brotherly love. And to this day the younger brother still wants to harm his elder brother?

Even though Babu had been through so many tragic events, that other would consider trauma's, he was able to navigate whatever was put in front of him. Starting from his birth with crooked limbs being premature and not expected to survive. To his parents abandonment, then getting him back when he was 8 only to put him in an orphanage? 

Then the 1971 War between Indian and East Pakistan now Bangladesh, many terror attacks in Mumbai, and surviving the Tsunami on December 26, 2004 he kept on going. 

His grandfather Guru Nabani Das Khyapa Baul who was initiated by Bhama Kepa into Tarapith Burning Ground practice, initiated Babu Kishan at birth to Tara Ma, Kali Ma and Mahavidya sadhana (practices). 

However, mother nature (Prakriti Ma) on Dec 26, 2004 showed Babu the biggest burning ground in Indonesia, he saw before him hundreds of thousands of dead bodies and stayed behind to help? It is estimated that 167,540 died in just Indonesia.

Mary helped Babu Kishan as a friend through the 2004 tsunami event, when his whole family turned their backs on him. Deliberately not understanding and carrying on a long time character assassination? 

Mary was a great soul and helped Babu through such a difficult time.

Mary was a talented human elder friend of Babu Kishan's. A super creative, she worked hard all her life. Mary was an artist, a cartoonist, a tech person and video game developer in Sillicon Valley. She was a rare and supportive individual dedicated to the preservation of Baul who was always helpful to Babu Kishan.

Rest in Peace Mary, many thanks and blessing to you. You are loved, all your hard work is appreciated and thought of often! Thank you so much for all the hard work and devotion to Baul.

If anybody talks bad or thinks bad about you Mary Johnson, that bad vibration will return to them a thousand fold.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Baul Akhara



Copyright, no poaching!

Stop the intellectual liquidation of this lineage.

If you didn't use Akhara before, do not read and then copy. This is a huge problem regarding Baul.

Baul Akhara is a secret place that the initiated Baul adepts used to meet at in the evenings to discuss their songs and Kirtan's in the languages of Sandhya Bhasa, Sanskrit discussing their poetry and  ways of converting the poems into simple vernacular Birbhum Bengali so that the villagers would be able to understand. It was not a place for visitors or spiritual seekers. Each word was loaded full of many meanings and stories.

The Baul Akhara's are secret esoteric places only for the initiated. Bauls did not want other people around them. The had Mahastavas for other people to all be together cook and eat together.

Akhara's are not open to the public, they were private places. An Akhara it is not a place of business, donations, fundraising or for people who are just interested in Baul, they can go to an ashram, akhara's are completely different. 

An Akhara it is not a gathering place, except for those initiated by a particular Baul Guru who is alive and present. 

There are no Baul Akhara's left, there may be Ashrams, but not Akhara's, but then again Bauls never had ashrams either.

An excerpt from our new book to be released this year. 

"The Baul Guru would explain the words and discourses, they would use Vaishnava related Sanskrit words and Sandhya Bhasa language to translate into simple Birbhum Bengali so that people of the villages would understand.

Baul Akhara's are completely private, not for any profit, no collection of people or donations was included anywhere near the akhara's. Baul never collected people, devotee's or students. 

Akhara's were not meant for the collection of students or random or spiritual tourists. 

Akhara is not a business, not for donation, not for outsiders. 

The Akhara contains large amounts of shakti energy, regular people can not even digest this shakti, that is why the people of the Akhara kept themselves separate and secret. Bauls went to others in the villages to teach, they were the spiritual newspaper before newspapers and other media sources.

Bauls create an akhara as a pithastan (a place for the particular Baul family) a shakti peeth (a place of power or shakti). Nabani Das Khyapa Baul created many Akhara's then gave the places of shakti to build hospitals or schools, so that humanity can thrive in a good energy. He never kept them or used them as ashrams, he never collected money from people by donation or otherwise. 

The shakti (powerful energy) Nabani would create was so intense that those in the Akhara would have to leave and move to another place, where Nabani would create that energy again and again before moving on again, he kept on the move, he gave his akhara's away for the benefit of humanity. 

Through Baul songs, fire puja and mantra he created a huge shakti (power) lived at the Akhara for a while, gave away the akhara for others to create what society needed and helped humanity. Nabani did not keep anything for himself. He fed people, did what he could with no reward.

At an ashram anybody can come, attend to learn or have darshan (paying respect), however, the Akhara does not include new comers, it is only for adept of the Akhara. 

First one has to know the languages and the songs (who the poets are) and the deep discourses and deep meanings of each word. Baul is not a beginners path. Akhara is not a beginners place. 

Ashram can be in the business of teaching for money or donations, a place of beginning teachings. Akhara is not for any type of business, it is secret not for spiritual tourists.

Akhara is not the place of teaching, it is the place of those who already know the teachings to discuss and debate, a review for the day ahead mostly in the evenings after a day of teaching as Baul Guru's around the villages. a

Today this is extinct, people take pictures and hope someone will come next year through internet advertising, this is not the way of Baul, that would be an ashram not an akhara? They say come and join us?

Today there is no need for any Akhara’s because Baul is extinct, no one can even handle the authentic Baul, the authentic Baul is way beyond. There is no one who knows the language, they do not know the words or have the mystical ability, it is all copy and paste of listen to the songs of this lineage, previously recorded, take their names off and say Baul does not care who the poets are? Watering down and reductionism to fundraise for their own lives?

It is insidious but it appears in this 'post truth era' people love fake and love fake fame. Today it is just copy and paste as we have seen many of the stories and words are copied from our writings and names taken off and slyly copied onto other web sites and used in documentaries.

I guess they think we do not notice, it has become a comedy show who can act the most authentic? 

The Bauls of today learn from books, from previously recorded albums, from youtube even if they go out of their way to say they don’t, it is a fact all copy and paste. They learn from the internet, mostly reading Babu Kishan’s work which they name drop and change using queue words, by scouring our web pages?

Copyright 2023 Do not copy, name drop, take names off, do not tell these stories, no poaching. No reworking, taking bits and pieces and using anything from this blog or this post.

All rights reserved by Babu Kishan

Monday, February 6, 2023

Baul History

 Baul history with Indian Cinema!

Babu Kishan is the the first Baul to have a tangible long time history with Indian Cinema on all levels.

Some have sung a line or two in a film and make a big deal about it.

Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das is the only Baul who has had a history in Indian Music.

He created Baul Fusion since the early 1970's long before, decades before any Baul Singer can even get close too. 


One Story:

Babu Kishan has been one of the very few who have been in Lata Manghaskars Music room and of course he was a monk in the Ramakrishna order in Calcutta for 12 years. Notice that Lata has a huge photo of Vevekananda and a smaller one of Ramakrishna above her altar.

Babu Kishan has also, recorded and composed music for Lata, her sisters Usha and Asha Bhosle who was married to RD Burman.

RD Burman was Babu Kishan's Indian Cinema Music Guru for over 12 years.

Notice the Gopi Yantra aka Baul Ektara in the corner of Lata's music room against the wall. Gopi Yantra comes only from this one and only lineage.

Lata did not allow just anybody into her music room, you may have been in house, but very few were allowed in her music room.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

The Sahaja of this lineage is Dattatreya and Krishna Sahaja, The indigenous ancestral Das Baul and Das Gosia Bauls of Birbhum W Bengal Indian

The Rasa of Baul, Krishna Sahaja

There is a magic, a beauty in Baul, I can not explain it, it is the magic of the lineage of Jai Nitai. I have become a mad women now, I understand what is wrong with me. I am trying to be normal but when my beloved KD Babu (Krishnendu) sings I forget everything, I enter another world and can not function in this world of the mind.

I have listened to teachers over 40 years, I have been to every western kirtan although beautiful it is not where the Baul lives, It is not the same as the mad men and women of the mystical heart, How do I explain, perhaps you can understand the soil is different in India, The energy is different when you travel to sacred sites, The air is full of shakti, well it is the same with Baul, they are from the soil of Bengal. I have wandered India and this Baul has captured me Baul has made me a mad women.

I could not understand the reaction Babu gets in India when he sings. I thought these people are mad, the women touch me and thank me. I thought what is going on? Are these Mad women too?I have mantra-ed, studied and read the scriptures in a western sense, Baul has taken me beyond into the madness of the heart.

I can use words like ananda, bliss, ecstatic, exhalted, blah blah blah, but that does not even cover it. Words will never explain what a Baul is, The Bauls are the men and women of the heart, the masters of the heart of bhakti yoga, that is what they do, you can listen to them on "Youtube" or on a CD, this can not compare to the magic love spell when you hear when near. They are an ocean of Bhakti, not your regular singers or dancers,Their's is the dance of love, magical mystical mystery of Love. They are the lineage of Jai Nitai and thousand of years before.

Baul is a current of love that sweeps you off your feet and out your mind, it fills the air from thousands of years of the history of Love. Baul singing if I could bottle it I would be the genie of love. It is rare and that is why in some ways I perfer to keep it to myself. I can write about Baul but that is just mere words full of the mind.
I am a mad women, oh my God what will I do??

I hear Babu start the drone of the ektara or Gopi Chand,
oh no there he goes again, how will my mind survive another day of this, after all I have a western mind, I have work to do, I have a sanity to maintain, then it happens my mind is gone for another day as he starts to sing, I am a lost hopeless a servant of the heart, another day of not knowing time of space. Oh God I am a madwomen of the heart. There is no logic to this place.

Tears steaming down my face not knowing what to do, I have nothing to hold onto, there is no ground under this, I am grateful beyond the depth of my being. What did I do to deserve this, now I know after a lifetime of karma good and bad there is also Grace.
This is the biggest Grace to be a madwomen of the Heart, at least it is just a glimpse but it is something, it is pure Gold never to be worn..the gold glow of the heart.. a heart of Gold,

Even Ramakrishna wanted to be born a Baul in his next life..To be born a Baul is the greatest gift that God can give to any Bhakti wanna be....I am sorry I prefer to keep him to myself..
I have become a mad women of the heart...

When I read what some scholars have written about Baul, I think they just don't get it. It is not about anything you write, man or women it is about the heart!

I prefer to keep him to myself.

by Trishula Das